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PHP showing its maturity in release 7.4, Hacker News

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May 4,


This article was contributed by John Coggeshall


This year PHP turned 27 and, as with all things, the hope is that with age comes wisdom and maturity. Often derided as a great way to write bad (and insecure) code, PHP is hard to ignore completely when it is used in nearly Eight out of ten websites . With PHP 7.4.5 released in April, it’s worthwhile to take a look at modern PHP, how it has evolved to address the criticisms of the past, and what lies ahead in its future.

The evolution of OOP in PHP

PHP’s object model has had some pretty rough patches in the past. When objects were first introduced in PHP 4, the implementation was essentially an array with function references and was horribly problematic. The fundamental problems of that implementation were thankfully addressed with the release of PHP 5, featuring an entirely rethought object implementation. In the versions that have come since, up through version the current 7.4 releases, numerous interesting language features for object-oriented programming (OOP) have emerged.

While still a dynamically typed language, PHP does now support a robust typing mechanism including the

typing of function parameters

and return values ​​ along with the use of scalar types . New in PHP 7.4 is typing for object properties . Combining those features with namespaces , interfaces , traits , and iterables results in a well-rounded and modern  object-oriented language. If you still think PHP lacks an appropriate object model, you might be pleasantly surprised taking a look again.

For example, consider this brief example encapsulating many of the now-available PHP OOP constructs:

     data based on the $ filter object’s logic … / return $ filtered; }     }

This snippet defines a class called Example , which extends from the base class Database , and that implements the (Collection) interface. The fully qualified class name - including namespace - would be App LWN Example . Four pieces are imported: the Database class, Collection (interface, (Filter) (type) aliased as MyFilter , and PrettyArray trait. In the body of the class, we use PrettyArray in order for the class to take advantage of the properties and methods defined in the trait.

The class also defines a single array property $ data (scoped as protected and adds a single class method filter () (scoped for public access. The filter () method accepts a single optional parameter $ filter that must either be an instance of App LWN Filter (aliased to MyFilter () or NULL The method returns an iterable pseudo-type, which indicates that the method must either return a PHP array or any other object that implements the built-in PHP Traversable interface. This allows callers to know that the results can be traversed using other language constructs such as foreach .

Proper dependency management and third-party extensions

In the early days of PHP, two repositories, PEAR and (PECL

, were created to catalog both reusable PHP code and non-bundled, C-based extensions, respectively. PECL continues to be a valuable collection with over (extensions, from authentication to data structures , however it has failed to become a widespread tool allowing PHP developers to use those extensions because they introduce system-level dependencies that are generally unavailable on cheaper hosting providers. PEAR, being pure PHP code, was more successful in adoption yet struggled to become the tool it was intended to be. Unfortunately code age and quality proved to be too big of a hurdle to overcome and, because of this, PEAR was officially disabled by default as of PHP 7.4.

In lieu of PEAR, the PHP community has adopted Composer . Similar to Node’s npm or Python’s pip , Composer has been adopted by nearly every major PHP-based software package to create a community of well-built, well-maintained, and dependency-conscious PHP modules that can be added simply into an application. For example, installing the Stripe payment API is now similar to what you might find in other languages:

    $ composer require stripe / stripe-php

This command finds the package in the Packagist repository (by default), installing it in the vendor (directory) in the current directory) along with any necessary dependencies. Using it requires the existence of a (composer.json) file in the project to define the project’s specific version dependencies for both PHP and needed packages. From this, Composer generates a composer.lock file for the project to track exactly what is installed and should be kept in the project. To use the components managed by Composer, the ./ vendor / autoload.php file can be loaded using require_once in your application; it will do the necessary bootstrapping and class resolution on instantiation using PHP's autoloading mechanisms .

Most modern PHP frameworks and PHP-based applications today rely on Composer, yet one notable holdout is the ever-popular WordPress blogging package. Efforts in the WordPress community continue to move toward adoption, but it It appears to be a massive undertaking that will not be completed soon.

PHP gets proper FFI

One interesting new feature that has come with the release of PHP 7.4 is a foreign function interface

(FFI). This has been an obvious omission when Comparing PHP to other languages ​​and has the potential to make a big impact in the PHP arena. To understand the potential impact we need to revisit PECL alongside a bit of PHP release and architecture background.

PHP has always favored a “batteries included “approach. Various extensions that are not really considered part of the language by internals developers (such as various database drivers) have been bundled as part of the official release since PHP 3. Other languages have struggled with this topic from time to time, but for PHP the problem is particularly acute due to external factors. Since it is a language that is typically deployed as part of a web server, the vast majority of PHP deployments are simply provided to end-users as part of hosting packages without the ability to add extensions. For example, most cost-effective WordPress hosting services do not provide any third-party extension functionality.

While the bundling strategy succeeds in ensuring that a wide range of Consistent functionality exists across hosting providers, it comes at the cost of application support nightmares for anything beyond that – even for self-managed servers. For example, if a non-standard PECL extension existed that did exactly what was needed, the process of loading it and Maintaining it on server farms and across PHP versions can easily become unnecessarily painful to system administrators everywhere. Moreover the bundling approach also creates a bottleneck for PHP releases themselves, as there is much more code (features, bug fixes, etc.) that has to go into every release.

