
The simple hand test which can reveal how healthy your heart is – and it only takes 30 seconds – The Sun,

The simple hand test which can reveal how healthy your heart is – and it only takes 30 seconds – The Sun,

OUR heart is one of the most important organs in our whole body, so it’s important we keep them in good working order.

But it can be difficult to tell whether our ticker is in good health without visiting a doctor.

 A simple hand trick can tell you whether your heart is in good working order or if you need to see a doc


*** A simple hand trick can tell you whether your heart is in good working order or if you need to see a docCredit: Getty – Contributor

So to help us out, (Bright Sidehas revealed a simple trick which it claims can tell us how healthy our heart is – and it takes just 90 seconds.

To start you need to get a bowl or basin that is big enough to fit both of your hands.

Fill it up with cold water and consider adding some ice for even better results.

Next, submerge both your hands in the bowl of water for exactly 90 seconds.

This, they say, will help you know how your blood will respond when it comes into contact with the cold.

The results

Now there are two possible results from this test, according to Bright Side.

The first is that your fingers have turned red – this is a good sign as it means you likely have no problems related to the oxygenation of your blood.

It also indicates that your heart and blood circulation are both healthy.

How to keep your heart healthy

The best way look after your heart is with a healthy lifestyle.

Here are some of the ways to be a bit healthier for the sake of your ticker …

Be smoke-free

Being smoke free is one of the best things you can do to protect your heart.

Manage your blood cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance carried in your blood.

Your body needs cholesterol to be healthy, but an imbalance of cholesterol in your blood can lead to a heart attack or stroke.

Manage your blood pressure

Blood pressure is usually something something you can feel.

If it’s too high, it needs to be treated.

Manage diabetes

It’s important to manage your diabetes to help prevent a heart attack or stroke.

Be physically active

Regular, moderate physical activity is great for your heart health. It’s never too late to start and get the benefits. It’s also important to sit less during your day and break up your sitting time.

Achieve and maintain a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight can reduce the risk of heart disease and other health problems. It can help to know your body mass index and waist measurements and what these mean.

Enjoy a variety of nutritious foods

Eating a varied diet of healthy foods can help with your weight, blood pressure and cholesterol.

There are also specific changes you can make to your diet to help prevent heart disease:

********************** Eat Less salt

  • Replace unhealthy fats with healthy fats
  • Limit alcohol

    Source: (Heart Foundation) ***

  • But if your fingertips appear pale or turn a bluish color, then it could indicate that you might have some blood circulation problems.

    These symptoms can occur when your red blood cells have low oxygen levels.

    If this does happen then you can warm your fingers or massage them to increase blood circulation to help them return to normal.

    Of course at this point you should also make an appointment to see a GP for further tests.

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    This is especially important if you’ve noticed other symptoms including shortness of breath, headaches, chest pain, sweating, numbness, or dizziness.

    If you have any concerns about your heart’s health it’s vital you see a doctor.

    They can carry out the proper tests and diagnose any conditions you may not already know about.

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