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Ask HN: What are the most fundamental books on computer science ?, Hacker News



>every discipline has it’s most fundamental books … eg philosophy ->Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, civil law ->code civil, christianity ->bible, etc. one should read to get a truly deep understanding.

I dispute this idea. For some disciplines, this may be so. For other, such as physics, biology, chemistry, mathematics, civil engineering, poetry … actually, for most disciplines they aren’t based on fundamental books. They’re based on a living community of practice.

In these disciplines a book is important only insofar as it can be used to increase your abilities. No one goes and studies the textual details of Landau & Lifshitz as a guide to anything, any more than they do so with TAOCP.

Rather than worry about fundamental books, worry about opening up black boxes at a steady rate.



Books here could be a stand- in for what Thomas Kuhn has called paradigms [1]. Broadly, each science has a core set of beliefs that are accepted by a majority of the scientists working within that discipline. Books can be seen as the formalization of a paradigm as a way to teach new people (eg, undergraduates) how to operate within a discipline as opposed to research papers where the boundaries of current paradigms are tested and pushed (or opening up the black box , as you mention).




Except there are. For example, biology has “Campbell Biology”, formerly just called “Biology”, and it gets frequent revisions to ensure it’s still relevant as the field evolves.

The question as posed does not strike me as one of worry, but of curiosity: what ARE the seminal works that the different fields point to as being the “bibles” of their discipline? Comp. Sci. has Knuth, Russel and Norvig, etc. Other fields most certainly have their own, and knowing which those are is interesting and worth getting an answer to.



Can you clarify which book do you mean when you mention “Russel”? I cannot pinpoint it, unlike the other two.




>every discipline has it’s most fundamental books

I’d say: every discipline has it’s most fundamentalmemes



(to non-znpy HNers: this looks like an offhand joke but it’s not. This iswhythose books are still read, and to some degree is how / why various disciplines split apart or even unify)



Focusing on mathematics, I think about two kinds of foundational books.

1. Historically foundational: books that brought important ideas, introduced a new branch, progressed the maths significantly. You can read them these days, but their content, proofs, language, etc. is not up to date. Examples: Elements by Euclid, Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica by Newton, Disquisitiones Arithmeticae by Gauss.

2. Modern foundational books: The ones that can be used for studying now. Books that are clearly written, popular, cover their subject well. Examples: Visual Complex Analysis, Spivak’s Calculus, Linear Algebra Done Right, Hardy’s An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.



I think you’re right that you shouldn’t learn from the “fundamental” books but there definitely are such a thing as fundamental books.

They are usually hugely influential in their times but have been refined or made easier to digest since. If you care deeply about your field you should read them at some point to see how ideas evolved historically.

English: Shakespeare

Biology: Darwin’s Origin of Species

Math: Euclid’s Elements

For OP’s topic, I’d say Shannon’s “A Mathematical Theory of Communication” is up there for computer science.



I agree with a lot of this .

The one thing that I’ve found with some of these “fundamental” books is that there are gems of information that can be very helpful

For instance , Landau and Lifshitz’s statistical mechanics book has first-rate description of entropy and multiplicity. And TAOCP has an incredibly thorough discussion of combinatorics that I found invaluable.



CS is such a wide field, I think that fundamental texts mean different things to different people. These are some examples of various CS verticals (from off the top of my head), and each has canonical texts:

For instance, there is a whole subset devoted to turing machines, the halting problem, finite state machines, provability, incompleteness, the set of all sets, diagonalization proofs etc

There is a whole subset devoted to programming languages: computational complexity, reducing the time spent in loops, and so on.

Then there is a whole bunch spent on best practices: git and other version control, review, commenting style.

Then there is this actual thing called programming: learning different languages, arguing when functional is better than object oriented, please build a web server in prolog as an exercise, and so on.

Then there is a bunch about operating systems, and where the hardware m eets the software, and garbage collection, and parsing and all that stuff.

Then databases are their own thing: boyce-codd normal form, ACID properties, is the web a database? how do you prove the ACID properties? Distributed databases, and B-trees time for storage and retrieval.

These are just various sort of “verticals”.

I myself like to think of it in terms of specializations: data science / machine learning is one, web apps are another, mobile apps are another and so on. Each specialization depends on what useful thing you are trying to achieve.


