in ,

p-e-w / plotinus, Hacker News

p-e-w / plotinus, Hacker News



Only a compound can be beautiful, never anything devoid of parts; and only a whole;

the several parts will have beauty, not in themselves,

but only as working together to give a comely total.

Yet beauty in an aggregate demands beauty in details:

it cannot be constructed out of ugliness; its law must run throughout.

, (First Ennead) [index]

A searchable command palette in every modern GTK application
Have you used Sublime Text’s or Atom’s “Command Palette”? It’s a list of everything those editors can do that opens at the press of a key and finds the action you are looking for just by typing a few letters. It’s raw power at your fingertips.

Plotinus brings that power to every application on your system (that is, to those that use the GTK 3 toolkit). It automatically extracts all available commands by introspecting a running application, instantly adapting to UI changes and showing only relevant actions. Using Plotinus requires no modifications [index] to the application itself!

Just press (Ctrl Shift P) ( configurable and you’re in business – it feels so natural you’ll soon wonder how you ever lived without it .

Nautilus screencast [index] [keys]



To build Plotinus from source, you need Git, CMake, Vala, and the GTK 3 development files. All of these are easily obtained on most modern Linux distributions:

[] (Fedora / RHEL / etc.)

 sudo dnf install git cmake vala gtk3-devel      
 sudo apt-get install git cmake valac libgtk-3-dev     ["GNOME", "GTK", ""] 

 git clone cd plotinus mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install     

to / etc / environment
, where [libpath]
 is the  full, absolute  (path of) ( , which can be found using the command   
 whereis -b libplotinus   
Alternatively, you can try Plotinus with individual applications by running them with
 GTK3_MODULES=[libpath] application   
from a terminal.