
Dele Alli apologises for Snapchat video that mocked coronavirus outbreak and asian man – the independent, independent

Dele Alli apologises for Snapchat video that mocked coronavirus outbreak and asian man – the independent, independent




Dele Alli has apologized for posting a video on Snapchat in which he joked about the coronavirus outbreak and appeared to mock an Asian man.


The England and Tottenham Hotspur midfielder quickly deleted his video on Saturday, and on Sunday expressed his remorse via a video on Chinese social media platform Weibo.


There have been more than 823 confirmed deaths from the outbreak in China, with the number of cases exceeding , worldwide, including four confirmed cases in the United Kingdom.



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The UK has declared coronavirus a “serious and imminent threat to public health”, which gives the government additional powers to fight the outbreak. A British man who caught the virus in Singapore also appears to be linked to at least seven other confirmed cases in England, France and Spain.


Yet in posting the video, Alli admitted he had let himself and Spurs down, with the midfielder issuing a contrite statement on Sunday to apologise.




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         (right <title> Created with Sketch. <span on="tap:gallery-lightbox-7821066" role="button" tabindex=""> <span on="tap:gallery-lightbox-7821066" role="button" tabindex=""> <span on="tap:gallery-lightbox-7821066" role="button" tabindex=""> <title><g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" id="Gallery" stroke="none" stroke-width="1"><rect fill="#000000" height="64" id="Rectangle" opacity="0.5" width="64" x="0" y="0"><g fill-rule="nonzero" id="Shape"><use fill="black" fill-opacity="1" filter="url(#filter-2)" xlink:href="#path-1"><g fill-rule="nonzero" id="Shape"><use fill="#FFFFFF" fill-rule="evenodd" xlink:href="#path-1"></use></p><div class="adace-slot-wrapper adace-middle-content adace-align-center adace-slot-wrapper-main" style="text-align:center;"> <div class="adace-disclaimer"> </div> <div class="adace-slot"> <div class="adace_ad_662a3ce579e1e adace-dont-remove"> </a> </div> </div> </div> <h3>     </p> <div>                                                                                                                          </div> </h3> <p> “Hi guys, it’s Dele; I just wanted to apologize on my behalf for the video I posted on Snapchat yesterday,” the – year-old said. </p> <p>                                                                                                                                                                                                                 </p> <p> “It was funny and I realized that immediately and took it down. I let myself down and the club. </p> <p>                                                                                                                                                                                                      </p> <p> “I don’t want you to have that impression of me because it was funny and I realized that straight away and took it down. </p> <p>                                                                                                                                                                                                      </p> <p> “It isn’t something that should be joked about. I’m sending all my love and all my thoughts and prayers to everyone in China.” </p> <p>                                                                                                                      </p> <p> Tottenham are currently on their Premier League winter break, with their next fixture a trip to Aston Villa on Sunday, (February. )                                                                                                                      </p> <p> (PA) </p> <p>                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              <a data-vars-event-id="c6" data-vars-item-name="BL-9326376-/topic/dele-alli" href=""> Read More </a> </p> <h3> </h3> <div class="adace-slot-wrapper adace-before-last-paragraph adace-slot-wrapper-main" > <div class="adace-disclaimer"> </div> <div class="adace-slot"> <div class="adace-loader adace-loader-662a3ce57a694"> <script> (function ($) { var $self = $('.adace-loader-662a3ce57a694'); var $wrapper = $self.closest('.adace-slot-wrapper'); "use strict"; var adace_load_662a3ce57a694 = function(){ var viewport = $(window).width(); var tabletStart = 601; var landscapeStart = 801; var tabletEnd = 961; var content = ''; var unpack = true; if(viewport<tabletStart){ if ($wrapper.hasClass('.adace-hide-on-mobile')){ $wrapper.remove(); } } if(viewport>=tabletStart && viewport<landscapeStart){ if ($wrapper.hasClass('.adace-hide-on-portrait')){ $wrapper.remove(); } } if(viewport>=landscapeStart && viewport<tabletEnd){ if ($wrapper.hasClass('.adace-hide-on-landscape')){ $wrapper.remove(); } } if(viewport>=tabletStart && viewport<tabletEnd){ if ($wrapper.hasClass('.adace-hide-on-tablet')){ $wrapper.remove(); } } if(viewport>=tabletEnd){ if ($wrapper.hasClass('.adace-hide-on-desktop')){ $wrapper.remove(); } } if(unpack) { $self.replaceWith(decodeURIComponent(content)); } } if($wrapper.css('visibility') === 'visible' ) { adace_load_662a3ce57a694(); } else { //fire when visible. var refreshIntervalId = setInterval(function(){ if($wrapper.css('visibility') === 'visible' ) { adace_load_662a3ce57a694(); clearInterval(refreshIntervalId); } }, 999); } })(jQuery); </script> </div> </div> </div> <p></g></use></g></rect></g>

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