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Beginner's Guide to Linkers (2010), Hacker News

This article is intended to help C & C programmers understand the essentials of what the linker does. I’ve explained this to a number of colleagues over the years, so I decided it was time to write it down so that it’s more widely available (and so that I don’t have to explain it again).[Updated March 2009 to includemore information on the pecularities of linking on Windows, plussome clarification on the one definition rule.]A typical example of what triggers this explanation is when I help someone who has a link error like:

g    -o test1 test1a.o test1b.o test1a.o (.text   0x 18): In function `main ': : undefined reference to `findmax (int, int) ' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

If your reaction to this is’almost certainly missingextern "C"‘then you probably already know everything in this article.

Table of Contents

  • Naming of Parts: What’s in a C File

  • What The C Compiler Does

  • What The Linker Does: Part 1

  • What The Operating System Does

  • What The Linker Does: Part 2

  • Adding C To The Picture

  • Dynamically Loaded Libraries

  • More Details

Naming of Parts: What’s in a C File

This section is a quick reminder of the different parts of a C file. If everything in thesample C file listing belowmakes sense to you, you can probably skip to thenext section. The first division to understand is between declarations and definitions.Adefinitionassociates a name with an implementation of that name, which could be either data or code:

  • A definition of a variable induces the compiler to reserve some   space for that variable, and possibly fill that space with a   particular value.

  • A definition of a function induces the compiler to generate code for   that function.

(A) declarationtells the C compiler that a definition of something (with a particular name) exists elsewhere in the program, probably in a different C file. (Note that a definition also counts as a declaration — it’s a declaration that also happens to fill in the particular “elsewhere”). For variables, the definitions split into two sorts:

  • global variables, which exist for the whole lifetime of   the program (“static extent”), and which are usually accessible in   lots of different functions

  • local variables, which only exist while a particular   function is being executed (“local extent”) and are only accessible   within that function

To be clear, by “accessible” we mean “can be referred to using the name associated with the variable by its definition “. There are a couple of special cases where things aren’t so immediately obvious:

  • staticlocal variables are actually global variables, because   they exist for the lifetime of the program, even though they’re only   visible inside a single function

  • likewisestaticglobal variables also count as global variables,   even though they can only be accessed by the functions in the   particular file where they were defined

While we’re on the subject of the “static” keyword, it’s also worth pointing out that making afunctionstatic just narrows down the number of places that are able to refer to that function by name (specifically, to other functions in the same file). For both global and local variable definitions, we can also make a distinction between whether the variable is initialized or not — that is, whether the space associated with the particular name is pre-filled with a particular value. Finally, we can store information in memory that is dynamically customized usingmallocorNew. There is no way to refer to the space allocated by name, so we have to use pointers instead — a named variable (the pointer) holds the address of the unnamed piece of memory. This piece of memory can also be deallocated withfreeordelete, so the space is referred to as having “dynamic extent. ” Let’s put all that together:



















    (N / A)     (N / A)     (N / A)   








Code Data
Global Local Dynamic
Initialized Uninitialized Initialized Uninitialized
Declaration int fn (int x); extern int x; extern int x;
int fn (int x) {...} int x=1;
(at file scope)
int x;
(at file scope)
int x=1;
(at function scope)
int x;
(at function scope)
(int * p=malloc (sizeof (int));)

An easier way to follow this is probably just to look at this sample program:

/ * This is the definition of a uninitialized global variable * / int x_global_uninit;  / * This is the definition of a initialized global variable * / int x_global_init=1;  / * This is the definition of a uninitialized global variable, albeit  * one that can only be accessed by name in this C file * / static int y_global_uninit;  / * This is the definition of a initialized global variable, albeit  * one that can only be accessed by name in this C file * / static int y_global_init=2;  / * This is a declaration of a global variable that exists somewhere  * else in the program * / extern int z_global;  / * This is a declaration of a function that exists somewhere else in  * the program (you can add "extern" beforehand if you like, but it's  * not needed) * / int fn_a (int x, int y);  / * This is a definition of a function, but because it is marked as  * static, it can only be referred to by name in this C file alone * / static int fn_b (int x) {   return x   1; }  / * This is a definition of a function. * / / * The function parameter counts as a local variable * / int fn_c (int x_local) {   / * This is the definition of an uninitialized local variable * /   int y_local_uninit;   / * This is the definition of an initialized local variable * /   int y_local_init=3;    / * Code that refers to local and global variables and other    * functions by name * /   x_global_uninit=fn_a (x_local, x_global_init);   y_local_uninit=fn_a (x_local, y_local_init);   y_local_uninit =fn_b (z_global);   return (y_global_uninit   y_local_uninit); }

What The C Compiler Does

The C compiler’s job is to convert a C file from text that the human can (usually) understand, into stuff that the computer can understand. This output by the compiler as anobject file. On UNIX platforms these object files normally have a. osuffix; on Windows they have a.objsuffix. The contents of an object file are essentially two kinds of things:

  • code, corresponding toDefinitions of functions in the C file

  • data, corresponding toDefinitions of (global) variables in the C file (for an initialized global  variable, the initial value of the variable also has to be stored in  the object file).

