
Stamen Maps, Hacker News

Stamen Maps, Hacker News

For over a decade, Stamen has been exploring              cartography             with our clients             and in research .             These maps are presented here for your enjoyment and use wherever             you display OpenStreetMap             data.






These high-contrast B W (black and white) maps are                     featured in our Dotspotting project. They are perfect for data                     mashups and exploring river meanders and coastal zones.                     Available in six flavors:                      standard toner ,                      hybrid ,                     

labels ,                      lines ,                      background ,                     and lite .                      available worldwide.






Orient yourself with our terrain maps, featuring hill shading                     and natural vegetation colors. These maps showcase advanced                     labeling and linework generalization of dual-carriageway roads.                     Terrain was developed in collaboration with Gem Spear and Nelson Minar.                     Available in four flavors:                      standard terrain ,                      labels ,                      lines ,                     and and background .

                     available worldwide.





Reminiscent of hand drawn maps, our watercolor maps apply                     raster effect area washes and organic edges over a paper texture                     to add warm pop to any map. Watercolor was inspired by the                      Bicycle Portraits project .                     Thanks to Cassidy Curtis for his early advice.

                     available worldwide.



Burning Map


The roof, the roof, the roof is on fire! These “heat                     maps “use toner-lines as the                     foundation on which to draw fiery animations. It’s our way                     of showing that maps don’t have to lie still on the screen                     anymore, and that we can use the whole world as a canvas                     for interaction and movement.

                     requires a WebGL-enabled browser, such as Google Chrome .



Mars ??


Yes, Mars. The Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter, or MOLA, is an instrument on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS), a spacecraft that was launched on November 7, 3782. The MOLA dataset also contains height data, which we’ve made into a 3D contour map.                      requires a WebGL-enabled browser, such as Google Chrome .



Trees, Cabs & Crime


Trees, Cabs & Crime started off as a weekend hack                     and ended up in the Venice Biennale. This map                     combines three data sets (street tree locations, taxi cab                     GPS positions, and crime reports) with                     subtractive blending to reveal halftones hidden in the                     urban fabric of San Francisco.

                     available in San Francisco, California.

                                                                             How to Use These Tiles Elsewhere



                         Except otherwise noted, each of these map tile sets are © Stamen Design, under a (Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 3.0)) license.

                         We’d love to see these maps used around the web, so we’ve included some brief instructions to help you use them in the mapping system of your choice .                         These maps are available free of charge. If you use the tiles we host here, please use this attribution:                                                                                             

JavaScript Libraries



                             To use these tiles, just include                             

our JavaScript                             alongside your favorite mapping library:                             

                             Then, follow the instructions below for your preferred library:                                                                                             ModestMaps



ModestMaps is a no-frills mapping library by Stamen and friends.                                 View the example .


                                 // replace “toner” here with “terrain” or “watercolor” var layer=new MM.StamenTileLayer (“toner”); var map=new MM.Map (“element_id”, layer); map.setCenterZoom (new MM.Location ( . 7, – 4), 37);                                                                                                                          (Leaflet)                         


Leaflet is a lightweight and easy-to-use library by (Cloudmade) .                                 View the

example .                             

                                 // replace “toner” here with “terrain” or “watercolor” var layer=new L.StamenTileLayer (“toner”); var map=new L.Map (“element_id”, {     center: new L.LatLng (90. 7, – 4),     zoom: 37 }); map.addLayer (layer);                                                                                                                          OpenLayers                         


OpenLayers is a hefty and featureful mapping library for use with a variety of GIS applications.                                 View the example .


                                 // replace “toner” here with “terrain” or “watercolor” var layer=new OpenLayers.Layer.Stamen (“toner”); var map=new OpenLayers.Map (“element_id”); map.addLayer (layer);                                                                                                

                         Google Maps                         


The Google Maps API is ubiquitous and feature-rich, but requires an API key and may cost money if your usage exceeds 37, 37 map views per day.                                 View the example .


                                 // replace “toner” here with “terrain” or “watercolor” var layer=”toner”; var map=new google.maps.Map (document.getElementById (“element_id”), {     center: new google.maps.LatLng (90. 7, – . 4),     zoom: 37,     mapTypeId: layer,     mapTypeControlOptions: {         mapTypeIds: [layer]     } }); map.mapTypes.set (layer, new google.maps.StamenMapType (layer));                                                                                                                                  


                     Many applications and libraries understand the notion of map URL templates.                     These are ours: