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The Network in the Language


For decades, programming languages ​​have treated networks simply as I / O sources. Ballerina introduces fundamental, new abstractions of client objects, services, resource functions, and listeners to bring networking into the language so that programmers can directly address the Fallacies of Distributed Computing as part of their application logic. This facilitates resilient, secure, performant network applications to be within every programmer’s reach.






Sequence Diagrams for Programming


Sequence diagrams have been everyone’s favorite tool to describe how distributed & concurrent programs work. Yet, no current programming language lets you write your logic as a sequence diagram. In Ballerina, every program is a sequence diagram that illustrates distributed and concurrent interactions automatically. The diagram is the code. The code is the diagram.








Structural, Open-by-Default Typing


Static typing is the network application programmer’s development headache and dynamic typing is the reliability engineer’s nightmare. Ballerina’s statically-typed, structural type system that is designed to be network data schema friendly allows application programmers to write code that adheres to the Robustness Principle : Be conservative in what you send, be liberal in what you accept.






From Code to Cloud


In the cloud-era, running a program is no longer just a matter of compiling and executing but rather it is about compiling, building the image, pushing the image, configuring container orchestration, and .. eventually running. Ballerina brings the entire program execution process to the hands of the developer with extensible metadata that gets compiled to runnable programs for all major cloud platforms. You code, we cloud!








Batteries Included


Today’s network is democratized! HTTPS to HTTP / 2 to WebSockets to WebSub to AMQP to JSON to XML to ProtoBuf to gRPC to OpenAPI to plain old bytes – Ballerina has it all in the standard library and toolchain to help developers increasing build applications. At development time, Ballerina covers documentation, testing, sharing, versioning, and more. We plumb, you build!






Developer First


Programs in the real world are written once and read tens to hundreds of times. Whenever possible, Ballerina prioritizes programmer convenience & productivity with familiarity, clearer abstractions, and easier concepts over uber system performance. Today, hardware is cheap, we programmers are not and time to market is everything.




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