******             ******             


There are various verticals. But of all these verticals there are roots.

Sort of like how Set theory and Category theory make up the fundamental basis of all math, the fundamentals of computer science are encoded within your first example:

>For instance, there is a whole subset devoted to turing machines, the halting problem, finite state machines, provability, incompleteness, the set of all sets, diagonalization proofs etc


Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (), Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages ​​and Computation (Hopcroft Ullman), don knuth’s art of computer programming, Tanenbaum’s Modern Operating Systems, Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools5 (Aho Sethi Ullman)



While “The Art of Computer Programming “is a great book, it’s not a fundamental book. I’d say it’s more of a re-distillation plus some of Knuth’s personal take on things.

Also, I’d add, at least :

Introduction to Algorithms / Cormen , Leiserson & Rivest (and recently also Stein)



>While “The Art of Computer Programming” is a great book , it’s not a fundamental book

Agreed. It’s very much like “Feynman’s Lectures” in this way.



Feynman’s Lectures are great for understanding conceptually , but they don’t teach you what you need to know to solve research problems. Some of what’s in TAOCP is directly applicable to research (for example, the combinatorics part).



If you are going to choose Socrates for philosophy and bible for Christianity, its inline for “The Art of Computer Programming” for Computer Science

There are much better resources for philosophy and Christianity , fundamental neq best



The “searching” volume of The Art of computer programming seems a bit outdated, though, in this age of search engines.



Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold

This one’s for you if you want to learn or just recap principles of computers (and read on evolution as well) . I just started reading it and found it suprisingly easy to follow. It’s perfect if you like things explained step-by-step and in a simple way.



This is one of my favorite books of all time! I built an 8 bit ALU and a few KB of ram and misc other parts of a computer in Minecraft using the schematics in this book and it was one of the most fun things I have ever done.



I read this in high school and now I am working on my phd in computer architecture. This is definitely not a coincidence. I love how well it explains the low-level workings of computers.

Definitely would recommend!



What stands out about this book for me is how it starts with absolute basics like what electrons are and linearly builds complexity. It never lost me for a moment and I thoroughly enjoyed its lighthearted tone. This is a perfect book for those who had no formal CS education and are starting out with computers and programming.



CS is like math, not philosophy – the fundamental ideas are gradually refined by a community, and eventually someone puts them into a book. Usually there are many books and people have different favorites.

So the closest parallels are original research papers like Turing’s and Shannon’s; but you’re probably better off reading more recent textbooks.

That said, to balance out the heavy emphasis on programming and engineering books here, some recommendations:

– Sipser. Introduction to the Theory of Computation.

– Russell, Norvig. AI: A Modern Approach.

– For algorithms I don’t have a preference. There is Dasgupta-Papadimitriou-Vazirani; Cormen-Leisersen-Rivest-Stein; Kleinberg-Tardos; and more.

A bit farther from core CS, I also like:

– Cover, Thomas. Elements of Information Theory.

– Li, Vitanyi. An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications




Some of these are quite fundamental but not very popular. Which is good, because people forget those. I’m not much of a Sipser guy but maybe it’s because they didn’t use it at my alma mater when I took my Theory of Computation and Automata courses.


Sipser was the one my alma mater used, so if you could, please post the one you used! I’d be interested in an alternative.



Hopcroft, Motwani, and Ullman’s Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages, and Computation by is another classic text



Mathematics has a linear progression though.

You need to know numbers and simple algebra to tackle trig, you need to know all that to tackle calculus or linear algebra, you need to know those to tackle differential equations.

I would argue CS is closer to philosophy.

Sure you have programming building blocks like variables, loops, conditionals, objects blah blah.

But you quickly head into patterns and conventions that started out as someones opinion on how things should be set up, rather than some fundamental principle.



Mathematics has a (mostly linear)historicalprogression, notlogicalProgression.

It very often happens that the shortest, simplest derivation is discovered a century after the original discovery.

Eg if you define exp (x) as sum_0 ^ inf frac {x ^ n} {n!}, a crazy amount of things that (historically) took a lot of effort to derive, become exceptionally simple and straightforward.

Now, historically, it didn ‘t make sense to define it that way (especially because limits and infinite sums were only rigorously defined much later). But complexity wise, it is much simpler to first define limits and only then the exponent as an infinite sum.

