
gchq / stroom, Hacker News

gchq / stroom, Hacker News



Stroom is a data processing, storage and analysis platform. It is scalable – just add more CPUs / servers for greater throughput. It is suitable for processing high volume data such as system logs, to provide valuable insights into IT performance and usage.

Stroom provides a number of powerful capabilities:

  • Data ingest.Receive and store large volumes of data such as native format logs. Ingested data is always available in its raw form.
  • Data transformation pipelines.Create sequences of XSL and text operations, in order to normalize or export data in any format. It is possible to enrich data using lookups and reference data.
  • Integrated transformation development.Easily add new data formats and debug the transformations if they don’t work as expected.
  • Scalable Search.Create multiple indexes with different retention periods. These can be sharded across your cluster.
  • Dashboards.Run queries against your indexes or statistics and view the results within custom visualisations.
  • Statistics.Record counts or values ​​of items over time, providing answers to questions such as “how many times has a specific machine provided data in the last hour / day / month? “

********************************************************************** Get Stroom

To run Stroom in docker do the following:

************************************ (Download and extract the latest Stroom v6 stack bashcurl -s https: / / into the new stack directory cdstroom_core_test / stroom_core_test* (*****************************#(Start the stack) **************************** ./

For more details on the commands above and any prerequisites see Running Stroom in Docker Containers

For the releases of the core Stroom product, see Stroom releasesFor the releases of the docker application stacks, seeStroom-Resources releases

The Stroom application spans several repositories but we’ve bundled all the documentation into therepository. That’s where to look if you want any of these:


If you’d like to make a contribution then the details for doing all of that are in


Stroom and its associated libraries, services and content span several repositories:

stroom-visualisations-dev- A set of visualizations for use in Stroom.

  • - An XML Schema for describing auditable events.
  • (********************************** (event-logging) - A JAXB API for the event-loggingXML Schema.
  • ******************************************************** ****************************** Build Status (**********************************************Stroom Authentication(************************************************************

      ************************************** (Read More) ************

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