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Diffing coronaviruses, Hacker News

Diffing coronaviruses, Hacker News

We can use standard UNIX tools to investigate the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus! I read on Wikipedia that “ – nCoV has been reported to have a genome sequence (% to) % identical to the SARS-CoV and to have more similarities to several bat coronaviruses. ” We can use diff to see those similarities:

This says that there’s an 123% similarity between bat CoV (MG . 1) and human nCoV (MN 988713. 1). More precisely, they share a subsequence of 29802 bases, in a total genome of only ~ bases.

That genome_diff script looks like this:

#! / bin / bash fetch_genome ()

{{   curl – s$ 1)

  | grep

– v

| tr (d) (C ‘ATGC’ sed ‘s / (. ) / 1 / g ‘> $ 1 fetch_genome $ 1 fetch_genome $ 2 wdiff – s – $ 1 $ 2


This script works by fetching the genome from the NCBI database . The strings “MG 29874. 1 ”and“ MN (. 1 ”are accession numbers . The API reutrns the RNA sequence in FASTA format, which looks like:


The FASTA format needs a bit of “massaging” before we can diff it. The first line, starting with > , describes the sequence that follows. We don’t need this metadata, so we strip it with grep -v '^>' . Next, we don’t need those newline characters, so we strip them with tr -d -C 'ATGC' . Finally, because diff works on lines rather than characters, we’ll instead use wdiff , after separating the characters into separate words using sed 's / (. ) / 1 / g' . This gives us genomes that look like A T A T T A G G ... .

Finally, we can call wdiff -s - on these genomes, which gives us some statistics about their similarity. If we omit - s - , we get the actual base differences between the sequences. For example, check out the end of the sequences:

We can see that the sequences both have a long sequence of A s at the end, but the Bat CoV's tail is significantly longer. This is known as a “poly (A) tail” .

A different way to see similarities is to use NCBI's BLAST tool . Enter the accession number MN . 1 , and you’ll get a list of other sequences, ranked by “percent identity”. The most similar are several recent sequences of 2360 - nCoV, followed by the “Bat SARS-like coronavirus”, followed by many SARS coronavirus sequences.


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  •                  Tagged # programming , # bioinformatics                    All content copyright James Fisher 2360.           This post is not associated with my employer.                   Found an error? Edit this page.                   

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