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The century-old puzzle of the four-color theorem: Why can any map be drawn with only four colors?



The century-old puzzle of the four-color theorem: Why can any map be drawn with only four colors?

Recently, Qing Xiaowa discovered a small game with very simple rules: when coloring a map, two adjacent places cannot use the same color. This leads to a question from 172 years ago: “Can all maps be colored with only four colors?

The century-old puzzle of the four-color theorem: Why can any map be drawn with only four colors?

What is the Four Color Theorem?

Four Color Theorem(English: four color theorem) Also known asFour Color Map Theorem(English: four color map theorem), is amathTheorem: If some adjacent finite regions are drawn on a plane, then these regions can be dyed with four colors so that every two adjacent regions are dyed with different colors.

The question “Can all maps be colored using only four colors?” was first raised by South African mathematician Francis Goudry in 1852 and is known as the “four color problem” or “four color conjecture.”

In 1976, mathematicians Kenneth Appel and Wolfgang Haken obtained a complete proof for the first time using a computer, and the four-color problem finally became the four-color theorem. This was the first theorem to be proved primarily with the help of a computer.

Four Color Theorem Game

This game gives you several regional maps, including Britain, Africa, South America, and North America. You need to click on different places to color them. Try to use as few colors as possible, but the rule is that two adjacent places cannot have the same color:

The four-color theorem puzzle of the century: Why can any map be drawn with only four colors?

Also, there is a question that asks you to try to draw a place that requires 5 colors. It is rated “very difficult” and those who want to challenge themselves can try it.

The four-color theorem puzzle of the century: Why can we draw any map with only four colors?

I never thought that there is a mathematical theorem for this matter. Human beings are so interesting.


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