Instances of either of these kinds of things will have names associated with them — the names of the variables or functions whose definitions generated them. Object code is the sequence of (suitably encoded) machine instructions that correspond to the C instructions that the programmer has written — all of thoseifs andwhiles and evengotos. All of these instructions need to manipulate information of some sort, and that information needs to be kept somewhere — that’s the job of the variables. The code can also refer to other bits of code — specifically, to other C functions in the program. Wherever the code refers to a variable or function, the compiler only allows this if it has previously seen adeclarationfor that variable or function — the declaration is a promise that a definition exists somewhere else in the whole program. The job of the linker is to make good on these promises, but in the Meanwhile, what does the compiler do with all of these promises when it is generating an object file? Basically, the compiler leaves a blank. The blank (a “reference”) has a name associated to it, but the value corresponding to that name is not yet known. With that in mind, we can depict the object file corresponding tothe program given abovelike this:Schematic diagram of object file

Dissecting An Object File

We’ve kept everything at a high level so far; it’s useful to see how this actually works in practice. The key tool for this is the commandnm, which gives information about the symbols in an object file on UNIX platforms.On Windows, thedumpbincommandwith the/ symbolsoption is roughly equivalent; there is alsoa Windows portof theGNU binutilstools which includes annm.exe.Let’s have a look at whatnmgives on the object file produced from thefile above:

 Symbols from c_parts.o:  Name Value Class Type Size Line Section  fn_a | | U | NOTYPE | | | * UND * z_global | | U | NOTYPE | | | * UND * fn_b | 00000000 t | FUNC | 00000009 | | .text x_global_init | 00000000 D | OBJECT | 00000004 | .data y_global_uninit | 00000000 b | OBJECT | 00000004 | .bss x_global_uninit | 00000004 C | OBJECT | 00000004 | * COM * y_global_init | 00000004 d | OBJECT | 00000004 | .data fn_c | 00000009 | T | FUNC | 00000055 | | .text

The output on different platforms can vary a bit (check themanpages to find out more on a particular version), but the key information given is the class of each symbol, and its size (when available). The class can have a number of different values:

  • A class of (U) indicates an undefined   reference, one of the “blanks”   mentioned previously. For this object, there are two:   “fn_a” and “z_global“. (Some versions     ofnmmay also print out asection, which     will be* UND *orUNDEFin this case)

  • A class oftor (T) indicates where code is defined;   the different classes indicate whether the function is local to this   file ( (t) ) or not ( (T) ) – ie whether the function was   originally declared withstatic. Again, some systems   may also show a section, something like.text

  • A class ofdor (D) indicates an initialized global   variable, and again the particular class indicates whether the   variable is local ( (D) ) or not ( (D) ). If there’s a   section, it will be something like.Data

  • For an uninitialized global variable, we get (B) if it’s   static / local, and (B) or (C) when it’s not. The section in this case   will probably be something like.bssor* COM *.

We may also get some symbols that weren’t part of the original input C file; we’ll ignore these as they’re typically part of the compiler’s nefarious internal mechanisms for getting your program to link.

What The Linker Does: Part 1

We mentioned earlier that a declaration of a function or a variable is a promise to the C compiler that somewhere else in the program is a definition for that function or variable, and that the linker’s jobs is to make good on that promise. Withthe diagram of an object filein front of us, we can also describe this as “filling in the blanks “. To illustrate this, let’s have a companion C file to theone given previously:

/ * Initialized global variable * / int z_global=11; / * Second global named y_global_init, but they are both static * / static int y_global_init=2; / * Declaration of another global variable * / extern int x_global_init;  int fn_a (int x, int y) {   return (x   y); }  int main (int argc, char * argv []) {   const char * message="Hello, world";    return fn_a (11, 12); }

Schematic diagram of object fileWith these two diagrams, we can see  that all of the dots can joined up (if they couldn’t be, then the linker would emit an error message). Every thing has its place, and every place has its thing, and the linker can fill in all of the blanks as shown (on a UNIX system, the linker is typically invoked withLD).Schematic diagram of object fileAs forobject files, we can usenmto examine the resulting executable file:

