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Apple updates EU core technology fee rules and free apps will not be charged even if they exceed 1 million installs

Apple has previously launched a series of new policies in the EU, including developers providing application installations through third-party alternative stores or web pages, but the first 1 million installations per year are free, and any additional installations will need to pay Apple a core technology fee of 0.5 euros per time. .

This problem has caused many developers to worry, because some applications may suddenly become viral and receive a large number of installations in a short period of time. If the application itself does not require payment, then developers may not be able to afford Apple's core technology. Fees mean developers can go bankrupt overnight.

Apple updates EU core technology fee rules and free apps will not be charged even if they are installed more than 1 million times

After attracting the attention of EU regulators, Apple has now updated its terms. It will no longer charge core technology fees for free apps and the developers are students, hobbyists or other developers who do not earn income.But developers must declare every year that they are in non-commercial status。

The cost of declaring non-commercial status is that developers are not allowed to add any purchase options to their applications that year, including paid downloads or in-app purchases. Otherwise, they may violate the terms set by Apple and no longer enjoy the core technology fee-free policy.

For small developers or developers who want to earn income, Apple has also developed a three-year support process. If the developer/developer agrees to Apple's new AppStore policy, if the application or game suddenly becomes popular and exceeds 1 million The free installation threshold per year will determine whether to charge core technology fees based on the scale of the developer.

The following is Apple’s business revenue scale:

  • Below 10 million euros: no core technology fee is required for any number of installations within three years
  • Between 10 million and 50 million euros: core technology fees must be paid, but only a maximum of 1 million euros is required within three years
  • More than 50 million euros: no discounts are provided, and the core technology fee must be paid in full for the portion exceeding 1 million times
  • After three years: Developers of all sizes must pay the core technology fee in full for the portion exceeding 1 million times

Apple says that 99% of developers will not be subject to core technology fees at the outset, but the new three-year transition period policy will help ensure that some small developers expand their business before being subject to core technology fees.

Of course, all the above policies are limited to the EU market (and several countries in the European Economic Area). Developers in other markets cannot distribute applications outside the AppStore, and naturally cannot obtain such policies.

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