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Microsoft postpones the release of Recall AI, which can be used to record all computer operations and use AI to analyze and retrieve


Industry News

Microsoft postpones the release of Recall AI, which can be used to record all computer operations and use AI to analyze and retrieve

Last month, Microsoft released a new feature for Copilot+ PCs called Recall AI, which regularly captures what’s displayed on the screen and can identify and retrieve it through AI. However, due to user concerns about security and privacy, Microsoft on June 13Updated introductionoriginally scheduled for June 18, 2024 Copilot+ PC Release changed to in the next few weeksWindows Insider ProgramPreview. @Appinn

Microsoft postpones the release of Recall AI, which can be used to record all computer operations and use AI to analyze and retrieve

What is Recall

Posted last month Copilot+ PC When Microsoft released the Recall AI feature, it can instantly find the content you have seen on your PC before, such as what web pages you viewed three days ago, what programs you used a week ago, and who you chatted with and what you said.

This is achieved by having Recall periodically take pictures (screenshots) of what’s displayed on the screen and save them as snapshots. These images are encrypted, stored, and analyzed locally, using on-device artificial intelligence capabilities to understand their context.

After that, you can use Recall to easily and intuitively trace back the historical steps on your computer, including finding content in applications, websites, images, and documents, just like a virtual and completely private “photographic memory”.

Additionally, you can disable saving snapshots, temporarily pause, filter apps, and delete snapshots at any time.

When will it be released?

Recall’s release date has changed from a set date of June 18, 2024, to a few new changes in the coming weeks:

  1. Default off
  2. You can enable Recall only after registering Windows Hello
  3. An extra layer of data protection
  4. Encrypting the search index database

Some safety notes beforehand:

  1. Snapshots will not be used to train AI
  2. No uploading, no sharing
  3. No snapshots in browser privacy mode

In short, users don't seem to like Microsoft recording too much content. But who is this content for?

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