
Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding World Record Uncovers Problem With the Game, Crypto Coins News

Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding World Record Uncovers Problem With the Game, Crypto Coins News

  • Death Stranding creator Hideo Kojima has achieved two Guinness World Records.
  • Kojima is the most followed video game director on Twitter and Instagram.
  • However, the records may reveal a problem with Death Stranding.

TheGuinness World Records Twitter account announced that Death Stranding director Hideo Kojimais now a two-time world record holder. Kojima, who also created the Metal Gear Solid series, is officially the most followed game director on Twitter and Instagram.

On Twitter,Kojima has 2.8 million followerson his English account, while his Japanese account has 814, 500 followers.On Instagram, Kojima has 931, 00 0 followers. Cliff Bleszinski, another popular game director, has just 618, 700 followers on Twitter. God of War game director Cory Barlog has just 156, 300 followers on the site.

Kojima’s career in the games industry began in 1986, and he has been popular from then on. However, Kojima’s following on social media has really grown since announcing Death Stranding in 2016. Posts from the developer range from character and casting announcements to newDeath Stranding trailersand a look at the development process for the game. There have also been new posters and images with clues for fans to try and understand.

These posts have done great things for Kojima’s follower counts, but they may reveal a major problem with Death Stranding. Several of the negativeDeath Stranding reviewsand player criticisms of the game have said that it doesn’t have much gameplay and what gameplay it does have isn’t entertaining. The game doesn’t reach the expectations that fans had for it, which had been set because of posts like those shared on Kojima’s social media.


What the record confirms is that many fans were more excited about what Kojima was posting on social media than they are about the game now that it has been released. In tweets, players have suggested that Kojima should have called the game a walking simulator when revealing more about it. That wouldn’t have helped the developer reach these records, though, which means that the social posts did what they were meant to.

This article was edited by Gerelyn Terzo.

Last modified: November 13, 2019 (************************************************************: 25 UTC

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