FFI in PHP 7.4 has a lot of potential benefits. Where is currently C-based Extensions provide the glue to map the functionality of shared libraries into PHP APIs, a baked-in FFI allows those PHP API implementations to be done in PHP itself moving forward. As PHP code, this new form of extension is manageable by the widely-adopted Composer, reducing a major barrier to the use of shared library APIs currently only available as extensions in PECL (or possibly not available at all).  This all leads to what may ultimately be the first step away from the “batteries included” approach taken to date while broadening the capacities of the overall PHP community. Of course, the hosting providers will need to cooperate by installing the underlying development packages for the shared libraries on their servers.

If successful, this would be a wonderful win for the internals community and certainly is enabling to the community at large. The internals community would gain a path forward to solving the “batteries included “problem by replacing C-based extensions with PHP-based FFI-enabled ones, without sacrificing consistency across hosting providers. For the general PHP community, FFI enables the use of shared system libraries with only the need to understand and implement the aspects needed for their specific problem and, importantly, without any specific PHP internals knowledge. Composer packages (and PHP applications) are ultimately a large composite of various API bindings, so simply being able to use what is needed via FFI is a major improvement over needing someone to implement a full binding for general-purpose use in C. An example of how the FFI works can be seen in the TensorFlow bindings for PHP , written by PHP core developer and author of the FFI implementation Dmitry Stogov.

Although FFI is a relatively straightforward feature taken by itself, it will be worth watching how it melds into the hosting provider and bundling situation. As part of the core, it may enable hosting providers a mechanism to expand their abilities securely and enable the community in a lot of positive ways.

Making security less obscure

As PHP has matured, so has its focus on security. PHP gets a bad reputation on security, due in no small part to various ill-conceived language features of the past, such as the notorious register_globals

and safe_mode settings. Thankfully it has been ten years since register_globals and safe_mode were removed in PHP 5.4. Most PHP-related security issues don't come from the implementation of the language these days but rather from insecurely written code. To address this, a lot of effort has been put in to make handling complicated security issues as straightforward for PHP developers as possible.

This has taken the form of a couple of key technologies that have appeared in more recent versions of PHP. Starting with PHP 7.2, the popular libsodium cryptographic library has been included as part of the PHP tool set, providing high-quality cryptographic services to developers. For hashing critical data such as passwords, PHP also bundles the Argon2 password-hashing algorithm (the winner of a multi-year password-hashing competition ).

Of course, there have been continuous improvements and additions to the built-in filtering and sanitization tools that were first included in PHP 5.2. These provide the facilities to consistently and reliably ensure external input is what developers expect it to be.

Through the widespread adoption of proper dependency management, key security-related technologies, and modern frameworks that implement all of this intelligently, PHP has made welcome and significant security-minded improvements over the years.

Performance increases

PHP has continuously worked to improve the per-request performance of its code and has made serious improvements as time has gone on. PHP 7.4 can handle three times as many requests per second as PHP 5.6 and is roughly 25% faster than even PHP 7.0.

Adding to these overall performance improvements is the new PHP 7.4 preloading feature. According to Stogov , who is the original feature proposer:

On server startup - before any application code is run - we may load a certain set of PHP files into memory - and make their contents “permanently available ”to all subsequent requests that will be served by that server. All the functions and classes defined in these files will be available to requests out of the box, exactly like internal entities.

Enabling preloading is easily done using the opcache.preload configuration directive and specifying the path to a PHP script. All classes and functions referenced within that script will be permanently loaded into memory and referenced in each server request as needed. In exchange for this additional memory usage on the server, resources used every request are universally available resulting in considerably faster execution times. Unfortunately, it also means that changes to the preloaded files will require a server restart to take effect.

Last but not least is just-In-time

(JIT) compilation to machine code for PHP, which is provided as an experimental feature in PHP 7.4 and is slated for official release in PHP 8. Described as " extremely simple "in its present form compared to implementations such as V8 and PyPy, PHP's forthcoming JIT implementation will be powered by (DynASM) (developed for the LuaJIT). project). It will likely serve as the bedrock for future execution-speed improvements. The future of PHP

Based on past history, PHP is likely to continue with releases in the 7.x branch, adding incremental improvements, features and bug fixes while PHP 8 is still on the horizon. It is difficult to predict which new features may be rolled into 7.x, and which will be reserved for 8.0. Historically, PHP 5.x was the beneficiary of many improvements originally slated for the never-released PHP 6 when development stalled on that effort .

It is worth noting that it is unlikely PHP 8 will suffer the same fate as PHP 6, however, as developer Derick Rethans has provided a rough schedule

leading to a December (launch for PHP 8) with early alphas being available in June). Since significant features for that release are already committed, it seems likely that timeline will more or less hold. According to the available RFCs being considered we can expect JIT and improvements to the object model, various consistency tweaks, improvements to syntax, and more.                

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