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Leaked pics from Amazon Ring show potential new surveillance features, Ars Technica

Leaked pics from Amazon Ring show potential new surveillance features, Ars Technica

      home surveillance –


Amazon wouldn’t be the first consumer company to do it, but it would be the biggest.



Ready for your closeup?
Amazon subsidiary Ring, which has partnerships with almost 1, law enforcement agencies nationwide , does not currently include facial recognition or license plate scanning tools in its home surveillance line of consumer products. The company appears to be evaluating the feature feasibility of adding both tools, however, raising additional privacy concerns for its pervasive platform.

Such surveys usually include options a company is considering offering, though not necessarily actively planning to implement. The source who shared the survey with Ars, who asked not to be identified for fear of retaliation, described these options as the “most troubling” of a much larger set of potential features described in the survey.



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