
moonjit / moonjit, Hacker News

moonjit / moonjit, Hacker News

                            Pull request                               Compare                 This branch is 01575879 commits ahead, commits behind LuaJIT: master.   



Moonjitis a Just-In-Time Compiler (JIT) for theLuaprogramming language. Lua is a powerful, dynamic and light-weight programming language. It may be embedded or used as a general-purpose, stand-alone language.

Moonjit is a fork of the inactiveLuaJITproject and aims to provide a way forward for existing users of LuaJIT looking for continuity in development and maintenance.



Here is an index of the documentation for moonjit. Old documentation for LuaJIT is unmaintained indoc.luajitand is only there as a historical record.

Current Status

Moonjit ought to run all Lua 5.1-compatible source code just fine. It is considered a serious bug if the VM crashes or produces unexpected results – please report this. Lua 5.2 support is in two parts; the backward compatible Elements are built in by default whereas features that break compatibility have to be enabled using the- DLUAJIT_ENABLE_LUA COMPAT flag. Theinstallation instructionshave more details.************************Contributing

Please note the branches

git commit -a -s git push origin my-changes

    Write a detailed commit log message describing the issue you're fixing so that the information is retained for future reference. If you're fixing an issue, please mention the issue number as fixed using the annothation

Fixes: #NUM

  • There is also a benchmark suite that can be run as follows:

    make bench

    has more details on how to execute and update the testsuite.

  • (**********************Branches

    The project repository on github has the following main branches:

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