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Microbrowsers Are Everywhere, Hacker News

Microbrowsers Are Everywhere, Hacker News



You’ve seen it everywhere – that little thumbnail preview of a website mentioned in a tweet, the expanded description in a Slack channel, or in WhatsApp group chat.

Chat message with Preview Link

Link Preview vs. Real Website

These link previews are so commonplace that we hardly pay any attention to how our site design might be impacting the generated preview. Yet, these previews can be the most influential part for attracting new audiences and increasing engagement – possibly more than SEO. Even more alarming is that most web analytics are blind to this traffic and can’t show you how these Microbrowsers are interacting with your site.

As we close out the year, here are five essential questions and ideas that every web dev should know about Microbrowsers.

1. What are Microbrowsers? How are they different from “normal” browser?

We are all very familiar with the main browsers like Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Edge and Internet Explorer. Not to mention the many new browsers that use Chromium as the rendering engine but offer unique user experiences likeSamsung Internet) or Brave.

In contrast, Microbrowsers are a class of User-Agents that also visit website links, parse HTML and generate a user experience. But unlike those traditional browsers, the HTML parsing is limited and the rendering engine is singularly focused. The experience is not intended to be interactive. Rather the experience is intended to be representational – to give the user a hint of what exists on the other side of the URL.

Creating link previews is not new. Facebook and Twitter have been adding these link previews in posts for nearly a decade. That used to be the primary use case. Marketing teams created backlog items to adopt different micro data – fromTwitter CardsandOpen Graphannotations for Facebook.LinkedIn likewiseembraced bothOpen GraphandOEmbedtags to help generate the previews


As group chats and other collaboration tools have become more prevalent, we have seen many features from the big social media platforms emerge. Particularly in recent years we’ve seen the adoption of the link unfurling behavior in these chat platforms. Rather than reinventing the wheel, each platform looks for pre-existing micro data to generate the preview.

The challenge now is that each communication platform parses and interprets this micro-data in different ways, and presents the information in differing ways.

2. If Microbrowsers are everywhere, why don’t I see them in my analytics reports?

It’s easy to miss the traffic from Microbrowsers. This is for a number of reasons:

First, page requests from Microbrowsers don’t run JavaScript and they don’t accept cookies. The Google Analytics block won't be run or executed. And all cookie will be ignored by the rendering agent.

Second, if you were to do a log analysis based on HTTP logs from your CDN or web stack, you would see a relatively small volume of traffic. That is assuming you can identify the User-Agent strings. Some of these Microbrowsers impersonate real browsers and others impersonate Facebook or twitter. For example, iMessage uses the same User-Agent string for all these requests and it hasn’t changed since iOS 9.

User-Agent: Mozilla / 5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X_ 1)              AppleWebKit / 2.4 (KHTML, like Gecko)              Version / 9.0.1 Safari / (**********************************************************************. 2.4              facebookexternalhit / 1.1              Facebot Twitterbot / 1.0

Finally, many platforms – particularly Facebook Messenger and Hangouts use centralized services to request the preview layout. This is in contrast to WhatsApp * and iMessage where you will see one request per user. In the centralized consumer approach your web servers will only see one request, but this one request might represent thousands of eyeballs.

3. Microbrowser are probably more important than google bot

We all know the importance of having our web sites crawled by search engines like googlebot. These bots are the lifeblood for lead generation and for discovering new users.

However, the real gold for marketers is from word-of-mouth discussions. Those conversations with your friends when you recommend a TV show, a brand of clothing, or share a news report. This is the most valuable kind of marketing.

Last year when assembling the data for Cloudinary’sThe Same URL Previewed With Different BrowsersState of the Visual Mediareport, I discovered that there was a very prominent usage pattern over the USA holiday season. During thanksgiving, all the way to Black Friday, the rate of link sharing sky rocketed as group chats shared deals and insights.

Zooming out (and normalizing for time-of-day), we can see that there is a daily cadence of link sharing and word of mouth referrals. It probably isn’t a shock to see that we predominantly share links in Slack between Monday and Friday, while WhatsApp is used all week long. Likewise, WhatsApp is most often used during our ‘break’ times like lunch or in the evening after we put the kids to bed.

While the link preview is increasingly common, there are two user behaviors to balance:

Users can be skeptical of links sent via SMS and other chats. We don’t want to be fooled into clicking a fishing links and so we look for other queues to offer validation. This is why most platforms use the preview while also emphasize the website url host name.

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