>But you quickly head into patterns and conventions that started out as someones opinion on how things should be set up, rather than some fundamental principle.

That’s not computer science. That is indeed philosophy, specifically software engineering philosophu. Science, it is not.



Not once you become an actual scholar of Mathematics. Then it’s very much a tree of fields in terms of “what begot what”, and at the level of theorems, not even a tree but a graph with a huge number of interconnections in which “one thing coming before the other” doesn’t even make sense to talk about.



There was at least one famous mathematician that lamented this view and state of mathematics & mathematics education:

“The acceleration of the curriculum has had its cost: there has been an accompanying trend to prune away side topics. When I was in high school, for instance, it was standard to study solid geometry and spherical geometry along with plane geometry. These topics have long been abandoned. The shape of the mathematics education of a typical student is tall and spindly. It reaches a certain height above which its base can support no more growth, and there it halts or fails. “

source: William Thurston – Mathematical Education



>Mathematics has a linear progression though .

Mathematics has a linear progression … up until the point at which it branches out into the various subfields.



The Elements of Computing Systems: Building a Modern Computer from First Principles [0] and its accompanying class Nand to Tetris [1]. Starting at logic gates and moving up through the levels of abstraction until you can build a programming language and implement a video game is the most fundamental approach that I’m aware of.




Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs is frequently recommended here. I would especially recommend understanding section 3.2, which I’ve found very helpful for understanding the environment model of other languages.

Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective has a lot of good explanations of hardware / os subsystems that can be hard to find detailed explanations of elsewhere. I especially like the sections on virtual memory.



The interesting bit is that the original author’s no longer feel that SICP is the right way to approach programming any more. In their words, we’ve moved to ‘programming by poking’ and hence the latest incarnation of the course uses python and not LISP.



“The interesting bit is that the original author’s no longer feel that SICP is the right way to approach programming any more. “

I think it’s more accurate to say that they didn ‘ t see a reason to require engineers to learn CS. The class is now completely different. Why python? Not because it’s a good programming language, but because there was a library the students could call to control a robot, which was the new goal of the class,not programming

Here’s the quote:

You have to do basic science on your libraries to see how they work, trying out different inputs and seeing how the code reacts. This is a fundamentally different job, and it needed a different course.

So the good thing about the new 6.0 01 was that it was robot-centered – you had to program a little robot to move around. And robots are not like resistors, behaving according to ideal functions. Wheels slip, the environment changes, etc – you have to build in robustness to the system, in a different way than the one SICP discusses.

And why Python, then? Well, said Sussman, it probably just had a library already implemented for the robotics interface, that was all. 2110 / why-mit-switched-f …



I believe you’re referring to the fact that MIT’s intro class for EECS was changed from scheme to python. This was not a translation but instead the intro curriculum as a whole was re-designed. 6. 01 isn’t really an incarnation of 6.0 01. It does reflect a “programming by poking” approach in that it does not try to have the students build their understanding from a set of core axioms. Instead, students add / modify code within an overall framework. I took 6. 01 in the fall of 2008 and found that this it less feels conceptually satisfying but does indeed bear a closer resembl ance resemble real-life programming.https: // …

I never took the original 6.0 01, so my comparison point is actually a stripped-down reincarnation of the original course which is taught by alumni volunteers during the January IAP term. 01 / 6. 184 / Website /



Do you want to know about CS or do you want to know about programming? A lot of the suggestions I’ve seen so far in this thread are really about programming and not general CS. The basic math and principles for CS date back to before we had computers. I’d argue that if you want a real CS bible then you need to look at things published back when computer was a job and not an object. For example, you could check out “Introduction to a General Theory of Elementary Propositions” by Emil Post. Reading it will teach you about CS fundamentals but it will not make you a better programmer.



I don’t think there is a definitive answer for your question because computer science is a relative new area of ​​knowledge and “fundamental books” are still being published.

If I had to sayonetext that is the fundamental one, I would go with a paper: “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” [1], by Alan Turing.

But if you just started your course in Computer Science, then I will give you some “bookshelf advice” based on my experience. I had the pleasure to study all the books I am going to recommend you, and most of them I was able to read cover-to-cover during the university years. And they are also in my bookshelf for reference.

The book order does not represent rank of importance.

* “ Introduction to the Theory of Computation ”, by Michael Sipser.

