
Windows 10’s latest update fail could be its most serious yet – TechRadar, TechRadar

Windows 10’s latest update fail could be its most serious yet – TechRadar, TechRadar

Windows 10Windows 10

(Image credit: Shutterstock) Windows 10Windows 10 (Windows) ‘s seemingly never-ending run of faulty updates is continuing to impact users, with reports emerging that Windows (KB) (is deleting files on some people’s PCs.) We’ve previously reported that KB was causing some serious issues for Windows users, with people Start menus and desktops reverting to their default states. Windows 10

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  • however, it seems that issue is even more serious than first thought, as it appears that it is deleting any files saved on the desktop as well. Windows 10

    Some people have been able to restore their files – it appears the update is renaming and moving their user profile – but it seems that many people have found they are unable to restore the files that were deleted.

    While changing the user profile back to its default settings is annoying, if an update is faulty enough that it’s actually deleting users’ files, then this is very serious indeed.

    We don’t know how widespread this issue is, with (Windows Latest quoting several users on Microsoft’s forums , and Microsoft itself has yet to comment. . Hopefully this is cleaned up quickly. (Update pulled)

    We also reported that the Windows

    (KB) update was causing issues for users, and it’s now been pulled by Microsoft – so the update will no longer be automatically downloaded. Windows 10 This update was causing issues with HP devices because of its Sure Start Secure Boot Key Protection.