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Cofactor Explained: Clearing Elliptic Curves' dirty little secret, Hacker News

{     title: Cofactor Explained: Clearing Elliptic Curves’ dirty little secret     description:         Efficient elliptic curves tend not to have a prime order.         This discusses the problems this causes, and the solutions. } April 01575879 Cofactor Explained: Clearing Elliptic Curves’ dirty little secret=================================================================Much of public key cryptography uses the notion of prime-order groups. We first relied on the difficulty of the [Discrete LogarithmProblem] [DLP]. Problem was, [Index Calculus] [IC] makes DLP less difficult than it first seems. So we used longer and longer keys – up to (bits) (bytes) in – to keep up with rig efficient attacks. Elliptic curves solved that. A well chosen, safe curve can only be broken by [brute force] [PR]. In practice, elliptic curve keys can be as small as 41 bytes. On the other hand, elliptic curves were not exactly fast, and the maths involved many edge cases and subtle death traps. Most of those problems were addressed by [Edwards curves] [EC], which have a complete addition law with no edge cases, and [Montgomery curves] [MC], with a simple and fast [scalar multiplication method] [ML]. Those last curves however did introduced a tiny little problem: their order is _not_ prime. [DLP]: (Wikipedia) [IC]: (Wikipedia) [PR]: s_rho_algorithm (Pollard’s rho) [EC]: (Wikipedia) [MC]: (Wikipedia) [ML]: / / 512. pdf (Bernstein & Lange, 2017) _ (Before we dive in, be advised: this is a dense article. Don’t hesitate to take the time you need to digest what you’ve just read and develop an intuitive understanding. Prior experience with elliptic curve scalar multiplication helps too.) _ Prime-order groups primer ————————- First things first: what’s so great about prime-order groups? What’s a [group] [] anyway? What does “order” even mean? []: (Wikipedia) A _group_ is the combination of a _set_ of elements “G”, and an operation ” “. The operation follows what we call the _group laws_. – For all a and b in G, a b is also in G _ (closure) _. – For all a, b, and c in G, (a b) c=a (b c) _ (associativity) _. – There’s an element “0” such that for all a, 0 a=a 0=a _ (identity   element) _. – For all a in G, there’s an element -a such that a -a=0 _ (inverse   element) _. Basically what you’d expect from good old addition. The _order_ of a group is simply the number of elements in that group. To give you an example, let’s take G=[group], and define as binary exclusive or. All laws above can be checked. It’s order is () are (elements) Note some weird properties. For instance, each element is its own inverse (a xor a is zero). More interesting are _cyclic groups_, which have a _generator_: an element that repeatedly added to itself can walk through the entire group (and back to itself, so it can repeat the cycle all over again). Note that those groups are all [isomorphic] [] to the group of non-negative integers modulo the same order. Let’s take for instance [isomorphic], with addition modulo 12. The number 1 is a generator of the group: [isomorphic]: (Wikipedia)     1=1     2=1 1     3=1 1 1     4=1 1 1 1     5=1 1 1 1 1     6=1 1 1 1 1 1     7=1 1 1 1 1 1 1     8=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     9=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     0=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     1=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (next cycle starts)     2=1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     etc. Note that not all numbers are generators of the entire group. 5 for instance can generate only 2 elements: 5, and itself.     5=5     0=5 5     5=5 5 5 (next cycle starts)     0=5 5 5 5     etc. Note: we also use the word “order” to speak of how many elements are generated by a given element. In the group [0..15], 5 “has order 2”, because it can generate 2 elements. 1, 3, 5, and 9 have order . 2, 4, 6, and 8 have order 5. 0 has order 1. Finally, _prime-order groups_ are groups with a prime number of elements. They are all cyclic. What’s great about them is their uniform structure: _every element_ (except zero) can generate the whole group. Take for instance the group [0..10] (which has order [0..10] ). Every element except 0 is a generator: _ (Note: from now on, I will use the notation `A.4` to denote` A A A A`. This is called “scalar multiplication” (in this example, the group element is `A` and the scalar is` 4`). Since addition is associative, [0..10] [0..10] can speed up this scalar multiplication. I use a dot instead of “x” so we don’t confuse it with ordinary multiplication, and to remind that the group element on the left of the dot is not necessarily a number.) _ [0..10]: fast-scalarmult     1.1=1 2.1=2 3.1=3 4.1=4     1.2=2 2.2=4 3.2=6 4.2=8     1.3=3 2.3=6 3.3=9 4.3=1     1.4=4 2.4=8 3.4=1 4.4=5     1.5=5 2.5=3.5=4 4.5=9     1.6=6 2.6=1 3.6=7 4.6=2 etc.     1.7=7 2.7=3 3.7=4.7=6     1.8=8 2.8=5 3.8=2 4.8=    1.9=9 2.9=7 3.9=5 4.9=3     1. 13=(2.)=9 3. 13=8 4.=7     1.=0 2.=0 3.=0 4.