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【AI Speed ​​Reading】Special Operations Series 1

Today I would like to share with you the magazine “Special Operations” published by the US Special Warfare Center and School.

1. Spring 2024 edition, Volume 37, Issue 1

“Strategic Sabotage: An Operational Framework for Irregular Warfare” mainly discusses the United States' wasted influence in the Sahel region due to misunderstandings about irregular warfare. ARSOF (US Special Operations Forces) MAROPS (Maritime Operations) and how it takes an irregular approach to participate in the competition continuum. The text also includes information on the three pillars of irregular warfare education, the operational framework of strategic sabotage, and special orders for special operations in future irregular warfare conflicts.

2、20January 24totalVolume 36-No.season2

The text covers the continuous transformation and modernization of the United States John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS), focusing on the Special Warfare Concept 2030 (SWCS 2030), the Unmanned Systems Enablement of Special Operations Soldiers of the Armed Forces (RUSIC), and the origins of the Irregular Warfare Academy. The text also includes perspectives on professional education, training, and the future of special operations.

  • Special Operations: Focus on all things special warfare

  • The United States John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (USAJFKSWCS) continues its transformation and modernization, with this visualization showing what the Special Warfare Center will look like in 2030.

  • The Irregular Warfare Academy: Origins, provides a platform to explore irregular warfare theory and practice.

  • Unmanned systems enhance the capabilities of Army special operations soldiers, a critical component of modern warfare.

  • Psychological Operations School: To prepare for psychological operations within the scope of military operations.

  • Improve the performance of the “U” within Army Special Operations Forces and increase their efficiency and combat effectiveness.

  • FM 3-53: Transforming Military Influence Activities to Adapt to Future Warfare Demands.

  • Special Forces Master Sergeant David K. Tumafei Commissioned Officers Academy: Providing professional military education to our next generation of junior leaders.

  • Special Forces Master Sergeant School: Origins, describes the history and development of the school.

3. August 2023, Volume 36, Issue 1

The article focuses on the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), some important historical events and figures in the Special Operations Community, and also mentions how to submit articles and photos for possible publication.

The main points

  • TRADOC 50th Anniversary

    • An overview of the highlights of TRADOC's 50th anniversary and its key role in military training reform.

  • Legacy of the Special Operations Community

    • Provides a history of the special operations community and highlights how its members have served their country in a variety of challenging environments.

  • The Legacy of the Special Operations Community

    • The article mentions how the special operations community passes on its spirit of courage, sacrifice, and innovation through education and training.

  • Reopening of the Special Operations Museum

    • The reopening of the Special Operations Museum was specifically pointed out as a way to remember and celebrate the achievements of the pioneers.

  • Submit Articles and Photos

    • The article ends with instructions on how to submit articles and photos, as well as the terms and conditions for publication.


The article Special Warfare Volume 36, Issue 1 is dedicated to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), while recalling the historical legacy and spiritual heritage of the special operations community. By recalling important moments and figures in history, the article emphasizes the central role of the special operations community in military training and warfare, and encourages people to submit articles and photos to continue to promote the development and legacy of this profession. The core point is to emphasize the fundamental role of training in military combat effectiveness and victory, and the special operations community's continued contribution to maintaining national security and way of life.

4January 2022, Volume 35, Issue 1

52021, Volume 34, Issue 2

“Order from Chaos in the Cognitive Space” discusses the importance of cognitive space and information environment in modern conflict and competition. The article emphasizes the importance of winning narratives in cognitive and information space, especially when facing national competitors such as Russia and China. The article mentions that these competitors use the 4D strategy (dismiss, distort, distract, dismay) to influence public opinion and social stability.

The article also mentions the potential threat of synthetic media and how to counter it through innovation and improvement. In addition, the article describes the lag in the United States in implementing strategies to counter national competitors and emphasizes the need for more proactive measures to protect national security.

In summary, the article explores how to establish order in cognitive space to respond to challenges from national competitors and proposes improvement measures and strategic recommendations.

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