
Mighty Data Science Bundle

mighty data science

Becoming a Data Expert is not difficult anymore! We have created this mighty bundle having 18 online courses entirely dedicated to master all the data science concepts. It is packed with courses focusing on the usage of different programming languages like Python & R, data mining, data cleaning, data analysis (especially in finance), neural networks, NLP and so much more. If these are not enough for you, then it also covers building real-world projects, TensorFlow & SAS programming.


Course 1: Projects in R: Learn R Creating Data Science Projects
Course 2: Tensorflow for Practitioners with Python
Course 3: Data Science: Foundations & Regression (Python)
Course 4: Data Science:Data Mining & Natural Language Processing in R
Course 5: Introduction To Data Science Using R Programming
Course 6: Python + Data Science: Practical Guide
Course 7: Data Science for Beginners – Ebook
Course 8: Mighty Data Science for Beginners with R
Course 9: Data Science for Business: Financial Sectors
Course 10: R Programming for Beginners Ebook
Course 11: Learn SAS and Become a Data Ninja
Course 12: SAS Predictive Modeling using Logistic Regression
Course 13: Advanced SAS Programming: SAS SQL, Macros, Indices
Course 14: Projects in Data Science Using R
Course 15: Getting Started with Data Sciences
Course 16: Data Science – Python for Machine Learning
Course 17: Neural Networks (ANN) using Keras and TensorFlow in Python
Course 18: Neural Networks (ANN) in R studio using Keras & TensorFlow

Becoming a Data Expert is not difficult anymore! We have created this mighty bundle having 18 online courses entirely dedicated to master all the data science concepts. It is packed with courses focusing on the usage of different programming languages like Python & R, data mining, data cleaning, data analysis (especially in finance), neural networks, NLP and so much more. If these are not enough for you, then it also covers building real-world projects, TensorFlow & SAS programming.

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