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Live Preview: Defending against email threats – How can enterprises build the last line of defense



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Introduction: On May 29th (Wednesday) at 15:00, discuss defense strategies against email security threats with the CACTER Email Security Team!

According to the latest data from the Coremail Email Security Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, in the first quarter of 2024, enterprise-level users across the country suffered 3.905 billion indiscriminate brute force cracks, of which 8.193 million were successful.

2022 Q3-2024 Q1全域暴力破解攻击趋势.png

After in-depth research by Coremail, we have observed a clear focus trend on target industries, whether it is the number of phishing emails received, the amount of spam, or the number of brute force attacks, especially the enterprise and education industries have become the hardest hit areas.

Cause Analysis

1. Single-factor authentication and weak passwords

Although two-factor authentication can provide additional security, many companies and universities fail to force all employees to use two-factor authentication because it increases the number of login steps and time consumption. Single-factor authentication and simple password settings provide opportunities for attackers, reduce the difficulty of cracking, and increase the success rate of attacks.

2. Email users have weak security awareness

Email users generally lack the necessary security awareness and are easily deceived by phishing emails, resulting in sensitive information leakage and financial losses. Some users are used to searching for emails in spam folders for fear of misjudgment of emails, which undoubtedly increases the risk of being attacked.

3. Email security maintenance is difficult

The information department is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the entire information system. Due to the particularity of the enterprise and education industries, they are more likely to become targets of malicious attacks, which undoubtedly increases the protection pressure on operation and maintenance personnel.

“Administrator-Coremail-User” secure closed loop construction

Email theft and phishing attacks have formed a chain reaction, breaking through the security line of corporate email. The CACTER email security team proposed at a live exchange meeting in August last year that anti-phishing and anti-theft are inseparable, and only by forming a closed security loop can the problem of account theft be minimized.


The research direction of CAC2.0 has always focused on achieving a secure closed loop among “mailbox administrators-Coremail-mail users”, aiming to allow mailbox users to participate in protection work, reduce the management costs of mailbox administrators, and improve the efficiency of anti-phishing and anti-theft.

After nearly a year of in-depth research, how does CAC2.0 cleverly implement the security closed loop of “Mailbox Administrator-Coremail-Mailbox User”? Faced with rampant mailbox hacking and rampant phishing emails, how can enterprises build the last line of defense?

May 29 (Wednesday) 15:00-16:00

Defending against email threats – How can enterprises build the last line of defense?

·Build a closed security loop-user protection case sharing

·CAC2.0 full life cycle protection & revealing new functions

(1) Display of protection measures in the login-sending-receiving stages

(2) A preview of the new feature “Threat Email Alert”

The CACTER Email Security Team sincerely invites all customers to join the live broadcast room to discuss defense strategies against email threats!

Scan the QR code in the picture to sign up for the live broadcast

Stay tuned for more exciting news!


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