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Uncommon Use Cases For Pseudo Elements – Ahmad Shadeed, Hacker News

Uncommon Use Cases For Pseudo Elements – Ahmad Shadeed, Hacker News

Pseudo-elements are in use for a long time. However, there are some uses cases that I feel they are not entirely known across developers. I wrote down this article to shed light on them so they can be used more.

Parent-child Hover Effect

Since the pseudo-element belongs to its parent element, there are some unusual use cases for that. For now, let’s explore a straightforward example to demonstrate what I mean.

The design has a section title, with a little circle on the left side of it. When we hover on the section title, the circle gets bigger.

. section-title: before{    content:"";    width:20 px;    height:20 px;    background:blue;    / * Other styles * /}. section-title: hover: before{    transform:scale((1.2));}

Easy and straightforward. Let’s extend that concept to more useful use cases.

Projects / Blog Section

On my website, I have a section that lists all of my projects. I wanted to add a thumbnail for each project, but it wasn’t a top priority thing for me. What’s more important to me is the link itself. I first saw this effect a while ago onEthan MarcotteWebsite.

The above design mockup shows the idea that I wanted to apply. Each colored link in the paragraph has a pseudo-element paired with it.


Hello, my name is Ahmad. I’m a UX Designer and Front End Developer that enjoys the intersection between design and code. I write onhref=" "class="link-1">ishadeed.comandhref="www.a 11 "class="link-2">A 11 ymatters.comon CSS, UX Design and Web Accessibility .

1) I added padding to the hero

I want toReservespace for the pseudo-elements, so adding padding is a solution for that.

2) Position the pseudo-elements absolutely

To position them absolutely, I need to define which parent is the relative one. It should be added to the hero section.

Notice in the below GIF how removingposition: relativefrom the. herosection affects the pseudo-elements.

3) Adding pseudo-elements

The final step is to add the pseudo-elements along with their hover effects. Here is how I did it:

.Link-1{  color:#;}@ media(min-width:(px)){  .Link-1: After{    content:"";    position:absolute;    right:0;    top:20 px;    width:150 px;    height:100 px;    background:currentColor;    opacity:0. 85;    transition:0.3sease-out;  }  .Link-1: hover{    text-decoration:underline;  }  .Link-1: hover: after{    transform:scale((1.2));    opacity:1;  }}

Notice that I’ve usedcurrentColorfor the pseudo-element background. If you don’t know about this keyword, it inherits from thecolorvalue of its parent. So at any point, I want to change the colors of the links, it’s easy to change them only once.

  See the Pen  Pseudo-elements: Example 1by Ahmad Shadeed (@ shadeed)   onCodePen.

If you are curious, go to the home page of my website and check the “My Projects” section. I have used the above technique.

Increasing the clickable area size

By adding a pseudo-element to a link, the clickable area around it will get bigger. This is very useful and will enhance the experience for the user. Let’s take an example:

Moreover, it can be used to extend the clickable area of ​​a card component, which has a view more link. I wrote a detailedarticleabout that topic.


Let’s suppose that there is an element with a background image, and the design has a gradient overlay with blending mode set tocolor. Pseudo-elements can help with that!

.Hero{  position:relative;  height:300 px;  background:url ("image.jpg")center/cover;}.Hero: after{  content:"";  position:absolute;  left:0;  top:0;  width:100%;  height:100%;  background-image:linear-gradient((deg),# 8517170 %,#  C(%));  mix-blend-mode:color;}

  See the Pen  Pseudo-elements: Example 2by Ahmad Shadeed (@ shadeed)   onCodePen.

Wrapped Shadows

I’m not sure if the naming is correct, but this is what I got. Back in the days, I used to create a shadow that is skewed at the edges. It has a little subtle effect. Guess what! It’s possible to do them with pseudo-elements.

Creating the element

I created a div element with regular styles as below.

