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0x4447 / 0x4447_product_s3_email, Hacker News

0x4447 / 0x4447_product_s3_email, Hacker News



This stack was created out of frustration due to the fact that to this day there’s no easy way to have a full email server without the overhead of installing and configuring all servers needed to handle incoming and outgoing messages. We wanted something simple, with no interface and no server management, so we came up with S3-Email. This included AWS SES as our email server (receive and send) and S3 as our database and interface. Then we tied everything together with a bit of code via AWS Lambda.

The result is an unmanaged email server with unlimited email addresses that also offers the benefit of easily organizing messages by adding thecharacter to the email names. Theis converted to a/, which correlates to an object path in S3 .

Once you add and confirm your domain with SES, you can put any string you want in front of the@, as long as it conforms to the email address standard. This means that you’ll have endless email addresses at your disposal, and you’ll be able to organize your life in a way never possible before. For example, you can give each service you sign up for its own special email:

[email protected]

    [email protected]