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Photo Editor: – free image editing online, Hacker News



{“name”: “Name”, “untitled”: “Untitled”, “width”: “Width”, “height”: “Height”, “apply”: “Apply”, “amount”: “Amount”, “ok”: “OK”, “cancel”: “Cancel”, “close”: “Close”, “original”: “Original”, “blendMode”: “Blend Mode”, “max”: ” Max “,” background “:” Background “,” create “:” Create “,” template “:” Template “,” search “:” Search “,” loadMore “:” Load More “,” save “:” Save ” ,, “open”: “Open”, “load”: “Load”, “loading”: “Loading”, “size”: “Size”, “softness”: “Softness”, “transparency”: “Transparency”, “image”: “Image”, “opacity”: “Opacity”, “step”: “Step”, “source”: “Source”, “spikes”: “Spikes”, “quality”: “Quality”, “font” “:” Font “,” text “:” Text “,” draw “:” Draw “,” empty “:” Empty “,” drawing “:” Drawing “,” angle “:” Angle “,” tool “: “Tool”, “aspect”: “Aspect”, “brush”: “Brush”, “paint”: “Paint”, “blur”: “Blur”, “back”: “Back”, “erase”: “Erase” “,” color “:” Color “,” shape “:” Shape “,” layer “:” Layer “,” layers “:” Layers “,” visible “:” Visible “,” hidden “:” Hidden “, “top”: “Top”, “left”: “Left”, “advanced”: “Advanced”, “download”: “Download”, “strength”: “Strength”, “density”: “Density”, “reset” “:” Reset “,” tolerance “: “Tolerance”, “canvas”: “Canvas”, “fit”: “Fit”, “fill”: “Fill”, “minimize”: “Minimize”, “maximize”: “Maximize”, “language”: “Language” , “preferences”: “Preferences”, “editorPreferences”: “Editor Preferences”, “dialogAddLayerTitle”: “Add Layer”, “dialogAddLayerHL”: “Select what type of layer to add”, “dialogChoiceTitle”: “Open image” , “dialogChoiceHeadline”: “Do you want to add the image as a layer in the current document or create a new?”, “dialogLoadTitle”: “Loading”, “dialogLoadPrepare”: “preparing …”, “dialogLoadLoadingFrom”: “Loading% s from% s …”, “dialogLoadError”: “Something went wrong when loading the image .. please try again later …”, “dialogOpenURLTitle”: “Open image URL”, “dialogOpenURLHeadline”: “” Image URL “,” dialogPreResizeTitle “:” Pre-resize Image “,” dialogPreResizeInfo1 “:” The image you selected is very large “,” dialogPreResizeInfo2 “:”, resize it before you start edit to save on memory and minimize lag. ” , “dialogPreResizeExif”: “Auto rotate based on exif”, “dialogPreResizeMaxSize”: “Max% d px”, “dialogResizeI” mageTitle “:” Resize Image “,” dialogResizeCanvasTitle “:” Resize Canvas “,” dialogResizeContrain “:” Constrain proportions “,” dialogResizeApplyAll “:” When applying resize all layers will be scaled. “,” dialogResizeRelative “:” Relative change “” , “dialogResizeAnchor”: “Anchor Point”, “dialogResizeCropWarning”: “When changing size any active crop tool will be reset, some cropping of layers may occur if new canvas size is smaller.”, “dialogSaveTitle”: “Save image”, “dialogSaveName”: “File name”, “dialogSaveFileType”: “File type”, “dialogSaveLow”: “Low”, “dialogSaveMed”: “Med”, “dialogSaveHigh”: “High”, “dialogSaveImageWidth”: “Image width” ” , “dialogSaveImageHeight”: “Image height”, “dialogSaveCalculate”: “.. calculating”, “dialogAiCutoutTitle”: “AI Cutout”, “userLogin”: “Login / Register”, “invert”: “Invert”, “straighten” : “Straighten”, “lineSize”: “Line size”, “spacing”: “Spacing”, “lineSpacing”: “Line spacing”, “letterSpacing”: “Letter spacing”, “noCutout”: “No cutout”, “” layerCreated “:” Layer Created “,” sharpen “:” Sharpen “,” smooth “:” Smooth “,” dehaz ” e “:” Dehaze “,” grain “:” Grain “,” clarity “:” Clarity “,” vignette “:” Vignette “,” fringe “:” Fringe “,” pixelate “:” Pixelate “,” bloom ” : “Bloom”, “posterize”: “Posterize”, “glamor”: “Glamor”, “mosaic”: “Mosaic”, “vibrance”: “Vibrance”, “saturation”: “Saturation”, “temperature”: “” Temperature “,” tint “:” Tint “,” hue “:” Hue “,” brightness “:” Brightness “,” exposure “:” Exposure “,” contrast “:” Contrast “,” black “:” Black ” , “white”: “White”, “highlight”: “Highlight”, “shadows”: “Shadows”, “sinceDay”: “A day ago”, “sinceDays”: “% d days ago”, “sinceHour”: “An hour ago”, “sinceHours”: “% d hours ago”, “sinceMinute”: “A minute ago”, “sinceMinutes”: “% d minutes ago”, “sinceNow”: “Just now”, “openImage” : “Open image”, “loadURL”: “Load url”, “openDragClip”: “You can also drag and drop files or paste from the clipboard to open.”, “OpenExamples”: “You may also begin editing with any of our images below. “,” dropImage “:” Drop to open images “,” history “:” History “,” createNew “:” Create new “,” stockSearch “:” Stock search “,” addCurrent “:” Add current ” , “backToEditor”: “Back to editor”, “exa mplePhoto “:” Example photo “,” welcomeHeadline “:” Welcome to the Pixlr X Online Photo Editor. “,” noHistory “:” There are no images in your history. Please “Open Image ” or “Load Url ” to start editing. “,” ClearHistory “:” Clear history “,” pinnedProjects “:” Pinned projects “,” pinnedTip “:” TIP! If you want to keep a document then click the heart icon to pin it. “,” Last (Projects “:” Last 16 projects “,” sizeWebSmall “:” Web small “,” sizeWeb 768 “:” Web 768 p “,” sizeFullHD “:” Full HD “,” sizeWeb 1366: “Web 1920 p “,” sizeUltraHD “:” Ultra HD “,” sizeInstagram “:” Instagram “,” sizeInstagramStory “:” Instagram story “,” sizeFacebookCover “:” Facebook cover “,” sizeFacebookProfile “:” Facebook profile “,” historyClearConfirm ” “:” Du you really want to clear the History? “,” HistoryDelete “:” Delete “,” historyPin “:” Pin “,” historyUnpin “:” Unpin “,” historyDuplicate “:” Duplicate “,” documentActions “: “Document actions”, “hasCutout”: “Has cutout”, “layerSettings”: “Layer Settings”, “lockedBackground”: “Locked background”, “addElement”: “Add element”, “addCategory”: “Add% s” , “viewAddElementRL”: “Rotate Left”, “viewAddElementRR”: “Rotate Right”, “viewAddElementFlipH”: “Flip Horizontal” , “viewAddElementFlipV”: “Flip Vertical”, “viewAddElementOverlay”: “Overlay”, “viewAddElementBorder”: “Border”, “viewAddElementShape”: “Shape”, “viewAddElementSticker”: “Sticker”, “viewAddElementDelete”: “Delete element” ” , “viewAddImageTitle”: “Add image”, “viewAddImageBrowse”: “Browse”, “viewAddImageURL”: “URL”, “viewAddImageStock”: “Stock”, “viewAddLayerTitle”: “Add Layer”, “viewAddLayerSelectType”: “Select what type of layer to add “,” viewAddTextAdd “:” Add new text “,” viewAddTextAlignNCase “:” Align & case “,” viewAddTextAlignLeft “:” Left align “,” viewAddTextAlignCenter “:” Center align “,” viewAddTextAlignRight “:” ” Right align “,” viewAddTextCaseUpper “:” Uppercase “,” viewAddTextBackgroundFull “:” Full “,” viewAddTextBackgroundLine “:” Line “,” viewAddTextBackgroundWord “:” Word “,” viewAddTextOutline “:” Outline “,” viewAddTextdow ” , “viewAddTextShadowHorizOffset”: “Horizontal pos”, “viewAddTextShadowVertOffset”: “Vertical pos”, “viewAddTextDelete”: “Delete text”, “viewAdjustTitle”: “Adjust”, “viewAdjustAuto”: “Auto fix”, “viewAdjustBNW”: B lack & white “,” viewAdjustLight “:” Light “,” viewAdjustToning “:” Toning “,” viewAdjustHightlight “:” Highlight “,” viewAdjustShadows “:” Shadows “,” viewAdjustCurves “:” Curves “,” viewAdjustChannel “:” ” Channel “,” viewAdjustTip “:” Double click to add or remove a control point. “,” ViewAdjustLocked “:” Only image layers can be adjusted, select another layer! “,” ViewPropertiesTitle “:” Properties “,” viewPropertiesResizeImage “: “Resize image”, “viewPropertiesResizeCanvas”: “Canvas size”, “viewArrangeTitle”: “Arrange”, “viewArrangeLockAspect”: “Lock aspect”, “viewArrangeRotate”: “Rotate & flip”, “viewArrangeRL”: “Rotate left”, ” “viewArrangeRR”: “Rotate right”, “viewArrangeFlipH”: “Flip horizontal”, “viewArrangeFlipV”: “Flip vertical”, “viewArrangeDuplicate”: “Duplicate”, “viewArrangeDelete”: “Delete (del)”, “viewArrangeUnlock”: “Unlock”, “viewArrangeTip”: “Unlock layer to be able to do transforms.”, “ViewArrangeLocked”: “Select a layer in the right hand layer bar or add a new text, image or element!”, “ViewBottomBarUndo”: “Undo”, “viewBottomBarRedo”: “Redo”, “viewBottomBarUndoTT”: “Undo ctrl z”, “viewBottomBarRedoTT”: “Redo ctrl y”, “viewBottomBarCloseTT”: “Close (ctrl q)”, “viewBottomBarSaveTT”: “Save (ctrl s)” , “viewCropTitle”: “Crop”, “viewCropRotate”: “Rotate & flip”, “viewCropRL”: “Rotate left”, “viewCropRR”: “Rotate right”, “viewCropFlipH”: “Flip horizontal”, “viewCropFlipV” ” : “Flip vertical”, “viewCropAspect”: “Select aspect”, “viewCropRatio”: “Ratio”, “viewCropPreset”: “Preset”, “viewCropNone”: “None”, “viewCropFixed”: “Fixed ratio:”, ” viewCrop1x1 “:” 1: 1 (Square) “,” viewCrop4x3 “:” 4: 3 (Monitor) “,” viewCrop (x9 “:”) : 9 (Widescreen) “,” viewCrop3x1 “:” 3: 1 (Panorama) “,” viewCrop3x2 “:” 3: 2 (****************** (mm film) “,” viewCrop (x9 “:”) : 9 (Cinemascope) “,” viewCrop 90 x9 “:” 90: 9 (Super ultra wide) “, “viewCropOutput”: “Output size:”, “viewCropFBProfile”: ” Facebook profile “,” viewCropFBCover “:” Facebook cover “,” viewCropFBPost “:” Facebook post “,” viewCropFBAd “:” Facebook ad “,” viewCropInstaProfile “:” Instragram profile “,” viewCropInstaPost “:” Instagram post “,” ” viewCropInstaStory “:” Instagram story “,” viewCropTwitProfile “:” Twitter profile “,” viewCropTwitHeader “:” Twitter header “,” viewCropTwitImage “:” Twitter image “,” viewCropTwitCard “:” Twitter card “,” viewCropTwitAd “: Twitter ad “,” viewCropYTProfile “:” Youtube profile “,” viewCropYTChannelArt “:” Youtube channel art “,” viewCropYTThumb “:” Youtube thumb “,” viewCropWebMini “:” Web mini (x 800, viewCropWebSmall “:” Web small 1440 x “,” viewCropWebCommon “:” Web common 1920 x

**************************, “viewCropWebMedium”: “Web medium (x) **************************, “viewCropFHD”: “Full HD 2160 x 1366, viewCropUHD “:” Ultra HD 4x 01575879 x 2160, “viewCropPaperA4”: “paper A4”, “viewCropPaperA5”: “Paper A5”, “viewCropPaperA6”: “Paper A6 “,” viewCropPaperLet “:” Paper letter “,” viewCropTip “:” The size aspect will resize the image once the crop panel is closed. “,” ViewCropReset “:” Reset crop “,” viewCutoutTitle “:” Cutout “, “viewCutoutTip”: “Select a image or text layer to create a cutout on.”, “viewCutoutShape”: “shape cutout”, “viewCutoutMagic”: “magic cutout”, “viewCutoutDraw”: “Draw cutout”, “viewCutoutLasso”: “Lasso cutout”, “viewCutoutMode”: “Mode”, “viewCutoutKeep”: “Keep”, “viewCutoutRemove”: “Remove”, “viewCutoutNone”: “None”, “viewCutoutLight”: “Light”, “viewCutoutMedium”: “” ” Medium “,” viewCutoutContigious “:” Contiguous “,” viewCutoutShapeH “:” Shape “,” viewCutoutSquare “:” Square shape “,” viewCutoutCircle “:” Cricle shape “,” viewCutoutTriangle “:” Triangle shape “,” viewCutoutStar “: “Star shape”, “viewCutoutHeart”: “Heart shape”, “viewCutoutLine”: “Line shape”, “viewCutoutHint”: “Hint removed”, “viewCutoutExtract”: “Extract as layer”, “viewCutoutInvert”: “Invert” cutout “,” viewCutoutReset “:” Reset cutout “,” viewDrawBrushTool “:” Brush tool “,” viewDrawShapeTool “:” Shape tool “,” viewDrawEraserTool “:” Eraser tool “,” viewDrawPenTool “:” Pen tool “,” viewDrawShape ” “:” Shape “,” viewDrawSquare “:” Square shape “,” viewDrawCircle “:” Cricle shape “,” viewDrawTriangle “:” Triangle shape “,” viewDrawStar “:” Star shape “,” viewDrawHeart “:” Heart shape ” , “viewDrawLine”: “Line shape”, “viewDrawLineColor”: “Line color”, “viewDrawFill”: “Fill”, “viewDrawOutline”: “Outline”, “viewDrawDelete”: “Delete (del)”, “viewDrawLocked”: “You can only draw on image layers!”, “ViewEffectTitle”: “Effect”, “viewEffectLocked”: “Only image layers can have effects, select another layer!”, “ViewFilterTitle”: “Filter”, “viewFilterDetails”: “” ” Details “,” viewFilterScene “:” Scene “,” viewFilterLocked “:” Only image layers can have filters, select another layer! “,” ViewKeyboardTitle “:” Keyboard Shortcuts “,” viewKeyboardCtrlS “:” Save “,” viewKeyboardCtrlQ “: “Close”, “viewKeyboardESC”: “Close Tool”, “viewKeyboardDEL”: “Delete Layer”, “viewKeyboardCtrlP”: ” Zoom In “,” viewKeyboardCtrlM “:” Zoom Out “,” viewKeyboardCtrl0 “:” Zoom Fit “,” viewKeyboardCtrl1 “:” Zoom 1X “,” viewKeyboardCtrl2 “:” Zoom Fill “,” viewKeyboardCtrl3 “:” Zoom 3X “,” ” viewKeyboardSpacebar “:” Pan / Move “,” viewKeyboardP “:” Properties “,” viewKeyboardV “:” Arrange “,” viewKeyboardC “:” Crop “,” viewKeyboardK “:” Cutout “,” viewKeyboardA “:” Adjust “,” ” viewKeyboardF “:” Filter “,” viewKeyboardE “:” Effect “,” viewKeyboardR “:” Retouch “,” viewKeyboardB “:” Draw “,” viewKeyboardT “:” Text “,” viewKeyboardO “:” Add Element “,” viewKeyboardI ” “:” Add Image “,” viewKeyboardCtrlZ “:” Undo “,” viewKeyboardCtrlY “:” Redo “,” viewKeyboardMoveLayer “:” Move Layer (position) “,” viewKeyboardMoveUp “:” Up “,” viewKeyboardMoveDown “:” Down “” , “viewKeyboardMoveLeft”: “Left”, “viewKeyboardMoveRight”: “Right”, “viewKeyboardMoveShift”: “Hold down Shift to step 1920 px “,” viewLiquifyTitle “:” Liquify “,” viewLiquifyLocked “:” You can only Liquify image layers, select another layer! “,” viewLiquifyMove “:” Push “,” viewLiquifyGrow “:” Enlarge “,” viewLiquifyShrink “: “Shrink”, “viewLiquifySwirlCW”: “Swirl right”, “viewLiquifySwirlCCW”: “Swirl left”, “viewLiquifyErase”: “Restore”, “viewLoadTitle”: “Loading”, “viewRetouchTitle”: “Retouch”, “viewRetouchLocked”: “Retouch only works on image layers, select another layer.”, “ViewRetouchHeal”: “Heal / Repair”, “viewRetouchClone”: “Clone stamp”, “viewRetouchDetail”: “Sharpen / Blur”, “viewRetouchToning”: “dodge / Burn “,” viewRetouchMethod “:” Method “,” viewRetouchPatch “:” Patch “,” viewRetouchInfill “:” Infill “,” viewRetouchHQ “:” High quality “,” viewRetouchMode “:” Mode “,” viewRetouchAlign “:” Aligned ” , “viewRetouchBlur”: “Blur”, “viewRetouchSharpen”: “Sharpen”, “viewRetouchLighten”: “Lighten”, “viewRetouchDarken”: “Darken”, “viewRetouchRange”: “Range”, “viewRetouchDark”: “Dark”, “viewRetouchMid”: “Mid”, “viewRetouchLight”: “Light”, “viewTopBarFB”: “Feedback”, “viewTopBarUndo”: “Undo”, “viewTopBarRedo”: “Redo”, “viewMenuToggleHome”: “Toggle home”, “” ” viewMenuProperties “:” Properties “,” viewMenuPropertiesInfo “:” Change canvas or image size, rotate, scale and change backgro und color. “,” viewMenuPropertiesKB “:” Keybord shortcut (P) “,” viewMenuArrange “:” Arrange “,” viewMenuArrangeInfo “:” Move, transform and change layer settings. “,” viewMenuArrangeKB “:” Keybord shortcut (V) ,, “viewMenuCrop”: “Crop”, “viewMenuCropInfo”: “Trim, cut, rotate and straighten the canvas by free or fixed aspect.”, “viewMenuCropKB”: “Keybord shortcut (C)”, “viewMenuCutout”: “Cutout” , “viewMenuCutoutInfo”: “Remove background, cut out objects or crop / trim individual layers.”, “viewMenuCutoutKB”: “Keybord shortcut (K)”, “viewMenuAdjust”: “Adjust”, “viewMenuAdjustInfo”: “Change vibrance,” colors, lightness and other in bitmap layers. “,” viewMenuAdjustKB “:” Keybord shortcut (A) “,” viewMenuFilter “:” Filter “,” viewMenuFilterInfo “:” Blur, sharpen, smooth, grain, vignette and other filters for bitmap layers. “,” viewMenuFilterKB “:” Keybord shortcut (F) “,” viewMenuEffect “:” Effect “,” viewMenuEffectInfo “:” Use premade effects to change the look and feel of a bitmap layer. “,” viewMenuEffectKB “:” Keybord shortcut (E) “,” viewMenuLiquif y “:” Liquify “,” viewMenuLiquifyInfo “:” Grow, shrink and push parts of the image. Use liquify to make subtle adjustments to portraits and other images. “,” ViewMenuLiquifyKB “:” Keybord shortcut (Q) “,” viewMenuRetouch “:” Retouch “,” viewMenuRetouchInfo “:” Remove spots, unwanted objects, blemishes, perform whiten and darken or clone items. “,” viewMenuRetouchKB “:” Keybord shortcut (R) “,” viewMenuDrawing “:” Drawing “,” viewMenuDrawingInfo “:” Draw and doodle with different shapes like square, circle and lines as well as brushes and colors . “,” viewMenuDrawingKB “:” Keybord shortcut (B) “,” viewMenuText “:” Text “,” viewMenuTextInfo “:” Add new text layer or use one of our text templates. “,” viewMenuTextKB “:” Keybord shortcut ( T) “,” viewMenuAddElm “:” Add Element “,” viewMenuAddElmInfo “:” Add premade overlays, borders, shapes and stickers to your project. “,” ViewMenuAddElmKB “:” Keybord shortcut (O) “,” viewMenuAddImg “:” ” Add Image “,” viewMenuAddImgInfo “:” Upload or search for images to add to your project. “,” ViewMenuAddImgKB “:” Keybord shortcut (I) “,” viewOBarNav “:” Navigate “,” viewOBarFit “:” Fit Screen ( ctrl 0) “,” view OBarFill “:” Fill Screen (ctrl 2) “,” viewOBarZ1X “:” Actual Pixels (ctrl 1) “,” viewOBarZ3X “:” 3x Zoom (ctrl 3) “,” viewOBarMU “:” Move up “, “viewOBarMD”: “Move down”, “viewOBarZoomIn”: “Zoom in”, “viewOBarZoomOut”: “Zoom out”, “viewOBarSet”: “Settings”, “viewOBarXSet”: “X settings”, “viewOBarShowGu”: “Show guides “,” viewOBarSnap “:” Snap to guides “,” viewOBarLightUI “:” Light ui mode “,” viewOBarDup “:” Duplicate layer “,” viewOBarDel “:” Delete layer (DEL) “,” blendModeNone “:” None , “blendModeMultiply”: “Multiply”, “blendModeScreen”: “Screen”, “blendModeOverlay”: “Overlay”, “blendModeDarken”: “Darken”, “blendModeLighten”: “Lighten”, “blendModeColorDodge”: “Color-dodge” , “blendModeColorBurn”: “Color-burn”, “blendModeHardLight”: “Hard-light”, “blendModeSoftLight”: “Soft-light”, “blendModeDifference”: “Difference”, “blendModeExclusion”: “Exclusion”, “blendModeHue” “: Hue”, “blendModeSaturation”: “Saturation”, “blendModeColor”: “Color”, “blendModeLuminosity”: “Luminosity”, “layerMergeDown”: “Merge Down (CTRL E)”, “layerMergeVisible”: “Merge” Visible “,” layerFlat tenImage “:” Flatten Image “}



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