 Symbols from sample1.exe:  Name Value Class Type Size Line Section  _Jv_RegisterClasses | | w | NOTYPE | | | * UND * __gmon_start__ | | w | NOTYPE | | | * UND * __libc_start_main @@ GLIBC_2.0 | | U | FUNC | 000001 ad | | * UND * _init | 08048254 T | FUNC | | .init _start | 080482 c0 | T | FUNC | | | .text __do_global_dtors_aux | 080482 f0 | t | FUNC | | | .text frame_dummy | 08048320 t | FUNC | | | .text fn_b | 08048348 t | FUNC | 00000009 | | .text fn_c | 08048351 T | FUNC | 00000055 | | .text fn_a | 080483 A8 | T | FUNC | 000 000 0b | | .text main | 080483 b3 | T | FUNC |  c) | .text __libc_csu_fini | 080483 e0 | T | FUNC | 00000005 | .text __libc_csu_init | 080483 f0 | T | FUNC | 00000055 | | .text __do_global_ctors_aux | 08048450 t | FUNC | | | .text _fini | 08048478 T | FUNC | | .fini _fp_hw | 08048494 R | OBJECT | 00000004 .rodata _IO_stdin_used | 08048498 R | OBJECT | 00000004 .rodata __FRAME_END__ | 080484 ac | r | OBJECT | | .eh_frame __CTOR_LIST__ | 080494 b0 | d | OBJECT | | .ctors __init_array_end | 080494 b0 | d | NOTYPE | | .ctors __init_array_start | 080494 b0 | d | NOTYPE | | .ctors __CTOR_END__ | 080494 b4 | d | OBJECT | | .ctors __DTOR_LIST__ | 080494 b8 | d | OBJECT | | .dtors __DTOR_END__ | 080494 bc | d | OBJECT | | .dtors __JCR_END__ | 080494 c0 | d | OBJECT | | | .jcr __JCR_LIST__ | 080494 c0 | d | OBJECT | | | .jcr _DYNAMIC | 080494 c4 | d | OBJECT | | .dynamic _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ | 08049598 d | OBJECT | | | .got.plt __data_start | 080495 AC | D | NOTYPE | | | .data data_start | 080495 AC | W | NOTYPE | | | .data __dso_handle | 080495 b0 | D | OBJECT | | | .data P. 5826 | 080495 b4 | d | OBJECT | | | .data x_global_init | 080495 B8 | D | OBJECT | 00000004 | .data y_global_init | 080495 bc | d | OBJECT | 00000004 | .data z_global | 080495 c0 | D | OBJECT | 00000004 | .data y_global_init | 080495 c4 | d | OBJECT | 00000004 | .data __bss_start | 080495 c8 | A | NOTYPE | | | * ABS * _edata | 080495 c8 | A | NOTYPE | | | * ABS * completed. 5828 | 080495 c8 | b | OBJECT | 00000001 | .bss y_global_uninit | 080495 cc | b | OBJECT | 00000004 | .bss x_global_uninit | 080495 d0 | B | OBJECT | 00000004 | .bss _end | 080495 d4 | A | NOTYPE | | | * ABS *

This has all of the symbols from the two objects, and all of the undefined references have vanished. The symbols have also all been reordered so that similar types of things are together, and there are a few added extras to help the operating system deal with the whole thing as an executable program.There’s also a fair number of complicating details cluttering up the output, but if you filter out anything starting with an underscore it gets a lot simpler.

Duplicate Symbols

The previous section mentioned that if the linker cannot find a definition for a symbol to join to references to that symbol, then it will give an error message. So what happens if there aretwodefinitions for a symbol when it comes to link time?In C , the situation is straightforward. The language has a constraint known as theone definition rule, which says that there has to be exactly one definition for a symbol when it comes to link time, no more and no less. (The relevant section of the C standard is 3.2, which also mentions some exceptions that we’llcome to later on.)

For C, things are slightly less clear. There has to be exactly one definition of any functions or initialized global variables, but the definition of an uninitialized global variable can be treated as atentative definition. C then allows (or at least does not forbid) different source files to have tentative definitions for the same object.

However, linkers also have to cope with other programming languages ​​than just C and C , andthe one definition ruleis not always appropriate for them. For example, the normal model for Fortran code is effectively to have a copy of each global variable in every file that references it; the linker is required to fold duplicates by picking one of the copies (the largest version, if they are different sizes) and throw away the rest.(This model is sometimes known as the “common model” of linking, after the FortranCOMMONkeyword.)As a result, it’s actually quite common for UNIX linkersnotto complain about duplicate definitions of symbols — at least, not when the duplicate symbol is an uninitialized global variable(this is sometimes known as the “relaxed ref / def model” of linking).If this worries you (and it probably should), check the documentation for your compiler linker — there may well be a- work-properlyoption that tightens up the behavior. For example, for the GNU toolchain the- fno-commonoption to the compiler forces it to put uninitialized variables into the BSS segment rather than generating thesecommon blocks.

What The Operating System Does

Now that the linker has produced an executable program with all of the references to symbols joined up to suitable definitions of those symbols, we need to pause briefly to understand what the operating system does when you run the program. Running the program obviously involves executing the machine code, so the operating system clearly has to transfer the machine code from the executable file on the hard disk into the computer’s memory, where the CPU can get at it. This chunk of the program’s memory is known as thecode segmentortext segment. Code is nothing without data, so all of the global variables need to have some space in the computer’s memory too. However, there’s a difference between initialized and uninitialized global variables. Initialized variables have particular values ​​that need to be used to begin with, and these values ​​are stored in the object files and in the executable file. When the program is started, the OS copies these values ​​into the program’s memory in thedata segment. For uninitialized variables, the OS can assume that they all just start with the initial value 0, so there’s no need to copy any values. This chunk of memory, that gets initialized to 0, is known as theBSS segment. This means that space can be saved in the executable file on disk; the initial values ​​of initialized variables have to be stored in the file, but for the uninitialized variables we just need a count of how much space is needed for them.How the OS maps the executable file into memoryYou may have noticed that all of the discussion of object files and linkers so far has only talked about global variables; there’s been no mention of the local variables and dynamically allocated memorymentioned earlier. These pieces of data don’t need any linker involvement, because their lifetime only occurs when the program is running — long after the linker has finished its business. However, for the sake of completeness, we can quickly point out here that:  

  • local variables are allocated on a piece of memory known as the   stack, which grows and shrinks as different functions are   called and complete

  • dynamically allocated memory is taken from an area known as the   heap, and themallocfunction keeps track of   where all the available space in this area is.