* I also recommend the “Elements of the Theory of Computation”, by Christos Papadimitriou.      * Another good complement is “Introduction to Automata Theory, Languages ​​and Computation”, by Hopcroft and Ullman. (Thanks, @reacweb, for the reminder.)

* “Graph Theory”, by Reinhard Diestel.

* If you feel you want to go deeper, and like a book which you cannot skip a single word, I strongly recommend “Modern Graph Theory”, by Béla Bollobás: it is one of my favorite textbooks ever !

* “The Algorithm Design Manual”, by Steven Skiena.

* While a lot of people seems to praise either the Cormen et al. or the Sedgewick books, I have the feeling that “Algorithms” by Dasgupta, Papadimitriou and Vazirani is my choice for “fundamental” book. But I decided to

* “Computer Architecture: a Quantitative Approach”, by Hennessy and Patterson.

* “Modern Operating Systems”, by Andrew Tanenbaum.

* “Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach” , by Russel and Norvig.

* “Modern Compiler Implementation (in ML)”, by Andrew Appel.

I would like to also recommend “Concrete Mathematics”, by Graham, Knuth and Patashnik, but I remember to not feel it the most pedagogical book on the subject.

Good luck!

[1]: 1936 .pdf



>If I had to say one text that is the fundamental one, I would go with a paper: “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” [1], by Alan Turing

Certainly that one, but I would add a couple of others:

https: //en.wikipedia. org / wiki / The_Laws_of_Thought “(George Boole) – lays out boolean algebra; fundamental to everything in computing

https: // …(Claude E. Shannon) – basically lays out the equivalence of switching circuits to boolean algebra, fundamental to electronic computing

Note in fact many of Shannon’s works and research could be considered “fundamental” …



By the currently accepted definition of Computer Science (at the nexus of its core basis in mathematics and philosophy), I would say “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem” by Alan Turing, without any close peer to date. It is the first paper that invoked the most all-encompassing idea of ​​a computer (eg not necessarily having to be a physically realizable electronic computer, which one could consider more of a matter for engineering).

Its contents have had continued relevance as computer scientists study the properties and capabilities of non-deterministic computers.



One of my favorite fundamental books is “The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master” by Andrew Hunt and David Thomas



This is a fundamental book for programming or software engineering. I would argue that it’s not fundamental for computer science.



I’m going to cast a vote for ‘Unix & Linux System Administration Handbook’ – it’s been around a long time and is currently on edition 5. It’s the book that made me fall in love with system administration.

It’s an extensive and well-rounded look at various fundamental system administration topics with examples included from multiple different * nix distributions (topics like work management, logging, networking, security, the kernel, systemd, permissions, etc.). If you’re at all interested in Linux, this is a great book to have on your shelf.



A big problem is that software organization success largely depends on “soft sciences” like psychology and physiology. Science may find ways to make faster machines, but being that the actual bottlenecks are the cost of humans reading code and designs and managing changes to systems, the human grokkability factor is usually the largest.

Software should be written mostly with humans (code readers) in mind, and not machines. The soft sciences are much harder to study; it’s expensive to use trial and error on real projects in order to compare outcomes. Equations on a blackboard or chips in a lab are probably not where most real IT revelations will come from.

There are pet theories that focus on overly-narrow factors. For example, those who focus on linguistic parsonomy (less code) may conclude that functional programming is “better” because it usually can be made the most compact. However, a good many coders have a hard time working well with functional programming. Some take a Darwinian view and say “fire them all and hire elite functional coders”. But so far that has rarely paid off in the market-place, barring a few grow-fast-at-all-costs startups. Short code is not always legible code to the majority of coders.



I guess what I’m trying to say is that there arenobooks that address and “solve” the real issues of typical software design, and I am explaining the reason why there are no such books. It’s kind of like asking for good books on Pluto before any probe had visited Pluto: you are only going to find a lot of speculation.

The closest thing are books with specific examples that explain the trade-offs made and try to find general rules and apply them to the examples. But I find such to be either mostly opinions, or too vague to apply in practice. At best they exercise your brain in terms of questions to ask in exploring the different design options, but they don’t give clear-cut rules for the final choice that stand up to scrutiny.

