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joaomilho / Enterprise, Hacker News

joaomilho / Enterprise, Hacker News



Extra! Extra! *Disruption Driven Development – Mastering Enterprise ™ – the book is in the making!

Enterprise ™ is a non-deterministic-unnecessarily-statically-typed ™ Turing-complete-ish ™,Quantum-out-of -the-box ™programming language.

Enterprise ™ is designed to create computer programs that disrupt markets.

But why?

Following on the footsteps of (Rockstar) , if we make Enterprise ™ a real thing, then recruiters and hiring managers won’t be able to talk about ‘enterprise developers’ any more.

On top of that, articles about the “Best Programming Languages ​​for Enterprise Development “will lose their meaning.

Enterprise ™ guide

The most important bit in the Enterprise ™ are comments. There are 8 different types of comments in Enterprise ™. Some of them are found in languages ​​not ready for corporate usage like:

line comment
//this is a boring line comment

The line comment is useful when you want to restate what the next line does. Here’s an idiomatic example:

//adds one to countercounter;;;
block comment
/ *this is a block comment* /

The block comment is useful when a comment is long, like explaining some implementation:

/ *The International Enterprise ™ Association only certifies code with a blockcomment that exceeds three lines, so this comment guarantees our future(certification.)* /

On top of these, Enterprise ™ adds:

copyright comment
/ ©   This code is property of ACME ™ studios 2017. © /

Every Enterprise ™ programmustbegin with a copyright notice, else it will not compile and fail with anUnexpectedNonDisruptiveOpenSourceExceptionerror.

It’s customary to cover any non trivial implementation in Enterprise ™ with a copyright (and a comment). On top of that add an NDA comment (see below).

NDA comment
/ ©   This following code implements a "Web Dropdown Menu", copyright number 9283 F3. © / / NDA   The following code can only be read if you signed NDA 375 - 1. If you happen to   read it by mistake, send a written letter to our legal department with two   attached copies immediately. NDA /
passive aggressive comment
/?   This next bit is oh so lovely ? /

Things like irony may be a problem in communication. To solve this problem and ensure proper communication, Enterprise ™ adds a passive aggressive comment, so the readermustassume the opposite.

interview comment

Since Enterprise ™ will be widely used for job interviews, the interview comment is very handy to “explain how you reason” to your interviewer:

/ ¯  _ (ツ) _ / ¯   ... this could be done in O (1) if I had the time ... _  _ (ツ) _ / ¯ /

time to market comment

/ soon 1985 - 11 - 20   using a while here would be more performatic soon /

If you can’t write the best implementation Today, use an improve in the future comment, to ensure it will be done some day. Adding the current day in the comment is part of its syntax, so one doesn’t lose track of oldest comments.

deadline comment

Deadline comments are extremely important to have our code disrupting the market on time, seizing all the opportunity costs. Deadline comments also have a date attached.

(/ deadline)  - 01 - 11   We need to ship this game before Xmas. No delays accepted. deadline / / deadline 1998 - 01 - 11   We need to ship this game before Xmas, we already lost the previous one. deadline / / deadline 1999 - 01 - 11   We need to ship this game before Xmas, this time for real. deadline / / deadline 2000 - 01 - 11   The board is extremely impatient. No excuses this time. deadline / / deadline 2002 - 01 - 11   Come on people, they just gave us a 2 years extention after that horrible   meeting. Let's not let 'em down this time. deadline / / deadline 2005 - 01 - 11   Ok ... this game may not happen and we may throw this 8 year old effort in   the wastebin of History if we don't get this done. Blogs are making a joke of   us. Think about your families. deadline / / deadline 2011 - 01 - 11   I don't know what to say. This is the biggest delay in game History. We're a   laughingstock. deadline / / soon 2011 - 01 - 11   We delivered! But we probably need to refactor everything very soon if we're   to have a next release. soon /

Chapter 2: Classes

Enterprisey ™ terms:

After the prefix, a class name may have any number of Enterprisey ™ terms. In Enterprise ™, differently from other languages, class names are not open to developers’ “cre-a-ti-vi-ty”. That’s because naming is known to be a hard problem, and limiting the alternatives makes it so much more predictable. Also, forcing developers to comply with that list will boost communication, since they’ll share a common lingo.

