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biliLive-tools – Automated B station live screen recording. Post-workflow: barrage conversion, video compression, upload to B station (Win/Linux)



biliLive-tools – Automated B station live screen recording. Post-workflow: barrage conversion, video compression, upload to B station (Win/Linux)

biliLive-tools Is an open source tool used to automate B StationAfter live streamingThe workflow: barrage conversion, video compression, uploading to B station, and integrating the live screen recording tools Luboji and blrec of the previous workflow through Webhook. @app

biliLive-tools - Automated B station live screen recording. Post-workflow: barrage conversion, video compression, upload to B station

FromDiscovery Channeldevelopers recommend themselves:

Here’s how the developer explains the tool:

Some people will regularly record the live broadcast images and barrages of certain anchors and then upload them to Bilibili.

This tool supports automated operations to avoid some tedious operation processes: live recording => barrage conversion => barrage and video hard coding => watch to complete =>Using the shitty B station to share PUpload

Except for live broadcast recording, all other functions can be realized by this software. It can also be automated with the webhook function of some recording software to reduce the burden of recording. The original operations may be distributed in various different software. Due to the integration of processes, it also supports some functions that other software do not have.

It may be of great help to some minority groups

For Qing Xiaowa, who had never done this (live broadcast recording) before, he still understood it carefully.

The thing is, some people like to live stream UP hosts, and then they will record their live streams, and then suppress the barrage generated during the live stream into the video, and finally upload it back to B Station. This is equivalent to recording the live stream.

But this process is very cumbersome and requires a lot of tools. biliLive-tools solves all the problems exceptLive RecordingOther things besides this matter. Because the live broadcast recording already has Luboji and blrec.

In addition, biliLive-tools has some other functions: format conversion, video merging, and B station download.

biliLive-tools - Automated B station live screen recording. Post-workflow: barrage conversion, video compression, upload to B station (Win/Linux) 1


The developer also said some “bullshit” on the release page:

Developer shit talk

After more than half a year of development, this software has finally entered version 1.0. Time flies so fast. Some of the Vs I promoted no longer watch it for some reasons, and I don’t need to upload the recordings anymore. In fact, I use it less and less (laughs). I only upload my own recordings occasionally. It’s all because of Bilibili’s shitty upload system.

Thanks to those users who helped iterate the development of the software. I also hope that this software can help some people in need, reduce the threshold for recording and saving some time, but please let me know that you are using this software, whether it is B station with the software tag or sponsoring meLove Power GenerationCharging at Station BStill paying attentionI

Next, let's talk about the possible needs of this project. I will give priority to my own needs.There's no need anymore.If you have any needs, you can raise an issue. If you don't raise it, I will definitely not see it.

1. What I have always wanted to do is to make a slicing function based on the frequency of barrage, but because I don’t slice, this function has been postponed
2. Support for the web version and expansion of the cli. This requirement is not interesting, so it depends on your mood.

  1. Batch compression transcoding tool page, the UI has been completed
  2. Douyu recorded video download, it is strange that there is no similar tool on the market
  3. srt ai translation, just for my occasional barbecue

Very interesting developer 😂

In addition, it seems necessary to introduce the live screen recording tool.


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