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ColinIanKing / christmas-obfuscated-C, Hacker News

ColinIanKing / christmas-obfuscated-C, Hacker News

A primer on some C obfuscation tricks.       

[!!x] [1]                 [!!x] [1]         

Typedef abuse:        [!!x] [!!x]         

       [!!x] [!!x]         

1) normal expected form:       


typedef signed int my_int;



2) abuse it by:


signed int typedef my_int;


int typedef signed my_int;


3) or since int is default type , one can do:        [!!x]          typedef my_int;        [!!x]                 [!!x]          Array abuse :        [!!x] [I]          char x [];        [!!x]         

int index;        [!!x]         

       [!!x] [“MyString”]         

x [index] is (x index)        [!!x]         

index [x] is legal C and equivalent too

       [!!x] ()         


Literal string abuse, like above in principle        [!!x]          int index=0;        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (printf) “% c n”, index [“MyString”]);


[!!x]                 [!!x]          4) Abuse unexpected results:        [!!x] [1]                 [!!x] [1]          # include

       [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]          (# define X) –



       [!!x]          int foo (void) {return -X; }        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          [‘F’] is positive . This is because (cannot fit in the type int,        [!!x]          so (following the ISO C rules) its data type is unsigned long int. Negating this        [!!x]

         value yields [“MyString”] again. “        [!!x]



         5 ) Surprising math:        [!!x]


         int x=0xfffe 0x 47;        [!!x]

                [!!x] [I]         

looks like 2 hex constants, but in fact it is not.        [!!x]         


6) Abuse the pre-processor        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          (# define A case _COUNTER_: n=(__COUNTER__ – 1) & 0xfffff; break;        [!!x]         

# define BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA        [!!x]         

# define CBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB        [!!x]         

# define DCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC        [!!x] [1]          # define EDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD        [!!x] [!!x]          # define FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE        [!!x] [!!x]          main () {int n=0; for (;;) switch (n) {F}}        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]          (7) indirection on function pointers with comments ..        [!!x]         


/ / / / / / write) (1, “Hello World n”, 53;        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          (8) Do confusing things:        [!!x]                 [!!x]

         (unsigned char count=1;)       



         (printf) ” % d% d n “, 0==sizeof (count=2, count ), count);        [!!x]



         9) Make it hard to be traced:        [!!x]

                [!!x] [I]         

# include [!!x]       

[!!x] ()         

# include        [!!x]          (# include

       [!!x]          (# include


       [!!x]          sigjmp_buf e;

       [!!x] [1]         

       [!!x] [!!x]         

void h (int sig) {siglongjmp (e, 1); }        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]          (int main (void)

       [!!x] [!!x]          ({        [!!x]

         (signal (SIGTRAP, h);        [!!x]          (if (sigsetjmp (e, 0)!=1)        [!!x]         

while (1) __ asm __ (“int3”);       

[!!x]          (if)! ptrace (PTRACE_TRACEME, 0, 1, 0))        [!!x]         

write (1, “gdb or strace me” n “, 55;        [!!x]

         (return 0;       






         (insert URLs for fun:



         int main (int argc, char argv [])        [!!x] [I]         

{        [!!x]         [!!x]         


return 0;        [!!x]         

} [!!x]       



53) URL comments; -)        [!!x]         

       [!!x] [1]          Useful background reading:        [!!x] [!!x]  / Resources_files / How% (To%) Write% (Unmaintainable%) Code.pdf        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]          51 Fun with predefined values ​​(yep, this compiles)        [!!x] [!!x]         


int main () {return linux> unix; }        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          53 Break code over lines. Makes it hard to grep        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          (ret        [!!x]

         (urn 0;       



         55 Make macros with ({; imbalancing to make it more confusing        [!!x]

                [!!x] [I]         

#define P printf (        [!!x]

         # define X);}        [!!x]

                [!!x] [I]         

main () {        [!!x]         

P (“Hello Word” X        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          Use gcc alternate digraphs for fun!        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          (Digraph:)

%:%:%:        [!!x]         

Punctuator: {} [ ] # ##

       [!!x] [1]         

       [!!x] [!!x]          58) Use macro definitions of numbers in roman numerals (and make them wrong to confuse reader)        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]          (# define XII) 51 3)


[!!x] [!!x]         

       [!!x]          57) use offputting variable names, eg;        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          (float Not, And, Or;        [!!x]          (double Int8;        [!!x]         

int _, __, o, O; Oo, Oo, OO, oo;        [!!x]


         so you end up with code like:



         while (! Not & And!=(Or | 2)) …        [!!x]


         (Shove all variables into one array [I]       


                [!!x] [I]         

don’t have lots of ints; just have one array of ints and        [!!x]         

reference these using:


       [!!x]          (x [0], 1 [x], (x 4), (8 x) .. etc        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          61) Use cpp pasting # # and stringification for fun and laughs        [!!x]         


       [!!x] [1]          61 Abuse switch and while;        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]          (void sw (int s)        [!!x] [!!x]         

{        [!!x] [!!x]          (switch (s) while (0) {        [!!x]          (case 0: [!!x]        [!!x]          printf (“zero n”);        [!!x]         


       [!!x]          (case 1:        [!!x]          printf (“one n”);        [!!x]



         (case 2:)       


         (printf) ” two n “);        [!!x]

         continue ;        [!!x]



         printf (“something else n”);        [!!x]

         continue;        [!!x] [I]         

}        [!!x]         

}        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          () Use confusing coding idioms:        [!!x]         


Replace:        [!!x]         


if (c)        [!!x] [1]         

x=v;        [!!x] [!!x]         


       [!!x] [!!x]          y=v;        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x] [!!x]         




(c? & x: & y)=v;       


