
[100%OFF]Machine Learning Masterclass(54hrs)

What you’ll learn

  • Hypothesis Space and Inductive Bias
  • Evaluation and Cross-Validation
  • Linear Regression
  • Learning Decision Tree
  • Python Exercise on Decision Tree and Linear Regression
  • and Much MUch More!!


19 Sections • 125 Lectures • 53h 44m total lengthCourse A Week 1

This course includes

  • 54 hours on-demand video
  • Full lifetime access
  • Access on mobile and TV


Hello everyone and welcome to this  course on an introduction to machine learning

in this course we will have a quick introduction to machine learning and this will not be very deep in a mathematical sense but it will have some amount of mathematical trigger and what we will be doing in this course is covering different paradigms of machine learning and with special emphasis on classification and regression tasks and also will introduce you to various other machine learning paradigms. In this introductory lecture set of lectures I will give a very quick overview of the different kinds of machine learning paradigms and therefore I call this lectures machine learning. )

A brief introduction with emphasis on brief right, so the rest of the course would be a more elongated introduction to machine learning right.

So what is machine learning so I will start off with a canonical definition put out by Tom Mitchell in 97 and so a machine or an agent I deliberately leave the beginning undefined because you could also apply this to non machines like biological agents so an agent is said to learn from experience with respect to some class of tasks right and the performance measure P if the learners performance tasks in the class as measured by P improves with experience.

So what we get from this first thing is we have to define learning with respect to a specific class of tasks right it could be answering exams in a particular subject right or it could be diagnosing patients of a specific illness right.

So but we have to be very careful about defining the set of tasks on which we are going to define this learning right, and the second thing we need is of a performance measure P right so in the absence of a performance measure P you would start to make vague statement like oh I think something is happening right that seems to be a change and something learned is there is some learning going on and stuff like that.

So if you want to be clearer about measuring whether learning is happening or not you first need to define some kind of performance criteria right.

So for example if you talk about answering questions in an exam your performance criterion could very well be the number of marks that you get or if you talk about diagnosing illness then your performance measure would be the number of patients that you say are the number of patients who did not have adverse reaction to the drugs you gave them there could be variety of ways of defining performance measures depending on what you are looking for right and the third important component here is experience right.

So with experience the performance has to improve right and so what we mean by experience here in the case of writing exams it could be writing more exams right so the more the number of exams you write the better you write it better you get it test taking or it could be a patient’s in the case of diagnosing illnesses like the more patients that you look at the better you become at diagnosing illness right.

So these are the three components so you need a class of tasks you need a performance measure and you need some well-defined experience so this kind of learning right where you are learning to improve your performance based on experience is known as a this kind of learning where you are trying to where you learn to improve your performance with experience is known as inductive learning.

And then the basis of inductive learning goes back several centuries people have been debating about inductive learning for hundreds of years now and are only more recently we have started to have more quantified mechanisms of learning right. So but one thing I always point out to people is that if you take this definition with a pinch of salt, so for example you could think about the task as fitting your foot comfortably right.

So you could talk about whether a slipper fits your foot comfortably or let me put so I always say that you should take this definition with a pinch of salt because take the example of a slipper you know, so the slipper is supposed to give protection to your foot right and a performance measure for the slipper would be whether it is fitting the leg comfortably or not or whether it is you know as people say there is biting your leg or is it

Chaffin your feet right and with experience you know as the slipper knows more and more about your foot as you keep varying the slipper for longer periods of time it becomes better at the task of fitting your foot right as measured by whether it is shattering your foot or whether it is biting your foot or not right.

So would you say that the slipper is learned to fit to your foot well by this definition yes right so we have to take this with a pinch of salt and so not every system that confirms to this definition of learning can be set to learn usually okay. (Refer Slide Time: 06:11) So going on so there are different machine learning paradigms that we will talk about and the first one is supervised learning where you learn an input to output map right so you are given some kind of an input it could be a description of the patient who comes to comes to the clinic and the output that have to produce is whether the patient has a certain disease or not so this they had to learn this kind of an input to output map or the input could be some kind of equation right and then output would be the answer to the question or it could be a true or false question I give you a description of the question you have to give me true or false as the output.

And in supervised learning what you essentially do is on a mapping from this input to the required output right if the output that you are looking for happens to be a categorical output like whether he has a disease or does not have a disease or whether the answer is true or false then the supervised learning problem is called the classification problem right and if the output happens to be a continuous value like, so how long will this product last before it fails right or what is the expected rainfall tomorrow right so those kinds of problems they would be called as regression problems. These are supervised learning problems where the output is a continuous value and these are called as regression problems. So we will look at in more detail

classification and regression as we go on right, so the second class of problems are known as unsupervised learning problems right where the goal is not really to produce an output in response to an input but given a set of in data right we have to discover patterns in the data right. So that is more of the testicle unsupervised learning there is no real desired output that we are looking for right we are more interested in finding patterns in the data. So clustering right is one task one unsupervised learning task where you are interested

in finding cohesive groups among the input pattern right, for example I might be looking at customers who come to my shop right and I want to figure out if there are categories of customers like so maybe college students could be one category and sewing IT professionals could be another category and so on so forth and when I’m looking at this kinds of grouping in my data, so I would call that a clustering task right.

So the other popular unsupervised learning paradigm is known as the Association rule mining or frequent pattern mining where you are interested in finding a frequent co-occurrence of items right in the data that is given to you so whenever A comes to my B also comes to my shop right. So those kinds of co-occurrence so I can always say that okay if I see A then there is likely very likely that B is also in my shop somewhere you know so I can learn these kinds of associations between data right. And again we look at this later in more detail

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