
imsnif / what, Hacker News

imsnif / what, Hacker News



This is a CLI utility for displaying current network utilization by process, connection and remote IP / hostname

How does it work?

whatsniffs a given network interface and records IP packet size, cross referencing it with the/ procfilesystem on linux orlsof

MacOS and other Linux flavors


USAGE:     what [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]  FLAGS:     -h, --help Prints help information     -n, --no-resolve Do not attempt to resolve IPs to their hostnames     -r, --raw Machine friendlier output     -V, --version Prints version information  OPTIONS:     -i, --interface
The network interface to listen on, eg. eth0

Note that sinceraw_mode

what Also supports an easier-to-parse mode that can be piped or redirected to a file. For example, try:

what --raw | grep firefox


To set up your development environment:

************************ (Clone the project)

************ (cargo run) **********************, or if you prefer (cargo run - -i) ************************************(you can often find out the name with (ifconfig) ********************** or ********************** iwconfig. You might need root privileges to run this application, so be sure to use (for example) sudo.

    (************** (To run tests:cargo test

Note that at the moment the tests do not test the os layer (anything in the


If you are stuck, unsure about how to approach an issue or would like some guidance, you are welcome to contact: [email protected]



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