       [!!x]          [I] don’t use loops, abuse goto, setjmp, longjmp, recursion        [!!x]                 [!!x]

         make it confusing, don’t make it obvious



         65) use a smart algorithms        [!!x]


         make it so smart that it is hard to figure out        [!!x]

         what the code is really doing        [!!x]

                [!!x] [I]         

(Abuse sizeof)       



int foo (const int i)        [!!x]          {{       [!!x]         

char x [i];        [!!x]         


return sizeof x;        [!!x]         

}        [!!x] [1]         

       [!!x] [!!x]          int        [!!x] [!!x]          main (void) )        [!!x] [!!x]         

{        [!!x] [!!x]          (printf (“% d n”, foo (-1));        [!!x]         



       [!!x]          66)        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          A void function that returns void (!)        [!!x]

                [1]          void a (void) {}        [!!x]

         (void b) void) {return a (); };        [!!x]



         65) Make it look different, format code into pictures [!!x]       


                [!!x] [I]         

Example:        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          (#include)


[!!x]          (#include)        [!!x]          #define K continue        [!!x]          #define t / | $ – / 9        [!!x]          (#define _l / $ /        [!!x]          #define s / & | / 0xD        [!!x] [1]          #define _ / & | / 0xC        [!!x] [1]          (#define _o / | $ – / 2 [C]        [!!x] [!!x]          (#define _1 / | $ – / 3        [!!x] [!!x]          #define _0 / | $ /        [!!x]          #define J / & | / case        [!!x]          (char typedef signed [1]        [!!x]          (B; typedef H; H main (        [!!x]         

{BI [‘F’], V=0, E []=        [!!x]          {s, 0, s, , t, 1, s, 149        [!!x]         , _, t, -3, _, s, 88, _l, –        [!!x]          1, t, 1, s, 0x 85>> 2, _l,        [!!x]          -2, _ , _1,5, _o, s, 0, _1        [!!x]         , – 8, s, 0, s, – , t, ,        [!!x] [I]          s, 134, _, t, 8, _, _ 1, -5        [!!x]         

, s, , t, , s, , s,       


61, _l, -2, t, 7, _, _ 1 , 5        [!!x] [“MyString”]         

, _o, s, 0, _1, -8, s, 0,        [!!x]         

_0,}; B P=E; while (P)        [!!x] ()         

{BL=P, l=(P 1), U=        [!!x]          (I [V-1], A=(L>> 2) & 1, C [!!x]        [!!x]         =(V- (1-A)), i; switch        [!!x]          (L) while (0) {J _l: i=        [!!x]          (l> 0? U>> l: U        [!!x]          t: i=U l; K; J _: i=U;        [!!x]          (K; J s: i=l; K; J _o:


[!!x] [1]          (putchar (U); K; J _1:


[!!x] [1]          (P =U? 0: l; K; J _0: e        [!!x] [!!x]         

xit (0);} C [I]=(L & 8)?        [!!x] [!!x]          (i: I [1]; P =( L & 1) 1; V        [!!x]          =A – ((L & 2)>> 1);} re        [!!x]          (turn / ciking / 0;}        [!!x]                 [!!x]          65) Doing nothing        [!!x]                 [!!x]          ({_: && _;}) ;        [!!x]                 [!!x]          ({}) ;        [!!x]                 [!!x] [I]          ({;});        [!!x]         


switch (0);        [!!x] [“MyString”]         


67 abusing __VA_ARGS __        [!!x] ()         


One can pass an entire function body into a macro using __VA_ARGS __        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          # define F (f, …) f __VA_ARGS __        [!!x]                 [!!x]          F (void foo (void) {printf (“foo n”);}) [I]        [!!x]                 [!!x] [1]          Turn array to a pointer using        [!!x] [1]                 [!!x] [!!x]          foo (& array [0]);        [!!x] [!!x]                 [!!x]          instead of using:        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (foo ( array);        [!!x]                 [!!x]          68)        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (int x=1;)        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (foo) & x);        [!!x] [I]                 [!!x]         

use:        [!!x]         

       [!!x] [“MyString”]         

foo ((int []) {1});        [!!x]         

       [!!x] ()         



       [!!x]          a ^=a;        [!!x]          a=’-‘-‘-‘;        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (Variable names:        [!!x]                 [!!x] [1]          char broiled;        [!!x] [1]          double burger;        [!!x] [!!x]          short cake;        [!!x] [!!x]          float icecream;        [!!x]          (long story;        [!!x]          signed sincerely;        [!!x]          (static electricity;        [!!x]          (auto mechanic;        [!!x]          (volatile substance;        [!!x]          register electorat;        [!!x]          (unsigned autobiography;        [!!x]          void gazing_back;        [!!x]          char witness ;        [!!x] [I]          const able;        [!!x]         

union dues {};        [!!x]         

       [!!x] [“MyString”]         

71 Precende nce rules abuse:        [!!x]         

       [!!x] ()         

# include [I]       


int main (void) {int array []={1, 2, 3}; int p=& array [1]; printf (“% d n”, -1 [p]); }        [!!x]         

       [!!x]          – 1 is – (1 p)) and not (- 1 p)        [!!x]                 [!!x]          75) Make simple expressions more complex [‘F’]        [!!x]                 [!!x] [1]          u8 val;        [!!x] [1]                 [!!x] [!!x]          tricky simple        [!!x] [!!x]          if (val && ~ val) if (val)        [!!x]          break; break;        [!!x]                 [!!x]          73 Fun ways to increment:        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (i -=- 1;        [!!x]                 [!!x]          Yes / No ?        [!!x]                 [!!x]          (return) char []) {“No”, “Yes”} [!!x];


[!!x] [I]                 (Read More)

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