We can add in these chunks of memory to complete our picture of what the memory space of a running process looks like. Because both the heap and the stack can change size as the program runs, it’s quite common to arrange matters so that the stack grows in one direction while the heap grows in the other. That way, the program will only run out of memory when they meet in the middle (and at that point, the memory space really will be full).How the OS maps the executable file into memory

What The Linker Does: Part 2

Now that we’ve covered thevery basicsof the operation of a linker, we can plow on to describe some more complicating details — roughly in the order that these features were historically added to linkers. The main observation that affected the function of the linker is this: if lots of different programs need to do the same sorts of things (write output to the screen, read files from the hard disk, etc), then it clearly makes sense to commonize this code in one place and have lots of different programs use it. This is perfectly feasible to do by just using the same object files when linking different programs, but it makes life much easier if whole collections of related object files are kept together in one easily accessible place: alibrary(Technical aside: This section completely skips a major feature of the linker:relocation. Different programs will be different sizes, so when the shared library gets mapped into the address space of different programs, it will be at different addresses. This in turn means that all of the functions and variables in the library are in different places. Now, if all of the ways of referring to addresses are relative (“the value 1020 bytes from here “) rather than absolute (” the value at 0x 102218 BF “) this is less of a problem, but this isn’t always possible. If not, then all of these absolute addresses need to have a suitable offset added to them — this is relocation. I’m not going to mention this topic again, though, because it’s almost always invisible to the C / C programmer — it’s very rare that a linking issue is because of relocation problems)

Static Libraries

The most basic incarnation of a library is astatic library. The previous section mentioned that you could share code by just reusing object files; it turns out that static libraries really aren’t much more sophisticated than that. On UNIX systems, the command to produce a static library is normallyen, and the library file that it produces typically has a. aextension. These library files are normally also prefixed with “lib” and passed to the linker with a “-l” option followed by the name of the library, without prefix or extension (so “- lfred” will pick up “libfred.a“).(Historically, a program calledranlibalso   used to be needed for static libraries, in order to build an index   of symbols at the start of the library. Nowadays the   entool tends to do this itself.)

On Windows, static libraries have a.LIBextension and are produced by theLIBtool, but this can be confusing as the same extension is also used for an ” (import library) “, which just holds a list of the things available in a DLL — see thesection on Windows DLLs.

As the linker trundles through its collection of object files to be joined together, it builds a list of the symbols it hasn’t been able to resolve yet. When all of the explicitly specified objects are done with, the linker now has another place to look for the symbols that are left on this unresolved list — in the library. If the unresolved symbol is defined in one of the objects in the library, then that object is added in, exactly as if the user had given it on the command line in the first place, and the link continues. Note the granularity of what gets pulled in from the library: if some particular symbol’s definition is needed, thewhole objectthat contains that symbol’s definition is included. This means that the process can be one step forwards, one step back — the newly added object may resolve one undefined reference, but it may well come with a whole collection of new undefined references of its own for the linker to resolve. Another important detail to note is theorderof events; the libraries are consulted only when then the normal linking is done, and they are processedin order, left to right. This means that if an object pulled in from a library late in the link line needs a symbol from a library earlier in the link line, the linker won’t automatically find it. An example should help to make this clearer; let’s suppose we have the following object files, and a link line that pulls inAO, (bo,- lxand- ly.

































File AO bo libx.a liby.a
Object AO bo x1.o x2.o x3.o y1.o y2.o y3.o
Definitions A1, A2, A3 b1, b2 x 11, x 12, x 13 x 21, x 22, x 23 x 31, x 32 Y 11, Y 12 Y 21, Y 22 Y 31, Y 32
Undefined references B2, X 12 A3, Y 22 x 23, Y 12 Y 11 Y 21 x 31

Once the linker has processedaoandbo, it will have resolved the references tob2anda3, leaving (x) andY 22as still undefined. At this point, the linker checks the first librarylibx.afor these symbols, and finds that it can pull inx1.oto satisfy the (x) reference; however, doing so also addsx 23andy 12to the list of undefined references (so the list is nowy 22,x 23andy 12). The linker is still dealing withlibx.a, so Thex 23reference is easily satisfied, by also pulling inx2.ofromlibx.a. However, this also addsy 11to the list of undefineds (which is nowy 22,y 12andy 11). None of these can be resolved further usinglibx.a, so the linker moves on toliby.a. Here, the same sort of process applies and the linker will pull in both ofy1.oandy2.o. The first of these adds a reference toy 21, but sincey2.ois being pulled in anyway, that reference is easily resolved. The net of this process is that all of the undefined references have been resolved, and some but not all of the objects in the libraries have been included into the final executable. Notice that the situation would have been a little different if (say)boalso had a reference to (Y) . If this had been the case, the linking oflibx.awould have worked the same, but the processing ofliby.awould also have pulled iny3.o. Pulling in this object would have addedx 31to the list of unresolved symbols, and the link would have failed — by this stage the linker has already finished withlibx.aand would not find the definition (inx3.o) for this symbol.(By the way, this example has a cyclic dependency between the two librarieslibx.aandliby.a; this is typically a Bad Thing,particularly on Windows)

Shared Libraries

For popular libraries like the C standard library (normallylibc), having a static library has an obvious disadvantage — every executable program has a copy of the same code. This can take up a lot of unnecessary disk space, if every single executable file has a copy ofprintfandfopenand suchlike.

A slightly less obvious disadvantage is that once a program has been statically linked, the code in it is fixed forever. If someone finds and fixes a bug inprintf, then every program has to be linked again in order to pick up the fixed code.