They can tell you about the kinds of beasts you’ll encounter in the dark forest , and give suggestions for defeating the beasts, but the recipes for success are either subjective or nebulus, yet to be subjected to real testable science. They could be if some research institution spent big bucks on it, but so far nobody has.

Our field has a “science gap” which results in a book gap. The blunt truth is that IT is more about people than machines or math.



When these lists of books threads pop up I always feel ashamed at how few I have read myself. I’ve only read Perl by Larry Wall and most of Effective C . I wonder how much I am actually missing out by not digging into the theory more.



1. Knuth. Skim it all then keep as a reference. Dive deep into anything that catches your fancy.

2. “Programming Pearls” by Jon L. Bentley IMO this is the most concise yet accessible gateway to the inner Mysteries of Computer Programming. Read between the lines, the prime thesis is implied not explicit.

3. “Thinking Forth” by Leo Brodie (Available as a PDF here: Mostsoftware isGrosslytoo large. This book shows how to grok and extract the essence of your problem into minimal code. (Chuck Moore had a 3D wireframe CAD program he used to carry around as a deck of punch cards in his shirt pocket.)



I’ve spent this entire year taking a break to learn fundamental CS (I’m not a CS graduate) Here are the books I found most useful / interesting: 1. The Annotated Turing by Charles Petzold: Used it because I had a hard time digesting the original Alan Turing paper 2. An Introduction to Formal Languages ​​and Automata by Peter Linz: To grab the concept of state machines 3. The description of sequential processes by Iverson 4. Clrs: Have kept it for reference

Then I studied a matrix of math books, along with other CS books regarding compilers, operating systems etc . My aim was to get good enough understanding to comfortably digest the famous research papers.

I am yet to find definitive books that teach a way of thinking on their own merit as a single book. Cs like others is a matrix of knowledge that clicks as a whole ‘chunk’ of understanding, changing the way you have thought about things like programming in general. I’m having a hard time explaining this.

If you’re not a CS graduate, I highly suggest simply going through academics of places teaching theoretical CS.



The Art of Computer Programming

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

Purely Functional Data Structures

Programming in the (s)

A Logical Approach to Discrete Math




>The Art of Computer Programming

I’m guessing like most people who bought it, it sits collecting dust on the shelf.

Youthful naivety is the only reason I bought it. Completely impenetrable but look, “I’m a real ™ software engineer now”




That’s pretty much what my copy does . I’m grateful the profession has TAOCP as a resource, but the reality for the majority of workaday engineers is that most of the sort of art described in that series is abstracted out into libraries. As fun or challenging as it might be to thinking about developing your own implementation of a fundamental algorithm or data structure, you’re probably far better off reusing whatever you have available to you already in your environment. This has the tendency of pushing the work to the boundaries, where engineering is more about connecting existing pieces than anything else. (Which isn’t a problem … I’d hate to live in a world where every home that’s built requires the builder to cut down trees and process their own lumber, etc.)

I do least take solace in the fact that the contents of TAOCP are a lot less likely to get stale than the majority of tech books.


>you’re probably far better off reusing whatever you have available to you already in your environment

I think even Knuth himself would agree here – but it’s also worth going through the implementation yourself once or twice (even if you just throw it away) until you really understand what it’s doing, so that you know what’s most useful when.



>but it’s also worth going through the implementation yourself once or twice (even if you just throw it away)

I tend to agree, but I’m not completely sure where I ‘d draw the line between things you have to implement to’ really understand ‘and things you can just use. ie: I’ve written hash tables over the years, but I’ve never written a persistent (think Clojure) style hash table. Maybe I should write one to really understand it? It sounds like fun, and I’d probably learn a lot, but I’m also not at all convinced it would help my effectiveness. The argument becomes even less convincing at larger scales and lower layers. (I don’t need to implement a language runtime or SQL database to understand how to use one effectively. Even if, again, both of those sound like a lot of fun and a good way to learn some thing.)

If I had to come up with a general guideline , it would be to encourage developers to be mindful of what’s around their layer of the stack and be prepared in the (very unlikely) event to work in one of those layers. But even that’s kind of handwavey.



It’s the fundamental reference which is why I listed it. It’s not a series of books one reads from start to finish. I use it as a reference. It’s nice having only one source to go to if I need to get the low down on red-black trees, complexity analysis, etc.