.Elem{     position:relative;     display:flex;     align-items:center;     max-width:400 px;     background:# fff;     padding:2rem1rem;     font-size:1.5rem;     margin:2remauto;     text-align:center;     box-sizing:border-box;}

Adding pseudo-elements

Then, I added: beforeand: afterpseudo-elements with a width of 50% for each of them (I added a different background for each one for explaining purposes).

.Elem: before,.elem: after{    content:"";    position:absolute;    top:2px;    width:50%;    height:100%;}.elem: before{    left:0;    background:gray;}.elem: after{    right:0;    background:# 000;}

Next, I will addtransform: skew (x)where X is 2 degrees. For one of them, X should be negative to achieve the desired effect.

.Elem: before{    transform:skew(- 2deg);}.elem: after{    transform:skew(2deg);}

Next, I will add (z-index: -1) to each pseudo-element to move it behind its parent.

Once that is done, I did the following:

  • Addedfilter: blur

  • Reduced opacity

  • Added a gradient from transparent to black (To hide the pseudo-elements edges at the top center of its parent)

Final Code

.Elem{  position:relative;  display:flex;  align-items:center;  max-width:400 px;  background:# fff;  padding:2rem1rem;  font-size:1.5rem;  margin:2remauto;  text-align:center;  box-sizing:border-box;}.elem: before,.elem: after{    content:"";    position:absolute;    top:3px;    width:50%;    height:100%;    z-index:- 1;    background:linear-gradient(tobottom,transparent,# 000);    filter:blur(3px);    opacity:0.3;}.elem: before{    left:0;    transform:skewY(- 2deg);}.elem: after{    right:0;    transform:skewY(2deg);}

There is another option, which is to swap theskewYvalues ​​between the: beforeand: afterpseudo-elements. That will result in a different effect.

  See the Pen  Pseudo-elements: Example 3by Ahmad Shadeed (@ shadeed)   onCodePen.

Using: aftervs: before

In a recent Twitterdiscussion, I learned that it’s better to use: beforeinstead of: after. Why? Because when using: after, it might require us to addz-indexto other nested elements so the pseudo-element won’t overlap them. Let’s take a real-life example.

Here is a simple card that consists of a thumbnail and title. If you notice, there is a gradient overlay below the text to make the text clearer in case the thumbnail is too light.

class="card">  src="article.jpg"alt="">  

Title here

To add the gradient overlay under the text, I will need to use a pseudo-element. Which one will you pick?: beforeor: After? Let’s explore both.

1) After element

In that case, the title will appear underneath the pseudo-element overlay like the below.

The solution to that is to addz-indexto the card title. Even if this is an easy and quick solution, it’s not the correct thing to do.

.card-title{    / * Other styles * /    z-index:1;}

2) Before element

When using a: beforeelement for the overlay, it works by default! It’s not needed to addz-indexto the card title. The reason is that when using: before, the element won’t appear above the other sibling items while it will appear in case the element was: after

  See the Pen  Pseudo-elements: Example 4by Ahmad Shadeed (@ shadeed)   onCodePen.

If there is a link that has a PDF file, for example, it’s possible to add a PDF icon to make it more clear for the user.

Here is an example of how to show a PDF icon for a link:

a[href$=".pdf"]: before{  content:"";  display:inline-block;  vertical-align:middle;  margin-right:8px;  width:18 px;  height:18 px;  background:url (https: // s3-us-west / np_pdf _ 377198 _ 000000. svg)center/20 pxno-repeat;  padding:3px;}

  See the Pen  Pseudo-elements: Example 5by Ahmad Shadeed (@ shadeed)   onCodePen.


For this example, there is a separator with “or”. At each side, there is a line. It’s possible to do that with pseudo-elements and Flexbox.

p{  display:flex;  align-items:center;}p: before,p: after{  content:"";  height:2px;  background:# c5c5c5;  flex-grow:1;}p: before{  margin-right:px;}p: after{  margin-left:px;}

  See the Pen  Pseudo-elements: Example 6by Ahmad Shadeed (@ shadeed)   onCodePen.

The End

And that’s a wrap. Do you have a comment or a suggestion? Please feel free to ping me on@ shadeed9.

Thank you for reading.

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