To get around these and other problems,shared librarieswere introduced (normally indicated by a.soextension, or.dllon Windows machinesand.dylibon Mac OS X). For these kinds of libraries, the normal command line linker doesn’t necessarily join up all of the dots. Instead, the regular linker takes a kind of “IOU” note, and defers the payment of that note until the moment when the program is actually run.

What this boils down to is this: if the linker finds that the definition for a particular symbol is in a shared library, then it doesn’t include the definition of that symbol in the final executable. Instead, the linker records the name of symbol and which library it is supposed to come from in the executable file instead.

When the program is run, the operating system arranges that these remaining bits of linking are done “just in time” for the program to run. Before themainfunction is run, a smaller version of the linker (often goes through these promissory notes and does the last stage of the link there and then — pulling in the code of the library and joining up all of the dots.

This means that none of the executable files have a copy of the code forprintf. If a new, fixed, version ofprintfis available, it can be slipped in just by– it’ll get picked up the next time any program runs.

There’s another big difference with how shared libraries work compared to static libraries, and that shows up in the granularity of the link. If a particular symbol is pulled in from a particular shared library (, then the (whole) of that shared library is mapped into the address space of the program. This is very different from the behavior of a static library, where only the particular objects that held undefined symbols got pulled in.

Put another way, a shared library is itself produced as a result of a run of the linker (rather than just forming a big pile of objects likeendoes), with references between objects in the same library getting resolved. Once again,nmis a useful tool for illustrating this: for theexample libraries aboveit will produce sets of results for the individual object files when run on a static version of the library, but for the shared version of the library,liby.sohas only (x) as an undefined symbol. Also, for the library-ordering example at the end of theprevious section, there wouldn’t be a problem: adding a reference toy 32intobcwould make no difference, as all of the contents ofy3.oandx3.oare already pulled in anyway.


    As an aside, another useful tool isLDD; on Unix platforms this     shows the set of shared libraries that an executable (or a shared library) depends on,     together with an indication of where those libraries are likely to be found.     For the program to run successfully, the loader needs to be able to find all of these     libraries, together with all of their dependencies in turn. (Typically, the loader     looks for libraries in the list of directories held in theLD_LIBRARY_PATH    environment variable.)   

/ usr / bin: ldd xeyes>(0xb7efa 000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7edb 000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7ec 6000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7e 77000)         libX 11 .so.6=>/ usr / lib / libX 11 .so.6 (0xb7d 93000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7d8b 000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7d 74000)>/lib/ (0xb7d4e 000)>/lib/ (0xb7c 05000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7c 01000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7bff 000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7be 8000)>/lib/ (0xb7be 4000)         /lib/ (0xb7efb 000)>/usr/lib/ (0xb7bdf 000)     

The reason for this larger granularity is because modern operating systems are clever enough that you can save more than just the duplicate disk space that happens with static libraries; different running processes that use the same shared library can also share the code segment (but not the data / bss segments — two different processes could be in different places for theirstrtokafter all). In order to do this, the whole library has to be mapped in one go, so that the internal references all line up to the same places — if one process pulled ina.oandc.oand another pulled inboandco, there wouldn’t be any commonality for the OS to leverage.

(Windows DLLs)

Although the general principles of shared libraries are roughly similar on Unix platforms and Windows, that are a few details that can catch out the unwary.

(Exporting Symbols)

The most major difference between the two is that symbols are not automaticallyexportedby Windows libraries. On Unix, all of the symbols from all of the object files that were linked into the shared library are visible to users of the library. On Windows, the programmer has to explicitly choose to make particular symbols visible — i.e. to export them.

There are three ways to export a symbol from a Windows DLL (and all three ways can be mixed together in the same library).

  • In the source code,declare the symbol   as__ declspec (dllexport), thusly:
    __ declspec (dllexport) int my_exported_function (int x, double y);



  • On the invocation of the linker, use the/ export:symbol_to_export    option to       LINK.EXE.
    LINK .EXE / dll / export: my_exported_function



  • Get the linker to pull in a     (module definition)       (.DEF) file(by using the/ DEF:def_filelinker option),     and in that file include anEXPORTSsection that     contains the symbols you want to export.     
    EXPORTS   my_exported_function   my_other_exported_function


Once C is added in to the mix, the first of these options is the easiest because the compiler takes care of thename manglingfor you.

.LIBand Other Library-Related Files

This neatly leads on to the second complication with Windows libraries: the information about exported symbols that the linker needs to join things up is not held in the DLL itself. Instead, this information is held in a corresponding.LIBfile.

The. LIBfile associated with a DLL describes what (exported) symbols are present in the DLL, together with their locations. Any other binary that uses the DLL needs to look in the. LIBfile so that it can join up the symbols correctly.

To confuse things, the.LIBextension is also used for static libraries.

In fact, there are a wide variety of different files that can be relevant for Windows libraries. As well as the. LIBfile and the (optional).DEFfile mentioned in the previous section, you might see all of the following files associated with your Windows library.

  • Linkoutput files:
    • library.DLL: The library code itself; this is needed (at run-time) by any         executable that uses the library.

    • library.LIB: An “import library” file which describes what symbols are where in         the output DLL. This file is only produced if the DLL exports some symbols; if no symbols are         exported, there is no point in having the.LIBfile. This file is needed at         link-time by anything that uses this library.

    • libraryEXP: An “export file” for the library being linked, which is needed         whenlinking binaries with circular dependencies.

