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sherlock-project / sherlock, Hacker News

sherlock-project / sherlock, Hacker News



Hunt down social media accounts by username acrosssocial networks  

  Demo  |   Installation  |   Usage  |   Docker Notes  |   Adding New Sites


Use this link to test Sherlock directly in your browser: 16 /


NOTE: Python 3.6 or higher is required.

#clone the repo$ git clone the working directory to sherlock$cdsherlock#install python3 and python3-pip if they are not installed#install the requirements$ python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt

Open in Cloud Shell

Use the following command to access the saved results:

docker run --rm -t -v "$ PWD / results: / opt / sherlock / results "mysherlock-image -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt user 123

The- v "$ PWD / results: / opt / sherlock / results "option tells docker to create (or use) the folderresultsin the present working directory and to mount it at/ opt / sherlock / resultson the docker container. The- o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txtoption tellsSherlock (to output the result.)

Or you can use "Docker Hub" to run (sherlock) :

docker run theyahya / sherlock user 123


You can use thedocker-compose.ymlfile from the repository and use this command:

docker-compose run sherlok -o /opt/sherlock/results/text.txt user 123

Adding New Sites

Please look at the Wiki entry onadding new sitesto understand the issues.

NOTE: Sherlock is not accepting adult sites in the standard list.


Thank you for contributing to Sherlock!

Before creating a pull request with new development, please run the tests to ensure that everything is working great. It would also be a good idea to run the tests before starting development to distinguish problems between your environment and the Sherlock software.

The following is an example of the command line to run all the tests for Sherlock. This invocation hides the progress text that Sherlock normally outputs, and instead shows the verbose output of the tests.

$ python3 -m unittest tests.all --buffer --verbose

Note that we do currently have 100% test coverage. Unfortunately, some of the sites that Sherlock checks are not always reliable, so it is common to get response errors.

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time


MIT ©Yahya SayadArbabi
Original Creator -Siddharth Dushantha


Brave Browser
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