Here’s the full list of accepted Enterprisey ™ terms:








Accelerate Acceleration Account Active Activity Agile Agility
Algo Analytics Analyze Analyzer Ballpark Bean
Big Bit Bizmeth Block Boost Bootstrap Bootstraped
Business Buzz Car Chain Chart Clickthrough
Cloud Coin Consumer Content Converge Convergence Coordinate
Coordinator Complex Convert Convertion Cost Costs Critical
Crypto Currency Customer Cyber Data Deep Delegate
Delegator Design Dev Develop Development Digital Disrupt
Disruptor Disruptive Diverse Diversify Diversifier Diversity Downsize
Downsized Drive Driven Driver Economy Employ
Employee Employer Empowered Engine Enterprise Entrepreneur Entropy
Equity Evolution Evolve Evolving Eyeball Eyeballs Facade
Factory Fast Fee Fizz Flat Founder Founders
Free Future Fuzzy Generate Generation Generator
Gluten Graph Graphic Group Growth Guideline
Guidelines Hack Hacking Hardware Holistic Human Hyperlocal
Immerse Immersion Immersive Innovate Innovative Innovativity Innovator
Internet Intranet Invest Investment Item Iterator Java
Lactose Learning Leverage Line List Manage
Management Manager Market Marketing Media Mega Merchant
Message Micro Millenial Mindshare Mine Mining Mission
Module Momentum Money Nano Network New Next
Number Nut Object Operation Operator Opportunity Ops
Order Organic Paradigm Passionate Pattern Person Pie
Point Policy Portal Product Proof Provable Proxy
Resource Return Roadmap Scalable Science Self Service
Services Share Sharing Simple Skeuomorphic Speed Software
Solution Square Startup Streamline Streamlined Super Sustainability
Sustainable Synergic Synergy System Tax Text Time
Trans Upsize Upsizer User Viral Virality
Viralize Visual Web World

On top of these terms, you can use any upcase char (AZ) and number, like in “fdcVisualCRMWebDelegator” or “fdcViralB2BMicroServiceManager”.

Finally, some articles are admitted:


This can be used to compose, as infdcNextGenerationRoadmapAsAServiceProxyorfdcProxyOfUserWithSustainableOrganicGlutenFreeFactoryorfdcTimeToMarketMomentumInnovator.

An Enterprise ™ programmuststart with the disruptive class. Since it’s not instantiable or extendable, everyDisruptiveclass is also afinalclass:

finalDisruptiveclassfdcMillenialUserManager{  }

A disruptive class does not have a constructor. It has only amainmethod instead. Since the method can’t be changed by implementors, it must befinalandImmutable. And since it returns nothing, it must bevoid.

finalDisruptiveclassfdcMillenialUserManager{    (final)  Immutablevoidmain() {     //here goes your code  } }

unnecessary classes

Since all code in Enterprise ™ goes in the disruptive class, any other class you declare, although syntactically correct, is strictly unnecessary. Because of that, theymuststart with theunnecessarykeyword. Since they can’t be extended or instantiated, they’re alsofinal. Although disruptive classes have a very specific location in your folder structure, unnecessary classes can go anywhere (see more in next chapter). Here’s an example of an unnecessary class:


These classes can have a constructor, so that if theywereused, theycouldreceive params. Since constructors do not return, they must bevoid. Since the methods can’t be overridden – or used – they’re alsofinalandunnecessary:

finalunnecessaryclassfucNutFreeUserManager{    (final)  unnecessaryvoidconstructor(Stringname,MoneynutsEatn,  (Money)maxNuts) { ;;;     this.nutsEatn=nutsEatn ;;;     this.maxNuts=maxNuts ;;;   }     (final)  unnecessary  (Money)nutsTillDeath() {      (return)this.maxNuts-(this).nutsEatn ;;;   } }

Chapter 3: Extensions and file structure

All Enterprise ™ use the extension “E ™”. This is to make clear these files are under a trade mark in a quick glance.

Your folder structure depends on the name of your disruptive class. Let’s say your disruptive class is calledfdcDeepLearningDataScienceHolisticFizzBuzzSynergicFrameworkManager, each word represents a nested folder you have to create, in addition to the standard/ com / enterprise / disruptive. So your folder structure will look like:

/ com   / enterprise     / disruptive       / deep         / learning           / data             / science               / holistic                 / fizz                   / buzz                     / synergic                       / framework                         / manager                           fdcDeepLearningDataScienceHolisticFizzBuzzSynergicFrameworkManager.E ™

Here’s that structure in a random editor:

As stated in previous chapter, unnecessary classes don’t need to follow this structure. As a matter of fact, the more random you place them, the better.

Chapter 4: Variables and types

Complicated types only makes software complicated. So Enterprise ™ has a minimal list of types:

Money(String)   (Bool)List(O1Type)   (XML)   (Null)

The O1Type, commonly known as “hash table” in other languages, is named this way to simplify interviews. If you’re asked:

“Which type could we use here to have a O (1) lookup?”

You can simply say, with all your confidence:

“The … O1 … Type …?”