    • libraryILK: If the/ INCREMENTALoption was specified to the         linker so that incremental linking is enabled, this file holds the status of the incremental         linking. Needed for any future incremental linking of this library.

    • library.PDB: If the/ DEBUGoption was specified to the linker, this         file is a (program database) containing debugging information for the library.

    • library.MAP: If the/ MAPoption was specified to the linker, this         file holds a description of the internal layout of the library.


  • Linkinput files:
    • library.LIB: An “import library” file which describes what symbols are where in         any other DLLs that are needed by the thing being linked.

    • library.LIB: A static library file which contains a collection of object files         that are needed by the thing being linked. Note the ambiguous use of the.LIBextension.

    • library.DEF: A “module definition” file which allows control of various details         of the linked library, including theexport of symbols.

    • libraryEXP: An “export file” for the library being linked, which can indicate         that a previous run ofLIB.EXEfor the library has already created the.LIB        file for the library. Relevant whenlinking binaries with circular dependencies.

    • libraryILK: Incremental linking status file; see above.

    • libraryRES: Resource file that contains information about the various GUI         widgets that the executable uses; these are included in the final binary file.

This is contrast to Unix, where most of the information held in these extra files is (usually) just included in the library itself.

Importing Symbols

As well as requiring DLLs to explicitly declare whichsymbols they export, Windows also allows binaries that use library code to explicitly declare which symbols theyimport. This is optional, but gives a speed optimization due to somehistorical features of 16 – bit windows.

To do this,declare the symbol as__ declspec (dllimport)in the source code, thusly:

__ declspec (dllimport) int function_from_some_dll ( int x, double y); __declspec (dllimport) extern int global_var_from_some_dll;

It’s normal good practice in C to have a single declaration for any function or global variable, held in a header file. This leads to a bit of a conundrum: the code in the DLL that holds the definition of the function / variable needs toexportthe symbol, but any code outside the DLL needs toimportthe symbol.

A common way round this is to use a preprocessor macro in the header file.

#ifdef EXPORTING_XYZ_DLL_SYMS #define XYZ_LINKAGE __declspec (dllexport) #else #define XYZ_LINKAGE __declspec (dllimport) #endif  XYZ_LINKAGE int xyz_exported_function (int x); XYZ_LINKAGE extern int xyz_exported_variable;

The C file in the DLL which defines the function and variable ensures that the preprocessor variableEXPORTING_XYZ_DLL_SYMSis# defined before it includes this header file, and so does an export of the symbols. Any other code that pulls in this header file doesn’t define the symbol and so indicates an import of the symbols.

Circular Dependencies

One final complication with DLLs is that Windows is stricter than Unix in requiring every symbol to have a resolution at link time. On Unix, it’s possible to link a shared library that contains an unresolved symbol that the linker has never seen; in this situation, any other code that pulls in this shared library must provide that symbol, or the program will fail to load. Windows doesn’t allow this sort of laxity.

In most systems this isn’t a problem. Executables rely on high-level libraries, the high-level libraries rely on lower-level libraries, and everything gets linked in the opposite order — low-level libraries first, then higher-level libraries, and finally the executables that rely on it all.

However, if there are circular dependencies between binaries, then things are trickier. IfX.DLLneeds a symbol fromY.DLL, andY.DLLneeds a symbol fromX. DLL, then there is a chicken-and-egg problem: whichever library is linked first won’t be able to find all of its symbols.

Windows does provide away around this, roughly as follows.

  • First, fake a link of libraryX. RunLIB.EXE(notLINK.EXE) to     produce anX.LIBfile that is the same as would have been produced byLINK.EXE.     NoX.DLLfile is produced, but aX.EXPfile does get emitted.

  • Link libraryYas normal; this pulls in theX.LIBfile from the previous     step, and outputs both aY.DLLand aY.LIBfile.

  • Finally link libraryXproperly. This is almost the same as normal, but it additionally     includes theX.EXPfile created in the first step. As normal, this link will pull in the     Y.LIBfile from the previous step and will create aX.DLLfile. Unlike normal,     the link will skip the process of creating anX.LIBfile, because there one already there     from the first step (which is what the. EXPfile indicates).

Of course, a better idea is usually to re-organize the libraries so that there aren’t any circular dependencies….

Adding C To The Picture

C provides a number of extra features over and above what’s available in C, and a number of these features interact with the operation of the linker. This wasn’t originally the case — the first C implementations came as a front end to a C compiler, so the back end of the linker didn’t need to be changed — but as time went on, sufficiently sophisticated features were added that the linker had to be enhanced to support them.

Function Overloading & Name Mangling

The first change that C allows is the ability to overload a function, so there can be different versions of the same named functions, differing in the types that the function accepts (the function’ssignature) :

int max (int x, int y) {   if (x>y) return x;   else return y; } float max (float x, float y) {   if (x>y) return x;   else return y; } double max (double x, double y) {   if (x>y) return x;   else return y; }

This obviously gives a problem for the linker: when some other code refers tomax, which one does it mean?

