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Advising the elderly to take physical examinations is difficult for the college entrance examination? It is better to first understand these details they need

Advising the elderly to take physical examinations is difficult for the college entrance examination? It is better to first understand these details they need

Minority Editorial Department

Northern Owl

Minority Editorial Department and 2 other authors

1 hour ago

Health is a top priority, not only for young people, but also for the elderly. In the minority, we have discussed health-related topics many times, most of which are based on office workers. We have also gathered topics related to health content.Minority Health Handbook“. In addition to paying attention to themselves, office workers often have to consider the health of their families. This kind of consideration is even more important when the older generation does not care so much about their own health.

In this article, we will review the health topics in previous articles and talk about where to start if you are also considering the health of your family.

Start with a physical examination to understand your health trends

Regardless of whether it is mandatory or not, most young people today are used to having a physical examination once a year, spending most of the day tracking and understanding their physical condition year by year. From the perspective of various chronic diseases that bother modern people, the cost-effectiveness of physical examinations is actually quite high.

A common misunderstanding among the older generation is the misjudgment of the cause and effect between “physical examination” and “physical problems”. Many serious illnesses develop from small signs. Compared with the fear and anxiety caused by abnormal indicators found in physical examinations, the key to turning abnormalities into serious diseases is the delay in seeking medical treatment.

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This requires active persuasion, urging, and even “forcing” the elderly to undergo physical examinations by saying “it's a waste if you don't check it out”. In fact, the elderly are unwilling to pay attention to their health and take the initiative to undergo physical examinations, largely because of habitual frugality and conservatism. They would rather believe that they will not be sick if they don't check it out. As a result, they often find some abnormalities in the examinations that should have been discovered long ago, such as malnutrition and huge tumors, after they have developed a serious illness.

In fact, except for the first time when you may need a more comprehensive examination, after you develop the habit of annual examinations, the annual cost can be controlled. Today's physical examination packages are very detailed, providing a variety of options for different ages and budgets. If necessary, you can also customize the physical examination items according to the special needs of your family.

This article about doing something small《Sharing ideas: Developing the most suitable physical examination program for you》Based on my own experience, I provide some reference ideas for selecting solutions.

For elderly people who have not undergone a complete physical examination before, combined with their past work and living habits, targeted examination items can be effectively screened out. Accordingly, if you want to make the physical examination items more targeted, the first step is to understand the meaning of each subcategory marked with proper nouns in the physical examination. Only with sufficient understanding can you be targeted.

For beginners, the series of articles “Young People's Guide to Physical Examination” written by Leslie Knife is a good tutorial. Although it is called a “young people's” guide, it is actually detailed and meticulous, and helpful for anyone who intends to learn about physical examinations. The first article in the series is the basic knowledge of physical examinations, introducing the items that must be checked, the items that can be omitted, the physical examination location and precautions.

It should be noted that the items that can be omitted in the second part are mainly for young people. For the first checkup of the elderly, it is best to take blood rheology and trace elements into consideration. They are more meaningful for the elderly who have not understood their physical condition for a long time. The recommendation level of other items remains unchanged.

The second article in the series talks about “personalized screening”, which is how to add or subtract items from the physical examination based on medical history, family history, etc. This part is very important for the elderly, especially as they age, some diseases with a family tendency will gradually become prominent. The tumor markers mentioned in the previous article that are not recommended to be included in one fell swoop are introduced in more detail in this article, including the risk rating method and the corresponding recommended detection frequency, which can be added, deleted, and selected according to one's own situation.

The third article in the series focuses on health care, and talks about some “self-examination methods”, which are about how to use observation, touch, movement, etc. to detect changes in the body in addition to physical examinations. It is equivalent to teaching you how to use a little time in your daily life to detect any acute problems that are about to occur, in addition to the annual major inspections that mainly check for hidden diseases. Of course, these methods cannot replace physical examinations. Even if you have learned them, you still have to take your elderly parents to have physical examinations.

It is also worth mentioning that during the physical examination, some imaging examinations will be encountered, which are the so-called “filming”, such as X-rays, CT, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), ultrasound, etc. They cannot be replaced in parallel, which is also the point where conflicts between doctors and patients often occur in hospitals – the tissue properties, tissue depth, and degree of detail that can be seen by several imaging examinations are completely different. Simply changing for a cheaper examination may cause some very small abnormalities to be ignored, causing hidden dangers. Especially when the elderly are undergoing physical examinations, the idea of ​​refusing CT and MRI for the sake of cheapness is even more undesirable.

As for the corresponding functions of each examination, you can learn more about it in the doctor's order reciter's “You can learn more about these “X-ray” examinations performed in the hospital”, and use this knowledge to dispel the elderly's doubts about the random charges for physical examinations.

