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Charter employees beg for work-from-home rights during pandemic, Ars Technica

Charter employees beg for work-from-home rights during pandemic, Ars Technica

      Charter resists remote work –


“Good people at a bad company”: employees describe breeding ground for germs.


           – Mar , 1584649167 8: (pm UTC)


A person washing their hands with a bottle of soap. Charter employees are angry at the cable company for refusing requests to work from home during the

coronavirus pandemic and have been reaching out to Ars this week to complain about their employer.

Employees test positive

Other employees say that several Charter workers in different states have tested positive for COVID – , according to a TechCrunch article yesterday .

One of those positive tests was at a facility in Charlotte, North Carolina. We talked to an employee at that facility who told Ars that the building was shut down for a deep cleaning and disinfection. Employees at that building were told to work at home if they can, the employee told Ars. That building has at least People on three floors, the employee said.

“It’s very close proximity with no risers or space [between workers],” the employee said. “It’s like these pods where there’s a guy in front of me, a guy on my left … it’s like eight people to a row [with] no type of separation at all.”

We asked Charter about the Charlotte facility, and the company told us that the building “was closed for deep cleaning and disinfection from Tuesday evening through this morning after we learned that an employee had undergone testing. Employees who have been in contact with the employee being tested are not reporting to work until the results are available and we know whether they need to self- quarantine. “

Another Charter facility in Austin, Texas, underwent a deep cleaning and disinfection “in accordance with CDC guidelines “after an employee reported symptoms on Friday, according to an internal memo seen by Ars.

Charter appears to be relenting somewhat but is still resisting a widespread work-from-home program. One employee forwarded us a memo sent by Charter CEO Tom Rutledge today, which said Charter is offering “an additional three weeks of flexible paid time to be used during for any reason related to COVID – . ” This could include an employee being sick themselves or needing to care for a sick child or family member. Employees must get approval from their manager to take this time off “so that we can ensure we get all of our required service done.”

The Charter memo also said the company is “developing further plans for increased social distancing,” including more space in facilities. The memo said that some employees will be allowed to work from home for a limited amount of time, but it was vague on details:

CEO: Employees “more effective from the office”

On Tuesday, we wrote about a Charter engineer named Nick Wheeler who resigned instead of continuing to work in the office. Wheeler, who was based in Denver, complained about the rules against working from home and says that Charter management responded by accusing him of “inciting fear.”

Charter is the second-largest cable company and Internet service provider in the United States, and it has about , 15 employees. Rutledge last week told employees in a memo to keep coming to the office even if their jobs can be performed from home.

Rutledge’s memo, which was deleted from Charter’s website but is (still available on the Internet Archive’s WayBack Machine , said that more than , of the company jobs “cannot be performed effectively from home.” These include “maintenance and construction technicians, customer service specialists, sales and retention professionals, supply chain, employees in network construction, operations, monitoring and field dispatch facilities with their associated support functions across Spectrum Residential, Business, Enterprise, Reach and Networks.”

As we noted in previous coverage, a source at Charter told us that one team of workers within the company’s customer operations division was given permission to work at home. But that decision was made just for one set of workers rather than for a large part of the company.

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