The solution that was adopted for this is calledname mangling, because all of the information about the function signature is mangled into a textual form, and that becomes the actual name of the symbol as seen by the linker. Different signature functions get mangled to different names, so the uniqueness problem goes away. I’m not going to go into details of the schemes used (which vary from platform to platform anyway), but a quick look at the object file corresponding to the code above gives some hints (remember,nmis your friend!):

 Symbols from fn_overload.o:  Name Value Class Type Size Line Section  __gxx_personality_v0 | | U | NOTYPE | | | * UND * _Z3maxii | 00000000 T | FUNC | 00000021 | .text _Z3maxff | 00000022 T | FUNC | 00000029 | .text _Z3maxdd ​​| 0000004 c | T | FUNC | 00000041 | | .text

Here we can see that our three functions calledmaxall get different names in the object files, and we can make a fairly shrewd guess that the two letters after the “max” are encoding the types of the parameters— “i” forint, “f” forfloatand “d” fordouble(things get a lot more complex when classes, namespaces, templates and overloaded operators get added into the mangling mix, though!). It’s also worth noting that there will normally be some way of converting between the user-visible names for things (thedemanglednames) and the linker-visible names for things (themanglednames) . This might be a separate program (e.g.c filt) or a command-line option (e.g.- demangleas an option to GNU nm), which gives results like:

 Symbols from fn_overload.o:  Name Value Class Type Size Line Section  __gxx_personality_v0 | | U | NOTYPE | | | * UND * max (int, int) | 00000000 T | FUNC | 00000021 | .text max (float, float) | 00000022 T | FUNC | 00000029 | .text max (double, double) | 0000004 c | T | FUNC | 00000041 | | .text

The area where this mangling scheme most commonly trips people up is when C and C code is intermingled. All of the symbols produced by the C compiler are mangled; all of the symbols produced by the C compiler are just as they appear in the source file. To get around this, the C language allows you to putextern "C"around the declaration & definition of a function. This basically tells the C compiler that this particular name should not be mangled — either because it’s the definition of a C function that some C code needs to call, or because it’s a C function that some C code needs to call. For the example given right at the start of this page, it’s easy to see that there’s a good chance someone has forgotten thisextern "C"declaration in their link of C and C together.

g    -o test1 test1a.o test1b.o test1a.o (.text   0x 18): In function `main ': : undefined reference to `findmax (int, int) ' collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

The big hint here is that the error message includes a function signature — it’s not just complaining about plain oldfindmaxmissing. In other words, the C code is actually looking for something like “_ Z7findmaxii” but only finding “findmax“, and so it fails to link.By the way, note that anextern "C"linkage declaration is ignored for member functions (7.5.4 of the C standard).

Initialization of Statics

The next feature that C has over C that affects the linker is the ability to have objectconstructors. A constructor is a piece of code that sets up the contents of an object; as such it is conceptually equivalent to an initializer value for a variable but with the key practical difference that it involves arbitrary pieces of code. Recall froman earlier sectionthat a global variable can start off with a particular value. In C, constructing the initial value of such a global variable is easy: the particular value is justcopied from the data segmentof the executable file into the relevant place in the memory for the soon-to-be-running program. In C , the construction process is allowed to be much more complicated than just copying in a fixed value; all of the code in the various constructors for the class hierarchy has to be run, before the program itself starts running properly. To deal with this, the compiler includes some extra information in the object files for each C file; specifically, the list of constructors that need to be called for this particular file. At link time, the linker combines all of these individual lists into one big list, and includes code that goes through the list one by one, calling all of these global object constructors. Note that the (order) in which all of these constructors for global objects get called is not defined — it’s entirely at the mercy of what the linker chooses to do. (See Scott Meyers’ Effective C for more details — Item 47 in thesecond edition, Item 4 in thethird edition). We can hunt down these lists by once again usingnm. Consider the following C file:

class Fred { private:   int x;   int y; public:   Fred (): x (1), y (2) {}   Fred (int z): x (z), y (3) {} };  Fred theFred; Fred theOtherFred (55);

For this code, the (demangled) output ofnmgives:

 Symbols from global_obj.o:  Name Value Class Type Size Line Section  __gxx_personality_v0 | | U | NOTYPE | | | * UND * __static_initialization_and_destruction_0 (int, int) | 00000000 t | FUNC | 00000039 | .text Fred :: Fred (int) | 00000000 W | FUNC | 00000017 | .text._ZN4FredC1Ei Fred :: Fred () | 00000000 W | FUNC | 000 000 18 | | .text._ZN4FredC1Ev theFred | 00000000 B | OBJECT | 00000008 | .bss theOtherFred | 00000008 B | OBJECT | 00000008 | .bss global constructors keyed to theFred |  (00)  a | t | FUNC | 0 000001 a | | .text

There are various things here, but the one we’re interested in is the two entries with class as (W) (which indicates a “weak” symbol) and with section names like “. gnu.linkonce.t.stuff“. These are the markers for global object constructors, and we can see that the corresponding “Name” fields look sensible — one for each of the two constructors used.