It’s not a page turner where you’ll read it from start to finish. It’s a resource. As you encounter subjects in computer science and math you can be sure there’s a section on it in TAOCP with a deep dive into it.

I pull mine out from time to time when doing research mostly. I’ve mostly been interested in automated theorem proving, logical databases, etc. Proof search and deductive queries have a lot of moving parts, need to be fast in order to be interactive, and while the book on combinatorics isn’t finished yet … the faciles have been amazing.

Yes they do mostly sit there for the most part. But then again so do most of my books. TAOCP is thoroughly researched and hands-down the best resource for a precise treatment of its subjects.



>It’s not a page turner where you’ll read it from start to finish.

I’ve seen other people suggest that, and I always find it surprising. I did read all of them (well, the first three, anyway) cover to cover, and I can’t imagine trying to jump into the middle without having absorbed all of the preceding material first. The book is so full of back references that even having read everything in order I still found myself turning back to re-read sections that were referred to later. I’m genuinely curious, which sections were you able to make sense of “standalone”?



In my small sample size you would be the first person I’ve met to claim to have read all three cover to cover! That’s an amazing achievement.

I don’t remember exactly but I’ve found chapters in the first book on fundamental structures such as trees and sorting algorithms tend to stand well alone.

More recently I’ve been diving into Book 4, Facile 6 on SAT solvers, combinatorics. I tend to already have some familiarity with the material so it seems to me to stand well on its own.

I really enjoy Knuth’s writing style however and appreciate his scrupulousness. The references and indices are top-notch so that if you aren’t familiar with the prerequisites they are easily found!



This. IMO Knuth’s writing is also a pleasure to read. Some concepts are hard and sometimes I just have to skip some math derivations but overall it’s certainly not a dry technical reference (even though it can be used as one).



Same here. I started to read it with the intention of getting a check, but that certainly never happened.

Then I read a Knuth book that really interested me and … there I’ve got my check. Didn’t have to read much either, the first word in the first sentence on page Roman One was incorrect. : -)



Operate on first principles, what do you need to know to be a “successful” programmer in the technical, social, and / or ideological context.

Data Structures and their relationship with each other to be a great technical programmer. These books (just highlight not everything) I would think ->Algorithms Sedgewick, Lisp Programmers Manual, Designing Distributed Systems. Too be a great collaborative programmer (in a work enviornment) ->Pragmattic Programmer, Code Complete, Mythical Man Month, A Philsophy of Software Design by Ousterhout. For philsophy of programming itself ->The Soul of a Machine

Edit: Programming is very broad and operates in many context from the technical, social, to the ideas behind it. I would say it is almost to early to have those definitive fundamental books



A lot of great books have already been recommended. Going to go a different route than others here have and recommend The Elements of Computing Systems.

It’s a book that explores hardware from the ground up. It’s one of the most insightful books I’ve found for getting a real intuition for hardware.



The depth of programming is following the code down to electricity, like the Ben Eater youtube videos show. What you want that code to do has it’s own depths; math, ml, ai, games, business ect.

It’s not like classical art or architecture where the principles closer to all commanding or ‘figured out ‘. Your everyday work is like swimming through code solving problems as you go. Pushing blocks into permanent place never works, they find a way of getting crufty, old and replaced to fit new requirements. I imagine any field that deals with flowing quantities of objects, or fluid-like systems would have structural overlaps with programming. Fields like plumbing, finance, the energy sector, ect.

I would describe programming to be at it’s very base to be ascribing meaning to quantities of meaningless numbers and building a structure to pipe those numbers around to a qualitative result.

Measuring principles in depth here is not that useful, the river of valuable information runs left to right in code. You’ll likely restrict how deep and how abstract you go and instead focus on churning out a high quantity of solved problems. It’s just not that useful to be thinking in machine code when you’re programming in C , but knowing all the functions of C and where it should be ending up is very important.




While it’s a great book to learn C with – easy to follow and just the right length for an introductory book – I’d say it’s more of an (software) Engineering book than a (computer) Science book.



I thought it was wildly agreed that it’s a prettyterriblebook to learn modern C with?

It is however in other respects a fantastic example of great technical writing and a great text book.

But as I understand it it’s today mostly an extraordinarily great book on inflicting legwounds on



It is. But I wonder if, when people say “CS”, they really mean “Software Engineering”. Of people who get a CS degree, I’d guess that 95% of them are going to work as Software Engineers rather than as Computer Scientists.

