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async.h – asynchronous, stackless subroutines in C, Hacker News

Theasync / awaitidiom is becoming increasingly popular. The first widely used language to include it was C #, and it has now spread into JavaScript and Rust. Now C / C programmers don’t have to feel left out, becauseasync.his a header-only library that brings async / await to C!


  1. It’s 100 % portable C.
  2. It requires very little state (2 bytes).
  3. It’s not dependent on an OS.
  4. It’s a bit simpler to understand than protothreads because the async state is caller-saved rather than callee-saved.
# include "async.h"  struct async pt; struct timer timer;  async example (struct async * pt) {     async_begin (pt);          while (1) {         if (initiate_io ()) {             timer_start (& timer);             await (io_completed () || timer_expired (& timer));             read_data ();         }     }     async_end; }

This library is basically a modified version of the idioms found in theProtothreadslibrary by Adam Dunkels, so it’s not truly ground breaking. I’ve made a few tweaks that make it more understandable and generate more compact code, and I also think it more cleanly maps to the async / await semantics than it does to true threading.

Protothreads and async.h are both based around local continuations, but where protothreads are callee-saved, async.h is caller-saved. This eliminates the need to pass in the local continuation to any async operations exceptasync_begin. This simplifies the macros that implement the async / await idiom, and even simplifies code that uses async.h.

Here’s a simple example of fork-join style “parallelism”:

# include "async.h"  typedef struct {     async_state;     struct async nested1;     struct async nested2; } example_state; example_state pt;  async nested (struct async * pt) {     async_begin (pt);     ...     async_end; }  async example (example_state * pt) {     async_begin (pt);      // fork two nested async subroutines and wait until both complete     async_init (& pt->nested1);     async_init (& pt->nested2);     await (async_call (nested, & pt->nested1) & async_call (nested, & pt->nested2));          // fork two nested async subroutines and wait until at least one completes     async_init (& pt->nested1);     async_init (& pt->nested2);     await (async_call (nested, & pt->nested1) | async_call (nested, & pt->nested2));      async_end; }

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