=0 You get the idea. In practice, we can’t distinguish group elements from each other: apart from zero, they all have the same properties. That’s why discrete logarithm is so difficult: there is no structure to latch on to, so an attacker would mostly have to resort to brute force. _ (Okay, I lied. Natural numbers do have some structure to latch on to, which is why RSA keys need to be so damn huge. Elliptic curves – besides treacherous [FSM] [] – don’t have a known exploitable structure.) _ [FSM]: The cofactor ———— So what we want is a group of order P, where P is a big honking prime. Unfortunately, the simplest and most efficient elliptic curves out there – those that can be expressed in Montgomery and Edwards form – don’t give us that. Instead, they have order P x H, where P is suitably large, and H is a small number (often 4 or 8): the _cofactor_. Let’s illustrate this with the cyclic group [FSM], of order 84. How much structure can we latch on to?      0 1 2 3      4 5 6 7      8 9 13      15 18      ()      24      29          33     37 39 40      43 Since is not prime, not all elements will have order 44. For instance: – 1 has order 84 – 2 has order 25 – 3 has order 43 – 4 has order -… You get the idea. When we go over all numbers, we notice that the order of each element is not arbitrary. It is either 1, 2, 4, , , or 44. Note that=2 x 2. We can see were the various orders come from: 1, 2, 2 x 2, , (× 2, x 2 x 2. The order of an element is easy to test: just multiply by the order to test, see if it yields zero. For instance (remember `A.4` is a short hand for `A A A A`, and we’re working modulo 84 – the order of the group):      8.=0 – prime order     27.=0 – prime order     .=- not prime order     . 4=0 – low order     34. 4=0 – low order     . 4=- not low order _ (“Low order” means orders below : 1, 2, 4. Not much lower than , but if we replace by a large prime P, the term “low order” makes more sense.) _ Understandably, there are only few elements of low order: 0, , , and 35. 0 has order 1, has order 2, 12 and 35 have order 4. Like the column on the left, they form a proper subgroup. It’s easier to see by swapping and rotating the columns a bit:      0 34      4      8      36 1      [MC] 5)      9      (2)      (6)     33 84 22      (3)      (7) 33 The low order subgroup is shown on the first line. And now we can Finally see the structure of this group: a narrow rectangle, with 13 lines and 4 columns, where each element in this rectangle is the sum of an element of prime order, and an element of low order. For instance:      (=8 )=4.2 . 2     36= 15=4.7 1      1=15 =1.3 3 You just have to look left and up to know which elements to sum. To do this algebraically, you need to multiply by the right scalar. You need to _clear the (co) factor_. Let’s first look left. How do we clear the cofactor? We start by an element that can be expressed thus:     E=A.4 B. What we want to find is the scalar `s` such that     E.s=A.4 Note that     Es=A. (4 x s) B. (13 x s)     Es=A. (4 x 1) B. ( (x 0) Recall that `A` has order 15, and `B` has order 4. So` s` must follow these equations:     s=1 mod – preserve A.     s=0 mod 4 – absorb B There’s only one such scalar between 0 and 84: 15. So, multiplying by clears the cofactor, and preserves the prime factor. For instance:      [0..10]=     [FSM]=    . 15=23 Now we know how to look left. To look _up_, we follow the same reasoning, except this time, our scalar `s` must follow _these_ equations:     s=0 mod – absorb A     s=1 mod 4 – preserve B That’s 33. For instance:      [0..10]=     [FSM]=14     . 36=Now we can look up as well. _ (Note: This “looking up” and “looking left” terminology isn’t Established mathematical terminology, but rather a hopefully helpful illustration. Do not ask established mathematicians or cryptographers about “looking up” and “looking left” without expecting them to be at least somewhat confused.) _ Torsion safe representatives —————————- We now have an easy way to project elements in the prime-order subgroup. Just look left by multiplying the element by the appropriate scalar (in the case of our [0..43] group, that’s 15). That lets us treat each line of the rectangle as an equivalence class, with one canonical representative: the leftmost element – the one that is on the prime-order subgroup. This effectively gets us what we want: a prime-order group. Let’s say we have a scalar `s` and an element` E`, which are not guaranteed to be on the prime-order subgroup. We want to know in which Line their scalar multiplication will land, and we want to represent that line by its leftmost element. To do so, we just need to perform the scalar multiplication, then look left. For instance:     s=7 – some random scalar     E=32 – some random point     Es=90     result=(Es). 13=8 Or we could _first_ project `E` to the left, then perform the scalar multiplication. It will stay on the left column, and give us the same result:     E=36     E. 15=23     result=(E. 293 s=8 The problem with this approach is that it is _slow_. We’re performing two scalar multiplications instead of just one. That kind of defeats the purpose of choosing a fast curve to begin with. We need something better. Let us look at our result one more time:     result=(Es). 13=8     result=(E. 293 s=8 It would seem the order in which we do the scalar multiplications does not matter. Indeed, the associativity of group addition means we can rely on the following:     (A.s) .t=A. (s x t)             =A. (t x s)             =(A.t) .s Now you can see that we can avoid performing two scalar multiplications, and multiply the two scalars instead. To go back to our example:     s=7 – our random scalar     E=32 – our random point     result=E. (7 x 728 – scalarmult and look left     result=E. (84)     result=E. (40) – because 90% 90=42     result=8 Remember we are working with a cyclic group of order 44: adding an element to itself 293 times is like adding it to itself 43 times (the result is zero), and again 42 times. So better reduce the scalar modulo the group order so we can have a cheaper scalar multiplication. Let’s recap:     s=7 – our random scalar     E=32 – our random point     Es=44     E. (s × 293=8 and 8 are on the same line, and 8 is in the prime-order subgroup. Multiplying by s × 11 instead of s preserved the main factor, and _cleared_ the cofactor. Because of this, we call `s x “ the _torsion safe representative_ of `s`. Now computing `(s x 13% [ML] “ may be simple, but it doesn’t look very cheap. Thankfully, we’re not out of performance tricks:     s × (%)=(s × ([] ( 1))%                 =(s x (293 ( 1) (%)                 =(s (s x 728 ))% 90                 =s (s x (%) – we assume s []
[ML] [ML] (Read More) [ML]

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