So: Yes, it’s more an engineering book . Is that what michalu actually wanted, but didn’t know to ask for by the right name?



From the-maxwells-equat …

>Alan Kay has famously described Lisp as the “Maxwell’s equations of software”.

Maxwell’s equations could be considered fundamental axioms in electromagnetism and physics. Lisp, likewise, expresses the heart of computer science at its core. I’m still working on grokking it myself, but believe that studying Lisp could be precisely what you’re looking for (even if you also mean writing software in addition to strict computer science).

Paul Graham’s essays could prove interesting as well.



The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering by Frederick Brooks should be read by everyone, even though it was written in 1975. Some things don’t change no matter the technology change. Sometimes I am amazed to have co-worked who have never heard of it.



The books that really shaped my understanding of CS are:

– Theoretical CS:   – Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools (The     Dragon Book)   – Introduction to the Theory of Computation, Sipser

– Programming:   – Java Concurrency In Practice, Brian Goetz   – Generics in the Java Programming Language, Gilad Bracha   – Professor Frisby’s Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional     Programming   – Unix for Poets   – Modern C


Iverson’s “The description of sequential processes “is eye opening (as our” Notation as a tool of thought “and” A programming language “). But that’s about describing the science than the actual science (imagine a book about the merits of Leibniz notation vs. Newton notation of derivatives …).

The actual science in computer science? Weyuker, Sigal & Davis – Complexity, Computability and Languages; CLRS – Introduction to Algorithms. Harel – Algorithmics, the spirit of computing; And nand to tetris, in whatever format you find it.



For Computer Science, Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman. For programming, Computer Systems: A Programmer’s Perspective by Randal E. Bryant and David R. O’Hallaron



I don’t think there are any. The problem with learning computer science from textbooks is that most textbooks will go a lot further than just the fundamentals on the subjects they cover. So if you try to learn the basics by choosing a textbook for each area and read it cover to cover you’ll never finish. Perhaps the answer is to thoroughly read the first few chapters / skim the remainder of Introduction to Algorithms; the Dragon book; Computer Networks / Architecture / etc .: A Systems / Quantitative / etc. Approach; Types and Programming Languages; Security Engineering; AI: A Modern Approach and so on – that was certainly my experience of undergrad CS. A few exceptions are K&R, The Mythical Man-Month and What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic which are short enough that you can easily read them in their entirety.



Not sure I’d say ” fundamental “but possibly the one I refer junior developers to the most often is Clean Code



I avoid the principles espoused by this book like the plague. There are entire domains of programming don’t cover this stuff.

It’s not fundamental at all.



Refactoring by Martin Fowler and Kent Beck .

Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture by Martin Fowler.

Domain Driven Design by Eric Evans.

Growing Object-Oriented Software, guided by tests by Steve Freeman and Nat Pryce.



There’s a bevy of (pretty good ) books in this “Enterprise Software” vein, but I don’t think they are “computer science” books. If CS is fundamental physics, then this would be something like biology – all biological systems are composed of physical systems, and refer to physics sometimes, but the concern is a different, much higher, level of abstraction. An enterprise system is many orders of magnitude more complex than what, e.g. Knuth deals with (programs that are expressed in MMIX in a few 10 s of operations assuming a very small amount of running memory). In the same way, an ant is far more complex than a single hydrogen atom.



You make a fair point but I think it raises a more general question that has come up before plenty of times and that is whether classical computer science is good training for 95% of students.

Take civil engineers. Yes they will do some physics but usually only basic stuff in first year. After that they focus more on the higher level systems they will be working with because most working civil engineers will never need anything more advanced than first year physics.

So if the person who posted this Ask HN is not going to do CS research (or the like) then Domain Driven Design might be as fundamental to their education as structural engineering is to a civil engineer. The fact is that nearly all systems that we work with are composed of services / models of some kind. DDD deals with these but more importantly deals with the domain where you can make the most impact as a working engineer (as opposed to a scientist who is like a force multiplier but we need a lot less of them).

