
denisidoro / navi, Hacker News

denisidoro / navi, Hacker News



An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line so that you’ll never say the following again:

How to run that command again?
Oh, it’s not in my bash history
Geez, it’s almost what I wanted but I need to change some args


naviallows you to browse through cheatsheets (that you may write yourself or download from maintainers) and execute commands, prompting for argument values.



brew install denisidoro / tools / navi

Without brew:

git clone / opt / naviCD/ opt / navi sudo make install#install fzf: https: //


Simply call:

Trying it out online

Head tothis playgroundfor previewingnavi.


The main objectives are:

  • to increase discoverability, by finding commands given keywords or descriptions;
  • to prevent you from running auxiliar commands, copying the result into the clipboard and then pasting into the original command;
  • to easily share one-liners with others so that they don ‘t need to figure out how to write the commands;
  • to improve terminal usage as a whole.

Sure, you can find autocompleters out there for all your favorite commands. However, they are very specific and each one may offer a different learning curve.

Or you can launch a browser and search for instructions on Google, but that takes some time.

navi, on the other hand, intends to be a general purpose platform for bookmarking any command at a very low cost.

Using your own cheatsheets

In this case, you need to pass the directory which contains.cheatfiles as in:

navi --dir"/ folder / with / cheats""

Alternatively, you can set an environment variable in your.Bashrc– like file:

(export) ****************************** (NAVI_DIR=)"/ folder / with / cheats''

Submitting cheatsheets

Feel free to fork this project and open a PR for me to include your contributions.

.Cheat Syntax

  • lines starting with%should contain tags which will be added to any command in a given file;
  • lines starting with#should be descriptions of commands;
  • lines starting with$should contain commands that generate suggestion values ​​for a given argument;
  • all the other non-empty lines are considered as executable commands .

For example, this is a valid. file:

% git, code#Change branchgit checkoutbranch>$ branch: git branch --format=''% (refname: short)'

For advanced usage, please refer to the files in/ cheats.



InThe Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time,Naviis a character that providesLinkwith a variety of clues to help him solve puzzles and progress in his quest . *****


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