
Ask HN: Make something of the free time at work, Hacker News




Ask HN: Make something of the free time at work
        20 pointsby highhedgehog************************************************************************************************** minutes ago|hidepast|web|favorite|****************************************************************************************** (comments) ***********
In my job there are a lot of times where I am not doing much and slacking off. Unfortunately there is a lot of control due to security and I cannot do much on my computer (no install of software, a lot of websites are blocked by the firewall etc.).

For instance, I would like to learn a new technology, or consolidate one (for instance Node.js) that I know, but I can’t because I cannot install Node.js , ore reach npm to install packages.

How can I use the time that I have available during work? What would you do?Books are not a good idea because I don’t think it would seem good to bring a book and study it at my desk

















Nice! Yes, I’ve been in that situation multiple times as the OP posted. I did not find a reason that I need to push myself to do stuff that is not allowed in the office (I’d like to have some freedom from my employers in order to learn new things other than doing my job well). Instead I usually quit after saving some money and start working on my projects, though none of it had any impact, I just like working on my own projects. Well this is how my life goes so far. And I cannot say that it as a solution for everyone. Just sharing.************************************************************






















* ()                   If there’s nothing to do, there’s nothing to do. Also, aren’t you at work? Also, in Office Space, Peter Gibbons basically gets promoted for slacking off – contrast this with Milton.











                  I actually used to do this – just have it casually sitting on the side of my desk . Most of the time it was lid-open off to the side (which ostensibly signaled I was not actively working on it, maybe just checking something). In rare cases my manager came around, I could pretend quickly enough I was actually working. This ended up being a very productive period for me personally (maybe 3-6 months) due to this change.



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