After the physical examination, you will generally receive relevant suggestions from the physical examination institution. Usually, we can go to the hospital for consultation based on the problems pointed out in the physical examination report. If you want to have a deeper understanding of the physical examination report, you can refer to the series of articles “Interpreting the Final Exam for Adults” created by the Commissioner for Prime members of Minority. The articles are classified by organ systems of the body and are very suitable for reference after the physical examination.

After the physical examination, daily monitoring and protection

It is not enough to have a physical examination. With the results of the physical examination, we can use it as a starting point to regulate the body and monitor changes. For people who are already older, some health products and home medical equipment are very necessary.From smart medicine boxes to physical examination packages, I bought these health products for my parents on Double ElevenThis article gives a good demonstration. The vaccines, examinations, and instruments mentioned in it are all good choices for family health. If you don’t know what to buy, you can even copy the categories.

Unlike young people, the priority of various chronic diseases is greatly raised when you are older. Hypertension, heart disease, high blood sugar and diabetes are all common diseases. In addition to following the doctor's instructions and seeking timely treatment, you also need to work on your daily living habits.

Living habits are divided into two parts here. The first is to get used to the additional daily medication brought by chronic diseases. In fact, you can see many elderly people in the hospital who have a mentality of “not accepting old age”, but they use this energy in the wrong place. They think that they can take medicine or not, stop taking it when they want, and take it when they want, everything is up to them. You should know that the doctor's instructions will specify the method of taking medicine. Not taking medicine according to the doctor's instructions will bring more trouble. The specific reasons can be found in Yi Liufan's“You can't stop taking medicine, but you can't take it randomly: Why does the doctor's instructions teach you how to take medicine?”Read in.

Just like taking medicine, daily living habits also need to be constantly monitored by young people as children. If you buy a blood pressure monitor, you must watch the patient take the blood pressure, and you can't just take it lightly as a decoration; habits in daily life that are not conducive to the disease must be corrected. For example, Leslie the swordsmanLet cognition be the first step to change: How young people can stay away from high blood pressureAmong the preventive measures that young people should pay attention to, many correspond to dangerous lifestyle habits that may lead to the development of the disease, so it may be helpful to intervene accordingly.

Hypertension also involves the issue of blood pressure monitoring. A home sphygmomanometer is of course the best choice for family tracking. But sometimes, when the patient is older, he or she may refuse to check blood pressure regularly due to the stubbornness of his or her age. At this time, it is necessary to consider the currently popular wearable devices. Although the Northern Owl has been in“After more than a decade of development, why is the blood pressure detection of smart watches still just a decoration?”In an article, it was discussed that it is unreasonable to use smart watches to replace blood pressure monitors. However, when the patient's compliance is not very good, we can avoid a lot of trouble by using wearable devices that have a much higher sense of life than blood pressure monitors to monitor the trend of blood pressure changes. However, children need to pay attention to the calibration of watch readings. In this article, you can learn about the measurement principles of blood pressure and the differences between various blood pressure measurement methods.

In terms of hyperglycemia and diabetes, in addition to strict dietary control and drug intervention, blood sugar monitoring is also needed. A home blood sugar monitoring device can make it much easier for diabetic patients to track their condition. In addition to conventional blood glucose meters, if the disease is somewhat serious and requires long-term tracking, you can also consider using continuous blood glucose monitoring equipment. Mr. Chairman’s two articles “Blood Sugar Management That Healthy People Should Also Know” introduced various common blood sugar monitoring devices and compared their advantages and disadvantages. If you need to purchase them, you can discuss the choice with your doctor based on the cost and comfort level.

As we said before, wearable devices such as smart watches are not very good at blood pressure monitoring and can only be used as substitute products. However, in areas where they are better, smart watches are much more convenient.

In addition to the fall detection and automatic reporting functions that are very friendly to the elderly, heart rate detection and the derived arrhythmia prompts and atrial fibrillation alarms can all come in handy in life. Since the sensors needed are already standard on bracelets and watches, the monitoring values ​​they give are very valuable for reference in terms of speed and accuracy, and they will not be felt much when worn. They are very friendly continuous monitoring devices. If you want to understand these important health concepts and their measurement principles, you can check out the articles written by Ashuai and Leslie the Swordsman.“Is the 'heart rate detection' on your wrist reliable? What data can a smartwatch help you understand?”and“Apple Watch's atrial fibrillation function is upgraded again. How reliable is the heart detection on the wrist?”

After talking so much, it all comes down to one sentence: the more you know, the more you can help your family. I wish you all good health.

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