“Domain work is messy and demands a lot of complicated new knowledge that doesn’t seem to add to a computer scientist’s capabilities. Instead, the technical talent goes to work on elaborate frameworks, trying to solve domain problems with technology. Learning about and modeling the domain is left to others. software has to be tackled head-on. To do otherwise is to risk irrelevance “- Eric Evans




Object Orientation to which your recommendations point at is not fundamental at all. OO is more of an opinion than it is an axiom.



I would personally say SICP. Also a bit far fetched, but I would love to see more people read Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools aka The Dragon Book, is what made me fall in love with compilers



SICP gave me nice insight into the way that things works but I found much more valuable to read ‘The Elements of Computing Systems’. It is a long book but you will build each element of the computer if you follow it. It might not reflect nowadays computers, but surely it will bring an idea how everything works, from the very ground of gates and bits to the kernel, compiling and so on … just my personal opinion.



Good recommendations in this thread, but seems a bit thin on the data side – both in terms of abstract datatypes, and in terms of database theory.

I don’t have a concrete recommendation off-hand – but certainly something by Codd on databases / normalization should be on such a list?

A lack of understanding data normalization can hurt even “simple” code that uses structs and procedures.



Relevant (to TFA) quote from the interview:

>A related piece of advice is: Learn the relational model first, SQL second (doing it the other way around is hard) . Finally, read either or both of Ted Codd’s first two papers every year. (Those papers are “Derivability, Redundancy, and Consistency of Relations Stored in Large Data Banks”, IBM Research Report RJ 599, August 19 th, 1969, reprinted in ACM SIGMOD Record 38, No. 1 (March 2009), and “A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks”, CACM 13, No. 6, June 1970, which you can find online.)



http: // …

A relational model of data for large shared data banks: (F / CIS) / CODD .pdf



I have to say the “GOF “book was giant fraud, or at least a big mistake. It has no clear rules on when to use what pattern over another. This resulted in ambitious but naive programmers throwing design patterns at everything in ways that appeared haphazard to those not owning the coder’s mind, creating “spaghetti objects”. I went round and round in online forums trying to clarify the “rules” for pattern selection. It never resulted in anything definitive or fruitful. It’s horrifically vague. The “art” had a cult-like quality to it.



Being a best-seller does not make it fundamental.

If anything, that suggests to me that it is not. “Philosophy for Dummies” far outsells Plato.



I wanted to say that if you study CS at an University you will most likely read many ‘fundamental’ books.

I find it funny ‘Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs’ is considered fundamental when it’s basically an MIT textbook. Presumably it’s a very good textbook, but it’s not fundamental because the rest of the world doesn’t really study it. The world does study Aristotle.

CS is also a wide field (and I presume you said this on purpose to separate the software engineering books?). Something by Chomsky for formal grammars comes to mind.



I never formally studied CS, but I can strongly recommend Code by Charles Petzold.

If you want to learn how a computer does what it does at the absolute lowest levels, it’s a great starting point. It’s all written in laymans terms so it’s good as a conceptual overview or for people without a strong math background. If you’re interested in diving super deep into that kind of stuff I imagine it would be a great high level overview to anchor yourself.



Thanks, I agree. I was thinking about adding a note with something like “Not sure if you’re using a broad of narrow definition for computer science. Many people use CS to refer to lots of things including software. If broad, I found the books below really helpful in planning and writing software. If precise, then please ignore them. ”



“Fundamental” is a matter of perspective. To use an analogy, if you were looking for the most fundamental books about the English language, would you be reading about grammar, or would you be reading Shakespeare?



The C programming language by Bjarne Stroustrup . Whether you plan to learn C or not, this is a great book to read



Is Hennesy & Patterson, “Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach “still used in universities?


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Yes, my computer architecture class has this as its recommended textbook, although readings aren’t required and I’m sure that nobody in the class has the textbook


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computational complexity a modern approach by sanjeev arora

don knuth’s art of computer programming [if you like some rigor] [it is a bit time consuming to read the whole thing , but be sure to atleast try reading the first volume]



1. I think it’s Barak and Arora. Also, it feels a bit too encyclopedic to be fundamental. Still, looks like a good book (I’ll be honest and say I just skimmed it)

2. Like I said elsewhere – TAoCP is an impressive book, but it’s certainly not fundamental. It’s not used as the “fundament” or foundation of people’s CS knowledge.



You know every one who should call himself a programmer should learn Sanskrit, the language of quantum computing. / s


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