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Update: CEF Window Creation | An Incomplete Guide to Windows Development

Update this week

“CEF Window Creation”:

A software reverse analysis engineer must not only possess professional reverse analysis technology, but also need certain program development capabilities.

Attack is defense, first forward and then reverse. You have to understand the forward process before you can consider the design structure of the program from the reverse perspective. Reverse development is implemented on the basis of forward development, so forward development is also very important. Can a person who doesn't know how to build warships reverse engineer other people's warship structures? Obviously extremely difficult.

Windows reverse security has always attracted widespread attention. If you want to become a reverse master, you must have deep programming skills. Self-study is relatively difficult, and you often cannot study in depth after getting started. In fact, no matter what you study, it is relatively difficult when you first get started. Once you get over this hurdle, you will be like a fish in water. Don't worry, this course will teach you step by step how to overcome this “hump”!

Course Introduction

The two technologies of program development and reverse analysis complement each other, complement each other, and develop together to form a mutually reinforcing effect.In daily work, they are like a pair of wings used in various businesses.When analyzing a program, people naturally start from the two perspectives of program development and reverse analysis.

This course starts from the perspective of a student who has just started C++, focusing on common problems in Windows development, making up for and solving various problems that novices have in writing reverse code, and leading everyone to learn common reverse development skills under the Windows platform.


Roger:Good at software reverse research and analysis and windows platform security development

Suitable for the crowd

-Information security and network security enthusiasts;
-Those who have zero foundation and are just starting to learn code reverse analysis technology;
-Those who want to get started with security developers based on Windows platform;
-Job seekers who want to engage in Windows development;

Knowledge System

This course will involve common directions such as game security, kernel security, reverse engineering, etc. The course content will delve into the underlying principles and lead beginners to get started from both forward and reverse perspectives. You will also learn various reverse ideas and development principles of the Windows platform. After learning, you can quickly get started with security software development on the Windows platform.

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