In an earlier section, we gavean exampleof three different versions of amaxfunction, each of which took different types of argument. However, we can see that the lines of source code for these three functions are absolutely identical, and it seems a shame to have to copy and paste identical code. C introduces the idea of ​​templatesto allow code like this to be written once and for all. We can create a header filemax_template.hwith the single unique code forMax:

templateT max (T x, T y) {   if (x>y) return x;   else return y; }

and include this header file in C code to use the templated function:

#include "max_template.h"  int main () {   int a=1;   int b=2;   int c;   c=max (a, b); // Compiler automatically figures out that max(int, int) is needed   double x=1.1;   float y=2.2;   double z;   z=max(x, y); // Compiler can't resolve, so force use of max(double, double)   return 0; }

This C file uses bothmax(int, int)andmax(double, double), but a different C file might use different instantiations of the template — saymax(float, float)or evenmax(MyFloatingPointClass, MyFloatingPointClass). Each of these different instantiations of the template involves different actual machine code, so by the time that the program is finally linked, the compiler and linker need to make sure that every instantiation of the template that is used has code included into the program (and no unused template instantiations are included to bloat the program size). So how do they do this? There are normally two ways of arranging this: by folding duplicate instantiations, or by deferring instantiation until link time (I like to refer to these as the sane way and the Sun way). For the duplicate instantiation approach, each object file contains the code for all of the templates that it uses. For the particular example C file above, the contents of the object file are:

 Symbols from max_template.o:  Name Value Class Type Size Line Section  __gxx_personality_v0 | | U | NOTYPE | | | * UND * double max(double, double) | 00000000 W | FUNC | 00000041 | | .text._Z3maxIdET_S0_S0_ int max(int, int) | 00000000 W | FUNC | 00000021 | .text._Z3maxIiET_S0_S0_ main | 00000000 T | FUNC | 00000073 | | .text

and we can see that bothmax(int, int)andmax(double, double)are present. These definitions are listed asweak symbols, and this means that when the linker produces the final executable program, it can throw away all but one of these duplicate definitions (and if it’s feeling generous, it can check that all the duplicate definitions actually look like they are the same code). The most significant downside of this approach is that all of the individual object files take up much more room on the hard disk. The other approach (which is used by the Solaris C compiler suite) is to include none of the template definitions in the object files, but instead to leave them all as undefined symbols. When it comes to link time, the linker can collect together all of the undefined symbols that actually correspond to template instantiations, and go and generate the machine code for these instantiations there and then. This saves space in the individual object files, but has the disadvantage that the linker needs to keep track of where the header file containing the source code, and needs to be able to invoke the C compiler at link time (which may slow down the link).

Dynamically Loaded Libraries

The last feature that we’ll talk about on this page is the dynamic loading of shared libraries.A previous sectiondescribed how using shared libraries means that the final link is deferred until the moment when the program is run. On modern systems, it’s possible to defer linking to even later than that. This is done with a pair of system calls,dlopenanddlsym(the rough Windows equivalents of these are calledLoadLibraryandGetProcAddress). The first of these takes the name of a shared library and loads it into the address space of the running process. Of course, this extra library may itself have undefined symbols, so this call todlopenmay also trigger the loading of other shared libraries.Thedlopenalso allows the choice of whether to resolve all of these references at the instant that the library is loaded (RTLD_NOW), or one by one as each undefined reference is hit (RTLD_LAZY). The first way means that thedlopencall takes much longer, but the second way involves the slight risk that sometime later the program will discover that there is an undefined reference that can’t be resolved — at which point, the program will be terminated.Of course, there’s no way for a symbol from the dynamically loaded library to have a name. However, as ever with programming problems, this is easily solved by adding an extra level of indirection — in this case, by using a pointer to the space for the symbol, rather than referring to it by name. The calldlsymtakes a string parameter that gives the name of the symbol to be found, and returns a pointer to its location (orNULLif it can’t be found).

Interaction with C Features

This dynamic loading feature is all very spangly, but how does it interact with the various C features that affect the overall behavior of linkers? The first observation is that mangled names are a bit tricky. Whendlsymis called, it takes a string containing the name of the symbol to be found. This has to be the linker-visible version of the name; in other words, the mangled version of the name. Because the particular name mangling schemes can vary from platform to platform and from compiler to compiler, this means that it’s pretty much impossible to dynamically locate a C symbol in a portable way. Even if you’re happy to stick to one particular compiler and delve around in its internals, there are more problems in store — for anything other than vanilla C-like functions, you have to worry about pulling vtables and such like. All in all, it’s usually best to just stick to having a single, well knownextern "C"entrypoint that can bedlsymed; this entrypoint can be a factory method that returns pointers to full instances of a C class, allowing all of the C goodness to be accessed. The compiler can sort out constructors for global objects in adlopened library because there are a couple of special symbols that can be defined in the library and which the linker (whether load-time or run-time) will call when the library is dynamically loaded or unloaded — so the necessary constructor and destructor calls can be put there.In Unix these are functions called_ initand_ fini, or for more recent systems using the GNU toolchain, these are any functions marked with__ attribute __ ((constructor))or__ attribute __ ((destructor)). In Windows, the relevant function isDllMainwith a reason parameter orDLL_PROCESS_ATTACHorDLL_PROCESS_DETACH.Finally, dynamic loading works fine with the “fold duplicates” approach to template instantiation, but is much trickier with the “compile templates at link time” approach — in this case, “link time “is after the program is running (and possibly on a different machine than holds the source code). Check the compiler & linker documentation for ways round this.

More Details

The contents of this page have deliberately skipped a lot of details about how linkers work, because I’ve found that the level of description here covers 95% of the everyday problems that programmers encounter with the link steps for their programs. If you want to go further, some additional references are:

Many thanks to Mike Capp and Ed Wilson for useful suggestions about this page.

Copyright (c) 2004 – 2005,2009 – 2010David Drysdale

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and / or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, with no Front-Cover Texts, and with no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is availablehere.

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