// TBD

Chapter 5: operations

Numeric operations
(2)3;;;//  (5)   (2)-(3)  ;;;//-1(2)*(3)  ;;;//  (6)   (2)/(3)  ;;;//0. 66666666 (see note below)(3)%(2)  ;;;//1 (mod)var  (Money) ********************************************************************** (i)=(2)  ;;; i=(1)  ;;;//  (3)  i-=(1)  ;;;//  (1)  i*=(1)  ;;;//  (2)  i/=(1)  ;;;//2 (see note below)  (2)>(3)  ;;;//  (False)   (2)(3)  ;;;//  (True)   (2)==3)  ;;;//  (False)   (2)!=3)  ;;;//  (True)

Since floats take too much time to implement properly, and it’s more important to get Enterprise ™ implementations out there, this guide will not dictate how float operations should behave. Therefore, as an example, all of these are fine:

(2)/3;;;//0. 66666666(2)/(3)  ;;;//0. 67(2)/(3)  ;;;//  (0.7)   (2)/(3)  ;;;//  (1)   (2)/(3)  ;;;//  (0)

Anything goes really, as long as you properly document the behavior of your implementation.

String operations

Templates are too complicated, therefore Enterprise ™ has only concat:

''ABC''def';;;//'abcdef'var  (String) ********************************************************************** (myString)=''foo';;; myString='bar'';;;//'foobar'
Bool operations
!True;;;//  (False)!(False)  ;;;//  (True)   (True)&&(True)  ;;;//  (True)   (True)&&(False)  ;;;//  (False)   (False)&&(False)  ;;;//  (False)

That’s it. If you did logic in your CS degree you must be able to doors, (xors) and everything else based on these two. If you didn’t, you’ll probably not need it anyway.

List access

Lists start at index 1. You can easily access list items:

(var) ListMoneyns=[7,8,9] ;;; ns [1] ;;;// (7) ns [2] ;;;// (8) ns [3] ;;;// (9)
O1Type access

You can easily access o1Type items:

(var) ********************************************************************* (O1Type)Moneygrades={john:(6) , mary (*********************************************************************: 5) } ;;; grades [john] ;;;// (6) grades [mary] ;;;// (5)

Chapter 6: Disruptive libraries

For the sake of simplicity Enterprise ™ doesn’t have a standard lib. Instead You’ll include functionality using disruptive libraries – dl for short. There is no package manager or way to create your own lib. This is for your own good. Enterprise ™ guarantees thequalityandsecurityin all disruptive libraries. Check some examples:

importdisruptivelibrarycom.disruptive.string. manager.dlStringManager;;;  length (''  (hello)  ') ;;;//  (5)  split (''  (hello)  ') ;;;//['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']

With these 2 basic functions you can do anything. Substring? No problem:

importdisruptivelibrarycom.disruptive.string. manager.dlStringManager;;;importDisruptivelibrarycom.disruptive.list.manager.dlListManager;;;//inside main of coursevar  (String) ********************************************************************** (hello)=''';;; var  (String) ********************************************************************** (helloWor)=''Hello World';;; var  (Money) ********************************************************************** (i)=(0)  ;;; Unnecessary var  (Money) ********************************************************************** (j)=0;;;  varList(String)  hWList=split (helloWor) ;;;//To avoid collision with dlStringManager.length(while)  (idlListManager.length (hWList)) {   //The  1 is necessary since lists start at index 1  Hello=(hWList)  ;;;   i;;; }
importdisruptivelibrarycom.disruptive.list. manager.dlListManager;;;  length (['a']) ;;;//  (1)  push (['a'],'b') ;;;//['a', 'b']

This should be enough. Concat? Easy:

importdisruptivelibrarycom.disruptive.list. manager.dlListManager;;;//inside main of coursevarList(String)  chars1=['a','b'] ;;; varList(String)  chars2=['c','d'] ;;; var  (Money) ********************************************************************** (i)=(0)  ;;;   (while)  (ilength (chars2)) {   push (chars1, chars2 [i1]) ;;;   i;;; }
importdisruptivelibrarycom.disruptive.o1type. manager.dlO1TypeManager;;;  keys ({name:' (John)  ''}) ;;;//['name']values ​​({name:' (John)  ''}) ;;;//['John']

Chapter 7: Control structures

To avoid those pesky functional programmers to take over, Enterprise ™ has no iterators. No higher order whatever. No LGADBTS. You can do everything with (if) s andwhiles. As a wise Enterprise ™ developer once said:

“You can do anything with any language.”

while(condition) {   //code}
if(condition) {   //code}

Why learning Enterprise ™?

Check the trends.

Bye bye Java.

Check the opportunities. Other programming language

DDD – The book

The book Disruption Driven Development – Mastering Enterprise ™ – is in the making. Our sales website will be live soon!


  1. Automatic unnecessary classes generator.


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