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cyrildiagne / ar-cutpaste, Hacker News

cyrildiagne / ar-cutpaste, Hacker News


An AR ML prototype that allows cutting elements from your surroundings and pasting them in an image editing software.

Although only Photoshop is being handled currently, it may handle different outputs in the future.

Demo & more infos: Thread

⚠️ This is a research prototype and not a consumer / photoshop user tool.


This prototype runs as 3 independent modules:

  • The mobile app Check out the / app folder for instructions on how to deploy the app to your mobile.
  • The local server The interface between the mobile app and Photoshop. It finds the position pointed on screen by the camera using screenpoint
  • Check out the / server folder for instructions on configuring the local server
  • The object detection / background removal service For now, the salience detection and background removal are delegated to an external service
  • It would be a lot simpler to use something like DeepLap directly within the mobile app. But that hasn’t been implemented in this repo yet.